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Harlie Is Not Going Back To Her Old Owners..


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I've just sent them a text to say we cant keep her anymore.

I am really upset for Harlie as its not fair on her but she would benefit from a home with no other dogs.

both leeli and brian have alsorts of marks on their faces from her and its just not working out.

we took too much on thinking we could help her but its just backfired. 

i am really upset and also worried about how the previous owner is going to react..

though if she's angry i can understand why.. i just hope she isnt..

we both feel like idiots for taking her on and i just wanted to tell everyone that she wont be with us anymore..

sorry for being such **** owners.

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i still havent recieved a reply from that lady and im starting to worry!!! i was hoping to get harlie back to her owners tonight but looks like she might have to stay another night now. she's still getting loads of cuddles though 

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Hope it works out x you're not a bad owner, the bad ones don't care xx

I agree with Tina 110%.  It's the bad owners who don't care.

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we've paid 100 pound and were going to be giving her 150 throughout the month but now im like does she still want the money what do i do oh my god help someone i am so stressed and shocked

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we've paid 100 pound and were going to be giving her 150 throughout the month but now im like does she still want the money what do i do oh my god help someone i am so stressed and shocked

I'm sorry to hear that. :( What did she say exactly? 

If she sold you the dog, I don't think she has to take her back if things don't work out. Did you sign a contract of any kind?

I'd ask her if she still wants the money. She probably still does. You might have to bite the bullet and have to give up Harlie to a shelter. 


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the owner has said ;

youve had her for w hile now its not fair you dont want her after all this time

we have puppies and kittens now and we cant take her back after all this time im sorry

so i said ;

there are quite a lot of issues with harlie, we dont want any money back from her we just cant cope with her, i dont know what your expecting me to do because we cant keep her

she just replied saying ;

i sent you a text saying if she was coming to yours it would be her final home

as its not fair to confuse her  we have building work going on and kittens and puppies nd two dogs

we allowed u to have her even giving us small payments which i doubt we will be seeing now  and we were going to get smething for us with the money

I havent replied. i have no idea what to reply with. other than ;

okay well i dont know what to do then?!?!?!?!?!

I'm sorry to hear that. :( What did she say exactly? 

If she sold you the dog, I don't think she has to take her back if things don't work out. Did you sign a contract of any kind?

I'd ask her if she still wants the money. She probably still does. You might have to bite the bullet and have to give up Harlie to a shelter. 


if i gave her to a shelter they would put her down, she is so agressive ect, :(

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Hm...that's a tough situation. But she did say that you would be her final home (so that means no 'returns'). Did she tell you that Harlie had issues? (I'm not exactly sure what Harlie's issues are...dog-dog aggression?)

Have you tried a professional behaviourist? Maybe they can help you work with Harlie.

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we have not enough money for a behaviourist.. other wise it would be the first stop!

we were not informed of any of her problems which include 

guarding toys/food/objects/rooms/certain areas and if any dog over steps that boundary she attacks them . brian and leeli both have scratches all over their face from her biting them and she has even torn brians lip a bit and managed to be about half a centimetre away from leeli's eye so im worried about that.

also she pulls on the lead constantly.

we were told she knew sit/down/paw/heel/wait/stay but she doesnt know them at all.

she's also mental when she sees another dog, like worse than brian and if she goes up to them i have to drag her away because she tries to bite the dog for no reason. so yeah there were loads of issues we were not told about at all..

UPDATE: we have been told that we can sell her on a website if we want and i dont think they expect the 150 pound... i would be putting her on for free and to someone that can deal with all of this...

As a short term measure can you separate them or perhaps muzzle her if she is biting the others. How long have you had her? Are any of them neutered?

brian is nuetered leeli is spayed but harlie isnt spayed. weve had her almost 3 weeks. 

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I really haven't got much advice but I would use a head collar to walk her with - we had to do this with Tanna when we first got her as she couln't walk on a lead. She is better now but I still use it when going to new places as it gves so much more control.

It does take a long time for some dogs to be really settled around others - it took months before Tanna and Storm would lie next to each other. I still always feed them separatedly and move any toys or items which cause arguments. ( usually food items Stormlikes to take treats to her cage as she feels safer there)

I would be wary of passing her on with these issues unless it was to an experienced owner

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So sorry to hear of your problems with Harlie.

We took on a Malamute Malaki a couple of years ago. 

We had him for 6 months but eventually had to pass him back to the charity we got him from for exactly the same reasons, 

fighting with the other 3, guarding and posessiveness.

He did some serious damage to Darwins leg, that was the last straw, and I think that's where Darwin gets his aggressiveness towards other dogs from now.

We had 2 1/2  years of non stop fighting between Echo and Darwin ( I even got bit trying to separate them) but we toughed that out,

but Malaki was just too big for the other guys to defend against

Sometimes it doesn't work out.

Big hugs for trying.


However she may say she's pedigree, but without papers to prove it. . . she's not.

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we are thinking about putting her on for 150 to a owner that has no dogs or animals and also wouldnt be getting any. 

i would put her on for free but i think they want all the money asap and we cant do it. i dont know what to do guys?

she's saying that her parents have full pedigree and i can have their papers , but shes not got papers? what .

shes not a pedigree then?! i honestly feel like i'm having a meltdown and i dont know what to do at all.

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Kizzy.....I know it's hard but you need to calm down and take a breath.....Harlie and the others will be sensing your stress and that's just going to make everyone on edge....perhaps look on the situation with fresh eyes tomorrow?

In the meantime.....keep the pooches separated to avoid anymore cofuffles, take Harlie out for a walk on her own just to settle you both down, keep her on a tight lead if you can and give her plenty of commands along the way. Stop intermittently if she pulls and make her sit until she has settled a moment and then carry on.....it can make for a long walk but I think you need to do it this way until you can rehome her. I get the feeling that Harlie was probably rehomed before she came to you due to her behaviour and sadly this is bound to have affected her so it's not your fault at all.

Walk Brian & Leelie together seeing as they are ok together, adopt the same techniques of tight leads, plenty of commands and intermittent stopping etc, also use lots of treats for good behaviour. if you are keeping these two then come up with a proper training plan for walks and general household etiquette, it is hard work but is worthwhile for everyone's sanity.....like children, they need boundaries, even if they do look at you with those "let me have my own way" cute eyes

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