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Well What A Week This Has Been. :-( :-) :-(


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Howler has been ill with a runny Tum.  Now better.  Lucky is ill now with the same. on chicken and rice and Pro-Kolin same as Howie.  But Poor Noah has a Cutatious Histamine which is now being treated with Steroids.  I am now so worried it may be more but staying positive. He has had a cancer and I am so worried.   Logically I know he has just had a reaction to something, but the fear of IT returning is always with me.


Now for the good news.  I have been given a new job at work and have after 1 month been awarded a 10 % pay rise.  I have received praise from the MD.   


Bella is being spayed in two weeks and Our cat Ben is having an eye operation that may lead to him losing and eye, but stop him from developing glaucoma and giving him better sight in the other. 


Not just relieved the week end is here, positively grateful. Now I can do what I love best look after my Kids. Thank you Hannah for taking care of them through the week. You are My Star. X


Here is my Noah I love him.


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now indeed that has been a week from hell by the looks of things...


congrats on the praise from the md but more importantly the raise...praise does not put food on the table :P...

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Gosh...must have felt like a month....hope they're all on the mend fast. Congrats on raise!

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So familiar with the runny tummy with Loki, tried everything but it just comes and goes sometimes. Extra money is always useful, hope the furkids are healthy again soon :grouphug:

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Lucky has turned his nose up at his chicken and rice this morning.  This is my boy that will eat your arm off to get at his food.  Howler was like this for one day so I am hoping he is just at that stage.  So back to 24 hour starvation, which, un happily he seems to be a willing participant.  He was also dribbling like he was just about to be sick.  He is eating grass which I am stopping him doing, but not sure if I should. ??? His poops are still very loose.  :(


They are all due their worming tablets.  I like to keep this all together as it easy to monitor timing, but I can not give Lux's his as it will go straight through.  Should I wait or should I give the others theirs now and Lucky his when he is better..  ????


Noah would not eat his food either, but, that is Noah, eats like it's his last meal some days and totally not interested others.


With Bells spay coming up soon I am worried she will become ill and not be able to go through with it. The boys are near maturity and she needs to be spayed now.  It seems every time we decide to spay some thing happens.


I am on a real dismal mode at the mo. :D

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It all seems to happen at once :(  Hopefully it will all be better soon and you can get on with enjoying your pay rise, congrats BTW :)


Not sure about the worming whilst ill.  I'd probably hold off until they are all well if you rather do them at the same time.  I know what's it like, have a calender just for the dogs to remind me of when their worming. vaccs and flea treatment needs doing :)  Gosh they keep us busy :)

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Poor woofs.

I keep on about it but Kefir also helps with runs as it's more good bugs into the gut to stop bad bugs breeding.

It also breaks down the lactose intolerance I've read.

Coconut milk is also good. My Dave buys it from the Morrisons/Aldi store to cook with.

Hope they're all fixed v soon xx

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My phone calendar is set to remind me!

The vets text me now when dogs are ready for 3 monthly checks, and their flea and worming treatments.

I have to set a reminder for the cat's flea treatment and get a text from the vet for her annual jab.

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Coconut milk - Small amounts first - comes in tins for cooking...local stores/supermarkets. See how they react (from the other end) ....

I know coconut OIL is good in general diet but MUST start small (half a tspn first ? every other day) increase gradually to a dessert spoon over several weeks.

It (coconut milk) is not a dairy product so I cannot see it being bad at this stage and it's an alternative fluid if they aren't drinking much water.

Personally I give some every other or three days. Watch stools...desist if too runny....for a week and start again.

Kefir is from any Polish shop or delicatessen.

Good for you too!

Comes in small white bottle 500 ml with green cap and up to a litre bottle too @0.99p.

The flavoured Mqgrowska is delicious - I buy two small Ord Kefir for the dogs or 1L to last the week - 2 tblsps each on top of their food at night.

Will be making my own from the Kefir as a starter - can use my yoghurt maker!!

