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Tackling Doggy Guarding Issues.


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right most of you know we got harlie a couple of days ago and her and brian have had some fights over the past couple of days over food/toys/people

today she went nuts because brian tried to drink out of the water bowl -__- hes got a split lip and were all fuming about it. so my plan is to tackle this head on!

I'm going to do this thing where every time harlie even growls at brian or leeli over anything i will stick her in her crate for ten minutes (no eye contact or talking at all) then when we let her out im not even going to look/talk/touch her for 30 minutes after. do you think this sounds like an okay way of dealing with it? i'm up for suggestions but ive just thought of this idea and it sounds okay? also do you think getting her spayed will sort this out? thanks guys! sorry for so many harlie related posts lmao xx

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It's just that the forum tends to be a little quiet around this time of the day. We're down one active international member ( me ) who's sitting in 'the opposite' time zone to keep questions answered even when UK and US folks have gone to bed.

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Same as Nix if you use the crate for sleeping and when you are away do NOT use it as punsihment..that will open a whole different can of worms...


if it gets to much between my 2 the one who started it goes in the hal, with the command HALL, and will be ignored for a short amount of time, and will be let back in by us if it comes back by itself then back in the hall so that they know it is not good what they did...it works with us..only have to say HALL and it stops even on the camping where we do not even have a hall LOLOL

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Try the nothing in life is free method also I agree with nix I wouldn't use her crate as a punishment just stick her out the room when your feeding them, your eating etc pop her in her crate so she can't guard why you work on it. It's the first few weeks try to avoid putting toys out less you can separate them

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It's a tricky one with water as you can't exactly 'hand feed' that and dogs needs access to it all the time.


I agree not to put her in her crate but somewhere else away from you and the others, say for 10 minutes.  I don't think ignoring her after wll help all that much, maybe give her and one of the others a cuddle, just show her we are all friends and can get along nicely if you only try.


Good luck

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same as everyone else, crates shouldn't be used as punishment, i use it for time outs but never for punishment, usually the word "enough" is well, enough for them to take themselves off to their beds for five minutes. in fact "enough" usually stops most things


how about a second bowl in a different part of the house? establish different areas for different dogs, you could even try water in their crates? although that could end up messy, Skye will tip hers over in a second whereas Holly is far too polite and we end up throwing hers away lol

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ah okay! good to know, i will use the hall instead. i was worried that putting her in her crate as a punishment would do more harm than good. i read on ceaser millan that if you ignore the dog afterwards for a bit it like establishes whose the leader? i dont know what any of you think of millan. i know i love him but i know loads of people hate his techniques?

as for the water bowl we have a strict everyone stays in the living room/kitchen area except at night where its the bedroom. i could be putting a extra bowl in the living room. it was almost like she was guarding the entire kitchen room last night which i am obviously not happy about. brian is 37kg and harlie is 29kg and brian stands no chance, which is very odd considering whenever we see another dog he goes all agressive.. i now think brian could be beaten by a daschund. poor guy was shaking and i had to drag him into the kitchen after the fight to prove to harlie that he had still 'won' god its all so confusing?! also i was reading on the spaying website that guarding behaviour can be taken care of with spaying or atleast help it a bit? i mean she's only three so i dont know?! but then again if she's used to doing it. argh i dont know?! feel like crying with it all to be honest. lol

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Not many of us on here are fans of Ceaser Milan.

There was an episode where a woman had 2 Huskies, she wasn't very strong (she had some infirmity, back problem or something) and they would pull like crazy

So she asked him for help.

he tried and tried to stop them pulling, nope didn't work.

His solution, he had to take the dogs for a long run first, to tire them out only then

were they calm enough to be taught to walk nicely.

So the woman who wasn't physically able to control them in the first place has to run her dogs before she can walk the dogs.

Hmmmmmmm :P


Plus all the alpha rolling / pinning techniques. Not a big fan

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Not many of us on here are fans of Ceaser Milan.

There was an episode where a woman had 2 Huskies, she wasn't very strong (she had some infirmity, back problem or something) and they would pull like crazy

So she asked him for help.

he tried and tried to stop them pulling, nope didn't work.

His solution, he had to take the dogs for a long run first, to tire them out only then

were they calm enough to be taught to walk nicely.

So the woman who wasn't physically able to control them in the first place has to run her dogs before she can walk the dogs.

Hmmmmmmm :P


Plus all the alpha rolling / pinning techniques. Not a big fan

and there are some more issues not with a husky that rattled my cage...and a few (lot) of other peoples cages as well...:P

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Ahhh, ive never seen that episode i have seen with another husky who pulled. He gave her a backpack with water in and i thought it was a nice idea :) ive always thought he used quite good techniques though i felt it wasn't right for the dog to have to be always looking at him. Felt it took something away from them as dogs, ya know? :)

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my dogs only have harnesses for bikejoring :S see that method wouldnt work obviously it would either make him afraid of the cat or make him more agressive! :/


N he ran them on collars not harnesses!! Yeah not many people are a fan , the one I saw that I hated was he put a shock collar on a gsd who didn't like cats put a cat right in front of him n then shocked the hell out of the poor dog

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I'd never heard of him until now.  What an idiot!  Know what I'd say to him.....


Some of his techniques might work with some breeds but deffo not huskies, they are just too stubborn. If I tried to get Harry to look at me he would just close his eyes, then what? Pins his eyelids open?

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Let's get the Caesar Millan out the way first:

He was invited onto the Alan Titchmarsh Show  (for those that don't know him, a very mild man and made his reputation on his gardening show):

"So, Millan, why did you punch the dog?"

"I didn't, I just touched it"

"Well, I wouldn't like to get touched by you"

And when his show went to Germany, he took the dog handling test (one of the few countries in the world that require passing a test to be a dog behaourist). He failed, claimed it was "the langauge barrier" to which the response was that they couldn't say why he'd failed (privacy laws) but it was nothing to do with language! So his show featured him without him handling dogs!

I feel much better now, having got that out the way!

(to be fair, he has done some great stuff but it was in the abscence of anyone else - now they're more people, people who do it better and without the brutal tactics!)


Now to get back to on thread:

Think the removal from the vicinity is one way of dealing with the issue though I'm a bit of a believer in desensitizing. In other words, allowing the situation and then de-fusing - probably in this case having another water bowl and then moving them closer. Doesn't need to be water in the bowls, can be treats. So, if she looks as if she's going to have a go, then tell her "No" (and prevent if necessary) and then when he or she eats/drinks without antagonism from her, loads of praise. I've found that positives seem to always work better than negatives though that's not to dismiss negatives altogether! ;)

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