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A Husky With No Tail :(


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So my beautiful girl has had demodex since we got her from the rescue centre, (June) she was treated and looked so much better so the vet told us she was fine now- then in October (2 months after) it started again. My vet took skin scrapes this time and biopsy so see if there wasn't underlying problem (which there wasn't) We were back to square one.

Ghost lost all her fur on her feet and face and they became swollen, but with perseverance and a new vet, she now looks amazing!! Then last month she started chewing her tail in the middle, we concentrated on treating that area and made her wear a cone at night, as she couldn't reach the middle she started on the end of the tail. She has been on 3 courses of antibiotics, I've tried homeopathic remedies, I've extended the cone so she can't reach the end. Yet at any opportunity she bites her tail. - proper gnawing at it.

I went back today and the vet said there's nothing more we can do- the end is now dead and the middle un-repairable. And she now sees it as a foreign object. She is to have it amputated.

I feel heart broken for her. I know at least she will be out of pain, but I'm worried that she'll miss it and that it got this far and what if people are mean about her?

So sad [emoji20]

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So sorry to hear she's been suffering. The mum of my staffy Brooke had to have her tail docked as she kept tearing it apart chewing on it constantly. She was fine once it had been docked. Good luck with the op, hope all goes well. Xxxx

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at least her being in agony might be over...she will not care about people it will be you that cares but you know she is not in pain anymore so who cares...well that is my tought about it...

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This reminds me a bit of myia x when she was a puppy my daughter caught her tail under the door and it just bled and bled and was so far up her tail I assumed the worse x I took her to vets and they shaved it to take a closer look started her on antibiotics and told me to keep it clean but open to let the air get to it x went back two weeks later still not healing so they gave her another lot of antibiotics and said the tail takes forever to heal so amputation was a option as it's like half way up was no feeling whatsoever x I said no and took her home with the second lot of antibiotics

Two weeks later again still not healing and the tip and inch or so down was so hard it was just dead never got infected due to the antibiotics stopping it and regular cleaning but just wasn't healing x went back to vets and they said must amputate as she can become very sick if spreads but I insisted she was perfect in herself all bloodwork was fine etc etc and once again I said no

I decided to then seek advice from another vet and whilst waiting for a appointment nearly a month in and myia being perfectly healthy eating drinking playing etc we was at puppy play group and the end of her tail that had gone black just literally fell off and I was all in a panic so I left training and went straight to the second vet who I was waiting for a appointment for and he took one look and said it's healthy tissue that's left and to keep a eye on it and gave me more antibiotics but said it should heal fine but just keep eye on it and if gets worse to go back but not once did he mention amputation ....

Well month or so later as it did take a while to heal it seemed like eternity it healed perfect and she may be minus a inch or so but she still has most of it and if I had listened to my first vet she would have no tail now x plz don't take my story as gospel as everyone's situation is different and the severity of the problem is also different and I am by no means a vet or pretend to be I'm just giving you my experience on a similar situation x but I never except the first diagnosis for my furbabies or my grown up babies lol and never have but if worse comes to worse then ure husky will still be beautiful and if it's definitely in her best interests then at least she will not be suffering x good luck x x

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Hello everyone- thank you for your support and replies. [emoji8]

We decided to give Ghost another fortnight on antibiotics and painkillers before booking her in for her tail op.

In that time we thought we would give her extra attention (not that she wasn't getting enough already!) we did lots of playing, walking, she had 24 hour around the clock care. We made sure she wore the improved cone of shame at night or if she was sat with us whilst we were doing housework (as you can't keep your eyes on her continuously!) her tail was looking like it was healing nicely- we haven't had any fur growth but we had no open wounds!!

I noticed that when we out walking or in playing she kept looking back at her tail so I would tell her no and distract her, but the last 2 days she managed to attack it, gnawing on it like it was a corn on the cob. Once when I turned my back on her to pick up the cone and once when we were out walking and stopped to talk to someone. I feel that she waiting for any opportunity to attack it.

The issue I'm having is that the vet said he sees this sort of thing all the time and even after it heals they will keep retuning to it.

- we've been dealing with this since November and I just can't break her habit.

I really don't want her to loose the whole tail but I just don't now how to stop her from doing this. I'm worried that if she has her tail removed she will start gnawing at something else???

Has anyone had any experience in this kind of behaviour?

Please help xx

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Brooke's mother used to gnaw on her tail almost obsessed with it, trying to chew her way right through it from what I heard. She had her tail docked and after that there were no more problems. She didn't chew other parts of her body.....but she did start trying to chomp her way through a brick wall. Managed to take out quite a bit of it too before she calmed down eventually and stopped chewing on things.

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