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How Did You Choose Your Huskies Name?


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Well husky / reptile/ other breed of dog you get the drift lol  Did you adopt and they came with that name did you choose one that rhymed?


Here's my bunch:


Kimba (first dog ever) Wanted something sweet but unusual 

Kaiser (2nd dog) had to start with "K" hubby chose his name

Koda (3rd dog and a rescue) came to us being called Storm, but wanted a name with K - Koda just fitted him perfectly



Bearded Dragon - DAVE :D  Dave the Dragon was named by hubby lol

Corn Snake - Fanta - named by me because he's orange and yellow

Chameleon - Sherlock - gave him this name as when we got him he explored everywhere and was so inquisitive so gave him this name

Leopard Gecko - Lil Dude - he walks like, well, a Dude lol backside swaying and looking around and is little ! lol

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Skye - I wanted to call her Scarlet but Mitch veto'd that, plus on reflection I think it would have been too long. She became Skye (or Skye-Blue as her full name) because of her one blue eye (just to clarify she does have two, the other one is brown!)

Holly - came to us called Skyla, clearly wouldn't have worked in practicality so we changed her name to Holly as she was born on 19th December and being just before Christmas I thought it would nice if her new name was festive (her full name being Holly-Berry).

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Elke, our first Husky, was a name given to a friend's dog many yards ago. I always liked the name. Miss her terribly even after over six years.

Zoya, our second Husky was given the name as it was a Russian name. And Siberian Huskies originated in Siberian area of Russia. She's my baby girl.

Eisa, our third Husky, our rescue, came to us as Micha, but Sally chose Eisa for her name. It's a German name, I believe, but is also used in other parts of Northern Europe. She's my little sweetheart.

Rohn, our fourth Husky and still a pup, was named after Rohn, Alaska. It's one of the check points on the Iditarod. He is my little man, or Mr. Peebody, as I sometimes call him, since his bladder control has been less than stellar until about two weeks ago.

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Neb is short for Nebuchadnezzar and despite being all atheists in this house, I remembered the name from the bible (he was a Babylonian king) and always thought it was cool.  

Luc came from the rescue as Lucky (blech) and was from Quebec originally (so Francophone).  In a nod to his Quebecois heritage, I knocked off the 'ky' and christened him Luc.  I figured it sounded similar enough that it would be easy for him to learn his new name.

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Darwin came to us with the name. It was different, it stayed.


Daughtry is named after the Rock Band Daughtry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughtry_%28band%29

She was originally Koda but within a month or so of Joining the forum there were 3 or 4 other Koda's and Kodah's 

So we renamed her to Daughtry. The band is awesome, she was awesome (RIP Pretty girl)


Echo was originally Ginny which we thought was pretty lame, so she became Echo.

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When I got Nikko I looked online and googled "Siberian husky names" and Nikko stood out to me.

I named Yukon after the Yukon Territory and also because there was a dog I almost rescued before him that I really really wanted that was named Yukon. But he was taken by the time I called.

Kodiak came to me with the name Elton. I didn't care for that name so I put a poll here to try and pick one. However a friend suggested Kodiak after the town in Alaska and I liked it immediately.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Loki was suggested by my brother. Seems to be a pretty common husky name. The character from Thor is known for being mischievous so felt it'd fit a husky perfectly :P

His name was originally Panda but I was still living with mum at the time, who also had a dog named Panda. Wouldn't be my pick for a dog name anyway :P

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Bindi was called Benji which we did not like as we believe that is more masculine, and she did not respond to it whatsoever... so started looking around for a similar sounding name and with Di being half Indian we ended up with Bindi...


Alpha was called that we tried something different but he would not respond to anything but Alpha so we kept it even though we do call him Alfie a lot as well....

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Well husky / reptile/ other breed of dog you get the drift lol Did you adopt and they came with that name did you choose one that rhymed?

Here's my bunch:

Kimba (first dog ever) Wanted something sweet but unusual

Kaiser (2nd dog) had to start with "K" hubby chose his name

Koda (3rd dog and a rescue) came to us being called Storm, but wanted a name with K - Koda just fitted him perfectly


Bearded Dragon - DAVE :D Dave the Dragon was named by hubby lol

Corn Snake - Fanta - named by me because he's orange and yellow

Chameleon - Sherlock - gave him this name as when we got him he explored everywhere and was so inquisitive so gave him this name

Leopard Gecko - Lil Dude - he walks like, well, a Dude lol backside swaying and looking around and is little ! lol

Didn't know you lived in a zoo ?

I've had afew reptiles but not all at once he he

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Noah was chosen by daughter from the Note Book

Isabella (Bella) just cause she looked like a wart hog when she was a pup and needed a pretty name which she has definately grown into.

Howler was already called that when we brought him home from Sarahs.  He was the first to Howl. 

Lucky because he was not so lucky, he fell down the stairs, got trodden on etc.  He will still not go up stairs.