I know you can get lactose free milk for dogs but this is pointless and not useful (as it is a dairy product) with gippy tums.

Try googling for a Polish shop nearby in your area.

●No other yoghurt on the market has the amount of good bacteria - 10 trillion MORE than anything else and majority all found to not get past human stomachs or in far too small quantities.

Yakhult only had three get through (University lab tests) - the rest, incl Actimel, failed quite spectacularly!

I buy the (max 2 a week) raspberry,strawberry and or peach of 1L flavours. Could drink all day!

Getting to also like their different cold meats, cheeses and the mushroom & cheese breadcrumbed rolls are yummy zapped 2 minutes in the microwave.

My older son's g/f is Polish.

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Big hugs to all with poorly furkids.

I know dogs will deliberately eat grass to be sick...one of mine had thrown up and left yellowish somewhat frothy bile with grass in it on the back pavement yesterday behind the house (now sluiced away).

Neither are off their food so hopefully it has passed....

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On something for humans and weight loss (my nemesis) I read this:-

(maybe good for pooches too but, as I've written before introduce in very small quantities first.)

A 2009 study published in the Journal Lipids consisted of testing the effects of either 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or 2 tablespoons of soybean on a group of 40 women over the span of 28 days.

Results showed that the group that ate the coconut oil had a decrease in abdominal fat, while the soybean oil group actually showed a slight increase in belly fat. Additionally, the group that ate the coconut oil showed increased HDL ‘good’ cholesterol levels, while the soybean oil group had decreased HDL cholesterol and increased LDL ‘ bad’ cholesterol.

The Journal of Nutrition published a study where researchers investigated all studies relative to medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are abundant in coconut fat and weight management. The studies showed that diets rich in fats such as those found in coconut oil prompted a boost in metabolism, increase in energy, decrease in food consumption, reduced body weight and lower body fat mass. The study authors highly recommend using oils that contain MCFAs, such as coconut oil, as a tool to drop extra abdominal fat, manage a healthy weight, and even as a way to treat obesity.

Yet another study that assessed body weight and fat storage relative to three different types of diets including a low-fat diet, high-fat diet with long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and a high fat diet with MCFAs. In order to bring about weight gain, caloric intakes were adjusted for the diets. At the end of the research period (which lasted 44 days), the low-fat diet group stored an average of 0.47 grams of fat per day, the LCFA group stored 0.48 grams of fat per day, and the MCFA group only stored a mere 0.19 grams per day (despite purposely increasing calories). Those in the MCFA group (coconut fat) had a 60 percent reduction in body fat stored compared to the other diets.

Another added bonus of consuming organic coconut oil (and coconut cream or milk) is that it tends to make us feel fuller for longer. Studies indicate that MCFAs help increase feelings of fullness and lead to a reduction in calorie intake when compared to the same amount of calories from other fats. When MCFAs are metabolized, ketone bodies are created in the liver – these have been shown to have a strong appetite reducing effect helping you to lose fat faster.

If you thought from reading about how using coconut oil daily for helping to reduce abdominal fat is pretty incredible, you're going to be blown away by the powerful health benefits of coconut oil on the page below...

>> 9 MORE reasons to use DAILY coconut oil (including benefits to thyroid, brain, skin, oral health, heart health, detoxing, cancer, and more)

Good health all. ????

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Very Welcome. This site is awesome...I've learnt much & ongoing...reading folks' links and finding much more in doing so.

I'll be getting hubby chef to switch to coconut oil for cooking too!

Don't forget the Kefir....too yummy and too good to not have!

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Howler is a lot better. Ended up taking lucky to the vets on Sunday night. He had not eaten anything and was shaking. They gave him an anti sickness jab and antibiotics. Took him till tuesday to start getting better. Poor mite. He is now back to his normal playfulness. Such a relief. Bella is ok. Noah looks like he will need his growth removed and we call him cone boy at the mo. But we shall see. He has to keep on with the steroid cream. :-(.

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