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Harlie Is Not Going Back To Her Old Owners..


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Kizzy.....I know it's hard but you need to calm down and take a breath.....Harlie and the others will be sensing your stress and that's just going to make everyone on edge....perhaps look on the situation with fresh eyes tomorrow?

In the meantime.....keep the pooches separated to avoid anymore cofuffles, take Harlie out for a walk on her own just to settle you both down, keep her on a tight lead if you can and give her plenty of commands along the way. Stop intermittently if she pulls and make her sit until she has settled a moment and then carry on.....it can make for a long walk but I think you need to do it this way until you can rehome her. I get the feeling that Harlie was probably rehomed before she came to you due to her behaviour and sadly this is bound to have affected her so it's not your fault at all.

Walk Brian & Leelie together seeing as they are ok together, adopt the same techniques of tight leads, plenty of commands and intermittent stopping etc, also use lots of treats for good behaviour. if you are keeping these two then come up with a proper training plan for walks and general household etiquette, it is hard work but is worthwhile for everyone's sanity.....like children, they need boundaries, even if they do look at you with those "let me have my own way" cute eyes

thanks. i need to get a hold of myself. i just got a bit freaked out by it all.

i know this is proper stupid but i cant take her out at night on my own because i get scared. lmao

going to take them all out but have harlie far behind enough so that they can all be seperate. and she's going to have a muzzle on when we go out.

i honestly cant imagine anyone wanting a dog with so many problems...

while i have her i will try and sort atleast one thing out :(

im looking forward to training leeli and brian ive got a small plan in mind to deal with certain things and today was the first were only going for a walk if everyones calm ! so im aiming on keeping that up. the stopping while walking sounds good though. hopefully i wont go flying again :) thanks so much xx

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Please don't advertise her for free, I know it's not always the case but a lot of the time that attracts people that can't really afford a dog, and sometimes they are taken for dog fighting.

Wish you all the luck, I don't think the Dogs Trust put dogs down you know

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Please don't advertise her for free, I know it's not always the case but a lot of the time that attracts people that can't really afford a dog, and sometimes they are taken for dog fighting.

Wish you all the luck, I don't think the Dogs Trust put dogs down you know

i have put her on for 150 instead. i agree with you. never know what could happen but ive said i want them to come see her,, and then i go for a home check coz im crazy.

there is literally no dogs trust anywhere near me sadly. and i love the dogs trust ive seen how great they are and it makes me actually want to work for them XD

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I know this is going to sound harsh and you probably don't want to hear it right now but it's Harlie I feel sorry for.  Between you and the woman who 'sold' her to you she probably doesn't know whether she's coming or going.  Please remind me how old Harlie is?


I don't know her story but from what I've read on this post it sounds as though her previous owner couldn't cope with her, that was 3 weeks ago and now she's got puppies and cats!  That was pretty quick.  Then youve stated you want to sell Harlie for £150 so you can pay this woman.  To me it all seems to be about money and not what's best for the dog.


If you truly can't handle Harlie, then the best thing would be to put her up for adoption for free with an experienced owner.  There are quite a few husky/malamute charities that will most likely be able to put you in touch with the right person to take Harlie on.


I really wished it had worked out for you and her, I'm sure with the right family she'll make a wonderful addition. There's no such thing as a bad dog.......

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I know this is going to sound harsh and you probably don't want to hear it right now but it's Harlie I feel sorry for.  Between you and the woman who 'sold' her to you she probably doesn't know whether she's coming or going.  Please remind me how old Harlie is?


I don't know her story but from what I've read on this post it sounds as though her previous owner couldn't cope with her, that was 3 weeks ago and now she's got puppies and cats!  That was pretty quick.  Then youve stated you want to sell Harlie for £150 so you can pay this woman.  To me it all seems to be about money and not what's best for the dog.


If you truly can't handle Harlie, then the best thing would be to put her up for adoption for free with an experienced owner.  There are quite a few husky/malamute charities that will most likely be able to put you in touch with the right person to take Harlie on.


I really wished it had worked out for you and her, I'm sure with the right family she'll make a wonderful addition. There's no such thing as a bad dog.......

yeah i understand i feel really bad for harlie as well, im still giving her loads of cuddles and i am actually trying to do whats best for her coz right now its not being with us.

the only reason i am putting her on for 150 is because this lady wants the money asap and we do not have any money. and also like was previously said some people get dogs for free and dont treat them too great.

also ive noticed some people dont even look at adverts for dogs over 100 pound unless they honestly want them. 

yeah they breed a lot from what ive been told so its not too great.

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I'm not having a go but you would have had to pay this woman even if Harlie was staying with you, so I don't understand why you feel the need to sell her.  Contact a shelter or charity group and they will take her on.  Please don't let her be sold for a pittance of £150.00 to some inexperienced person who just fancies themselves a husky. As you know only too well they can be a challenging breed and not for the faint hearted.


The reason I say this is because I have rescued 3 of Harlie, dogs no one wants for some reason or other, difficult dogs, food aggressive dogs, destructive dogs, SA dogs, escape artist dogs.  You name it each of mine has at least one of those negative traits I've mentioned.  


We got all of our dogs through a rescue centre and we were vetted to make sure we knew what we were taking on, they don't like having to rehome dogs more than once. Please do the right thing by her and sort out paying this woman another way.

