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Who Can I Complain Too?


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most of you know we bought harlie about a month ago now. her owners are driving me up the wall

they allowed us to buy the dog from them stating that she had no problems except a growl when she eats sometimes.

she's guarding everything in the house

her previous owner says 'no she never guards anything'

her daughter says 'yes harlie has always guarded everything!'

she said she was good with other dogs

our dogs have marks all over their faces from her attacking them and if shes out on a walk and she sees a dog she tries to bite the crap out of them.

her response to this was 'lol maybe she was hungry'

-_- they say she's a pedigree but has no papers.

'but her mum and dad have papers and we can register for a fee'

no you cant, ive looked it up and the kc will only allow a pedigree dog to be registered by the breeder.

theyve got like a litter of puppies and also a litter of kittens and im seriously terrfied for the new owners of these dogs. like seriously they are doomed.

we bought a crate with harlie and they havent given it to us.


i mean shes not even housetrained and they said she was and she is 3 years old. UGH

i told them we were going to be giving her to a rescue unless she wanted her back she didnt reply and no rescue could take her on so weve decided to keep her but the owner has just responded saying 'CAN WE COME SEE HERRRR' and im like did you not get my previous text? but i told her we've still got her

and now she's like 'nah we wont come see her it might confuse her'



i've said were going to pay the remaining 100 pound for the dog. no offence to harlie but she should have been given for like 10 pound with all the problems she has.

250 for a non pedigree , manic murderous dog.

and with the added benefit of annoying backyard breeding owners up me a** every second.

seriously who the hell can i complain too because they are doing my head in. RANT RANT



she looks like someone stuck a mally head on a sibe body even the vet thinks shes a huskamute.

i didnt but a huskamute i bought a no problem malamute. im so annoyedddddd.

i do love harlie btw, and she's doing great now im just angry at her owners.

i know malamutes and they are muscley power fluffball beasts. shes like a lanky little thing o.O 

can i somehow have these people removed from earth :'(

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First off she is not "murderous" that is the kind of thing that gives huskies/mals a bad name so I don't think that is an appropriate way to describe her??

Secondly why don't you just cut these people out? And concentrate on getting harlie to a good place with training?

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I had two males that wanted to hurt each other with time and training they were fine it can be done you just have to not Gove up so easily and stop blaming the dog as its not their fault they just need guidance on how to behave but I'm sorry taking the attitude that your dog is murderous is not the right attitude

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I'm not blaming harlie at all. I'm blaming the previous owners for allowing the behaviour to escalate that's what this post is about. You cant say what you think she is like as you haven't seen her for yourself.

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Hun my girl Mally can't be put with my others due to her behaviour as she is to unpredictable we have seen many people all say you will never be able to trust her she will be goin to see terry celticwolve this year as he is the only person we can think of but my sister has decided she going to take her when she moves

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Is your mally spayed? We were thinking it could help :/ our male malamute is just dominant with other dogs but otherwise hes brilliant. Shes got so many problems :( ive heard of terry but he's way too far away for us

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Skyla can be dog aggressive due to being attacked , i honestly think given the chance she could rip a dog to shreds , i dont give her that opportunity , the only dogs she meets are people who know her issues and dont mind letting her greet them as they know i can read her body language and remove her before anything happens , she got an asbo award at a husky camp lol , everyone there knew her issues , but trusted me as her owner to keep her and their dogs safe , she was muzzled the first day we got there until about 10 minutes into a long walk , she never had it on after that n even slept in a tent with two other huskies unrestrained , training can be done n you might never be able to fully trust her with dogs you don't know but eventually she will learn that your other two are her pack , i agree with storm that shes not 'murderous' and calling her that wont help either of you as it sounds like you're already writing her off , instead completely ignore the previous owners dont let them see her either and work now with harlie knowing what the issues are u have to work with , getting frustrated with her owners and in turn her - will NOT help at all 

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Pay the rest of the money, and IGNORE the previous owners. Do you seriously want the hassle of being involved with people you don't even like? 

Start training classes with Harlie, she can/will improve but it takes time and persistence.

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When I first got Ice, he attacked both my girls like you wouldn't believe.  I was pulling my hair out with him and wondering what the heck have I done?!   We set to work with immediate effect of identifying and removing all triggers but he still attacked Brooke on the odd occasion.  We used the nilif method with him and involved the other dogs too.  Got them to sit and took turns to feed them treats as a reward for performing the sit and paw command.  at first Ice would try and attack the others for their treats but gradually over time he did start to integrate into the pack more.  We kept all toys out of reach and were incredibly mindful of any food around.....we have kids so had to be very careful as they can be careless with waving food around or dropping it on the floor.   That would have caused ww3 to erupt initially but now it's not so bad.  They did seem to find their own way and place in the pack.  But it took a long time getting there and with Ice it was very much a case of two steps forwards and two steps back.  These days he never fights with Bear at all and will happily relinquish anything to her, Brooke not so much but he doesn't attack her now.  On a very rare ocassion he might bite at her once or twice to correct her but a firm no! is all it takes to stop him and he never leaves a mark on her, it's mainly just noise and air snapping.  He's actually very loving towards her most of the time.   It was a long and bumpy road getting there though and sometimes i wondered if he ever would, but in the end he did.  :)

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A behaviorist and or a great vet are what you need. And a good one, of either, is not cheap. If you truly want to help this dog, find one and find one in a hurry. Pay the former owner off and cut the ties. Or don't pay. Sounds like they owe you a crate. Is there anything in writing?


The frustration you exude WILL/IS being felt by the dog in question. Negativity breeds negativity. Whether between dogs, humans or whatever.


I work with a rescue and it's dogs like this that have started life out in a bad situation that are dumped on unsuspecting new owners  - such as yourself, that end up euthanized if behavioral assistance isn't sought. Or perhaps there is a medical reason for her behavior....or perhaps she was attacked by other dogs.


The first thing you have to consider is if you are willing to deal with the issues in a calm manner. This means a behaviorist and/or a darn patient vet. Countless hours of training. If you don't have the time or the funds, that's the biggest issue. If you don't feel you can provide what Halie needs, then you need to consider relinquishing her to someone who can - be it a rescue or another owner. Perhaps she would do better as an only dog.


If you can't find a rescue, as many cannot afford such special need dogs, at least see if they have someone who can walk you through your options, someone who can guide you to the help Halie needs. If the first rescue says they can't help, ask for a number of another, and another. Sadly, if she is as agressive as it sounds, perhaps the kindest thing to do is release her from this world. I know those are 'fighting' words, but you have to understand that if the dog is not happy and you cannot 'fix' what is going on in her head, it truly may be the kindest move you can make. Again, I would look to a competent vet and a behaviorist.


Has she been to a vet? What testing has been done? Is there a physical/health issue that would make her act this way? Have you tried muzzling her? Have you tried hand feeding? Does she feel more comfortable in a crate or separate room? Is there one specific thing you've noticed that might be setting her off? What is her vision like? Can she see properly? Problems with seeing can manifest in many ways - if they can't see properly, the world can become a fearful place. Tell us what you've tried, so we can better help as to what might be another option, another idea.


With that, I digress.

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Bear isn't spayed as she is a pain in the butt and keeps having unregulated seasons so hard to get her at the right time but spaying can make it worse. She is better then she used to be but still have to watch her like a hawk

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