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when my husband found out he was dying he gave me a telephone number and told me not to ring it till he past when the time came i rang and explained who i was but had no idea who thay were , she said she was a husky breeder and my hubby had arranged for me to have a husky that i had always wanted so i would not be on my own so we called him  SIMI  short for SIMOSOLA which means rememer me never forget     other baby called midi short for midnight beacuse her face is black and her eyes are as bright as the moon at night

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when my husband found out he was dying he gave me a telephone number and told me not to ring it till he past when the time came i rang and explained who i was but had no idea who thay were , she said she was a husky breeder and my hubby had arranged for me to have a husky that i had always wanted so i would not be on my own so we called him  SIMI  short for SIMOSOLA which means rememer me never forget     other baby called midi short for midnight beacuse her face is black and her eyes are as bright as the moon at night

That's a really beautiful expression of love.

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Solo came with that name and hubby wouldn't change it as he likes it and is close enough to Han Solo (I tried fof deifenbaker I really did)

Charlie was named Thorn, hated it immediately, my daughter suggested Charlie after the Chimp ftom monkey world as he had died, the kennel maids jumped on it and started calling him charlie.

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Ryn's AKC name is Omryn Borealis. Omryn is Chukchi for 'long life' or 'robust' . Her middle name was chosen for two reasons - her dam is Aurora which made me think of aurora borealis, and secondly, our own fearless HO leader, Sara, suggested it.


Petunia is my rescue and came with her name. I couldn't bear to take it away from her, it was all she had. I added a middle name - Rose. Because she came from Texas (think "Yellow Rose of Texas" - a song) and because a dear friend from Texas put a good word in with the rescue for me, and his last name is Rose.


Bo, my first husky, my hubby named. It fit. He was the love of my life.

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Got Asha at 81/2 weeks I looked up husky names on internet

While she was chewing something up ?

I randomly started saying names , she looked at me when I said Asha so that was it ?

It means hope wish & wizard

She doesn't look at me now tho if she being destructive ??

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What an interesting thread this is :)


All my three are rescues and came with names but we changed them up a bit 


First husky, was called Harold, there was no way I was going to be calling out that, we spent ages trying to find him a new name and just couldn't agree (I liked Hal) so we ended up sticking with Harry.  We also made up a kennel club name, just for the hell of it, so his full title is 'Harold Vasquillius Husqvarna'


Snowy has always been Snowy but often gets referred to as 'that bleeping dog', he is so naughty :)  His 'title' is 'Snowdom Nimbus'  yes I get very bored on walks :)


Maiya was called Esme when we rehomed her but she never responded to it. We were going to call her Micha but I reminded my husband that one of our good friends is called Mishtu and I felt it was too similar.  Hubby then chose Maiya, he said I'd chosen the human kids names so now it was his turn :) So Maiya it is!  Though she tends to get called a variety of names ending in kins, bigkins, softkins, clumsykins, you get the idea :)

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Storm was called Suki but the boys didn't like it and I always liked the name Storm after I met a little girl called Storm on our honeymoon. Tanna was already called that well Montana, but she answers to it reaaly well so it stayed but it's confusing as Mum's collie is called Tara. Gem was such a wee gem of a dog that it just fitted her perfectly.

My cat is called Squirrel as he has a bushy grey tail. our snake is called Rhianna (my son's name is Ryan and she is his snake). Chaos was Craigs choice for his bearded dragon.

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Hidden Treasure's IceBlink - wolf in the Julie of the Wolves series

Rally - Dirt colored Lurcher we rescued that ran around a lot so we named her after rally-cross

Gunther - Came with the name, and since he had severe aggression issues that we worked with, we figured he didn't need to figure out a name change on top of that.

Aoi's Yumeji No Nana Hoshi - call name Nana. It means Dreaming of Seven Stars, in memory of the sixth puppy in the litter who didn't make it.


Just a few of who we've had.

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My son selected Sarah's name. He begged and pleaded with his dad for a Siberian Husky puppy for his Christmas present. When asked why he wanted a siberian pup named Sarah he replied, "I dunno, just do." Therefore, Sarah it is. My son is registered as her owner on her papers but even he admits that in reality, she's mine. ;) Her veterinary paperwork lists her as "Sarah Elks." It's become a big joke at the vet's office that is played on new employees. Her registration papers also list her as plain old Sarah. Apparently no one in Siberian history has selected Sarah as a name.


My Umbrella Cockatoo came to me at age 20 with the name Casper. Since he was 20 years old I figured a name change would be a waste of time, though it's not the name I'd have selected.

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Kallie was named after the Hindi goddess of destruction and rebirth, Kali. Also means the returned one as we believe she is the reincarnation of our Lady Akita dog, Keisha, who passed away after many years with us. When we were at the breeders, "just looking", our Kallie was about 3 weeks old, and she came toddling over to my husband and sat on his lap, claiming him as her own.  

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