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If it were me, I wouldn't bother contracting that woman again and I wouldn't give her any money at all.....I realise that might be controversial but really, what's she going to do? There's no contract so she can't actually do anything, she clearly isn't a responsible person because if she was then she would be helping you, instead she has filled her house with puppies and kittens and is demanding money???

I do share Clare's sorrow for Harlie though, it is a shame for her, whoever her new parents turn out to be please tell them the truth about her behaviour so they know what they are getting into and can plan her training.....also, ask LOADS of questions, if they refuse to answer them then they are not the right people.....anyone worth they salt will know how hard it is to rehome her and will want you to know all about them

I really hope you can resolve this quickly.....

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right i have posted an advert in it i have explained that she has food agression

she guards what ever she can get her hands on, she pulls on the lead and that she is very bad with dogs

i have said she will only be given to someone who has no other pets/no children and is already familiar with the breed and i would really like someone who has already dealt with problems like this. im not just going to give her to the first person i see.

they will be required to come see harlie, and i would also require a home check to make sure they dont own any other animals.

i will also be wanting the peson to keep in contact with me for atleast the first couple of months to make sure she is doing okay.

believe me i am not giving her to anyone. its literally going to be someone with experience,. i dont mind if it takes a month or two to find a new owner. i just want to find the right home for her.

personally i dont think this lady should be getting any money for the simple fact she sold me her when she knew that harlie was really bad.

i have just found out that i will be able to giver her money everytime we get paid. so thats a plus 

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If I wasn't pregnant I would of taken her on I have dealt with all these issues with my boy jasper and my foster dogs and all have changed. I believe she needs a home where she isn't going to be passed about jasper had issues due to this very reason. She needs time to adjust. Contact a dog trainer hun

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If I wasn't pregnant I would of taken her on I have dealt with all these issues with my boy jasper and my foster dogs and all have changed. I believe she needs a home where she isn't going to be passed about jasper had issues due to this very reason. She needs time to adjust. Contact a dog trainer hun

we actually have a dog trainer coming up on sunday which was previously planned! so will be asking her some tips hoping we can help her out while she is with us. thanks, yeah i dont even know how she is with kids and especially a newborn! congrats by the way :D

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I've found a rescue centre in Chesterfield on Google. I really think that would be the best place for her, they will be experienced in carrying out home checks and they rehabilitate before rehoming by the looks of it. She needs a stable forever home. I know you say you don't mind keeping her, but if you can't afford to get a dog trainer the situation could get a lot worse. One of the other dogs could get hurt.

I don't think the money side of it even matters. What matters is this girl needs help and soon!

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I've found a rescue centre in Chesterfield on Google. I really think that would be the best place for her, they will be experienced in carrying out home checks and they rehabilitate before rehoming by the looks of it. She needs a stable forever home. I know you say you don't mind keeping her, but if you can't afford to get a dog trainer the situation could get a lot worse. One of the other dogs could get hurt.

I don't think the money side of it even matters. What matters is this girl needs help and soon!

we have a dog trainer coming on sunday! whats the rescue called? i know of a couple around here.. 

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theres one called animal sanctuary or something of the sort and ive been to them and they are a very small one that doesnt have much room. yes we cant afford a behaviourist as they are like 100plus pound. but my fiance has a family friend who is a dog trainer, we still have to pay her but shes coming up sunday to help out a bit. so thats something!

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Oh wow someone wants her delivered via courier for their 15 year old son

No!!!! I am shocked.

Btw I have contacted Alaskan malamute rescue and they are willing to help with training so maybe there's hope yet. Thanks for all your messages guys x

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I would only go with breed specific rescues in this case as they will be able to find someone with experience with the breed and even with the issues.


I hope you find someone and the best of luck :) Hope she finds her final forever home its awful on dogs to be passed about as really thye have such short lives :(

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That's great news. 


You've only had her 3 weeks? It's still quite soon to tell if your pack will settle and get on.  We've had Maiya for 6 months and whilst she didn't attack Harry they have had a few iccidents but now seem to finally be getting along.


I've been trying to feed them together, me holding their bowls so they eat side by side.  Walking the two of them together and leaving Snow at home, just so they know they are expected to get on.  


It's never easy rehoming a dog and at times you find yourself asking 'why did I do it'.  With lots of support I'm sure she'll settle and you will wonder what all the fuss was about. :)

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Ill be honest. it takes a lot longer than a few weeks for a pack to settle after an introduction of a new member.

Im pleased that you are going to try and keep her because I was worried about her being up for sale.

Personally I wouldnt give jack to that old owner. lol

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it was absolute hell when we first bought Holly home (sorry Hols but it actually was lol)...never thought her and Skye would settle, but they are inseparable now and get on so well, although Skye still tries to get the upper hand and Holly just isn't bothered in the slightest, she just looks at her with a "whatever" expression and goes about her business leaving Skye looking stupid lol


it is so tough, tougher than i ever thought introducing a new pooch to teh pack....i didn't realise it had only been three weeks since Harlie came to you. we have had Holly coming up to four months now and i'd say its only been in the 2 months that they have been fully settled


good luck with the training, it really is the key to a harmonious life for all of you

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thanks everybody :) i was just worried about her hurting one of my dogs which was why i was thinking about giving her back.

alaskan malamute rescue have been absolutely amazing and have given me tips on how to get the dogs to settle.

also going to book harlie in for a spay asap.

i honestly dont want to give the old owners anything. i am so annoyed at them. uuugh but im just gonna bite the bullet :/!!!!

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