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Sudden Strange Change In Temperament :(


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I'm getting a little worried about my baby. For the past few days he's been acting strange. Demon is six months old and is usually a very happy, active, playful cheeky dog. He is full of energy, gets several walks and loves playing with us - he would always jump at the chance if we picked up a toy.

Recently he's been moping around, sleeping a lot more and generally looking pretty sad. At first I thought he may just be tired as he's been having longer walks recently, but he seems to be getting worse and I'm starting to worry it may be something more serious. He is unenthusiastic about everything, hardly plays anymore even when we encourage him over and over, and just seems more withdrawn. He spends a lot of time in his crate. It takes a lot to get him out and when he finally emerges, 9/10 times he'll rush to go back in. Now he's even starting acting like he's guarding something in his crate. At first I though maybe he had been a naughty boy and chewed something up and hidden it in his blankets, but I've repeatedly searched through and he seems to do it all the time now. With nothing. He will be just laying in his crate with no toys, no food, but if I walk past he will quickly bow his head and give me the whale eye as if he was guarding something. But I have noticed he has actually been guarding objects lately, things he never used to guard, such as icecubes. Usually he loves these and plays with them and is more than happy for us to be around him.

It's getting really upsetting. I'm scared and worried. I don't understand what's wrong with him, or if I'm just overreacting. I'm no expert but something isn't right. Nothing in his lifestyle has changed as far as I'm aware. He's just been acting pretty strangely.

That being said, he still loves his food and walkies, and is a completely different dog outside. I don't know what to do. Would a visit to the vets be realistic for this, or am I just overreacting? :(

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He has just this minute growled at me an my partner when we went to stroke him. :'(

He's just laying on the floor and we can't even walk past him without him immediately tensing up and bowing his head, giving us that guarding stance. Please, help!!

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there could be something not right in him I would also go for a vet visit just to check him over...could be in pain...and if not in pain or here is nothing wrong at least you know that...

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Agree. A check by a vet is in order. He may have something going on that is causing him to experience pain.

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Thanks guys. Will get him to a vet asap. It's so strange because his behaviour just switches. :( One minute he's all happy and excited on a walk, next minute he's all weird again. He just voluntarily came for cuddles which was so great, two minutes later he's cowering again. :'(

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it could possibly be hormonal. My hubbies first Irish setter was a bit odd - wanting to greet him but then changing and growling at him as if he just didn't know what to do with himself. Vet gave him a course of hormone treatment( sort of mimicing castration) and he settled down so was neutered soon after and then was fine. Not a husky but thought it might be a possible thought.

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As already said he may be in pain, so a check up at the vets is a good idea.


As dogs mature and as he's a boy it may be hormonal and he is testing you. My boy used to push me all the time and we just had to be firm with him, let him know his behaviour was unacceptable. 


When you say he growls is he actually growling or just 'speaking' to you?  Again I found our boy became more vocal as he got older and it was his way of communicating rather than being aggressive.  Now at 20 months, if you didn't know him you'd think he was being aggressive because when he wants a cuddle he will make a growling sound.  To my friends and family it seems quite scarey but I know he's just trying to talk to me.


Good luck

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So the vets were entirely full up today, typical. The earliest we could get is 5pm tomorrow. Although we've kept a close eye on him and I've been chatting to my mum and we both find it hard to believe that he is in pain. My mum has two Boston Terriers who are Demon's best buds, and I took him to see them today. As usual, he was running crazy with them. I know dogs can be brilliant at masking their pain, and many still may find pleasure in their usual hobbies and whatnot, but I'm 99% sure he's not in any pain. Of course, I still want to get him checked out just of my peace of mind. Who knows?


Anyway, after spending hours playing there, he usually just sleeps when he gets home because he's so exhausted.  :D So far today, he doesn't seem to have been acting strangely. He's asleep right now so when he wakes up I shall keep an eye on him and test him again, see if his unusual behaviour returns. Sadly, I'm almost certain that it will. But I agree with Angela and Clare, I'm starting to think it may be more of a hormonal/behavioural issue. My mum has contacted a dog behaviourist who owns huskies herself, asking for advice, so currently waiting on that reply. She also suggested that maybe we should try find another behaviourist for Demon, since this woman isn't local. Does that seem like something we should do? Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing?


Will keep you updated, thanks everyone.


@Clare: When I say growls, I mean yes, actual growling. It's actually pretty unnerving. I wouldn't say it's an angry, vicious growl or anything, more like a quiet warning one. One that says 'I'm uncomfortable with this, leave me alone', but it's definitely more submissive than it is dominant. But it's still more than simply communicating. He does make lots of funny sounds when we're playing and whatnot, and this is definitely something else.  :(  Trust me, I understand the vocal side of dogs, I used to have a lovely Staffordshire Bull Terrier who made a low, growling sound in greeting, who to anyone else may have sounded aggressive, but I knew her better. So yeah unfortunately, I believe this is a bad growl.

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Oh :(  I'm sorry to read that.


It was just a thought.


Does he show his teeth?  


It's best not to correct growling but equally you don't want to feel unsettled with your dog. Have you tried the NILIF training with him?  Make him sit, stay, paw, down for everything, I mean everything.  Snowy is such a naughty dog, you give him and inch..... I've been working really hard with him, he gets nothing, not even a cuddle unless he's done what I've asked.  I don't force him to do stuff, I just ignore him then a few minutes later ask him again. Now when he wants to go out I just say 'sit Snow' and he immediately sits for his lead to be attached.  Might be worth a try :) these little monsters will push you to the limit, it's about outsmarting them ;)

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No, he doesn't bare his teeth. Though I'm a little worried that it may progress to that.  :(

Ah yes, we have worked on that with him since day one. He does really well with it actually. He knows to sit, lie down, paw, wait or anything whenever he's getting something: food, going outside, even play and getting attention. He is usually pretty obedient (well, mostly :P) So yeah, I do feel like we've got that nailed down and he understands it well. With certain things he will automatically sit without us even asking, smart pup. 

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He still might be in pain. We had to get a specialized opinion on whether or not Suka had problems with his hips (the x-rays were unclear), because he masked his pain SO well (both vets said so). He would run, wrestle with other dogs, and jump around as if nothing was wrong too.


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A painful tooth is my first thought or ear? Any heat?

I'd also remove the crate completely and just leave the bed...and see what happens. Is he lonely?

Radio on?

Maybe the 'leaving him untouched' when he's in his crate is giving him another message..I know I can enter the crate with either of mine and I do (with treats in hand) after a fuss or tummy rub...

Is he going out to pee more. - may have a water infection but..as before all comments this..I'd take to vet asap.

Just read the play time with other family's dogs..maybe he's missing them! Another dog?

My Chester pined after I lost my two Westies passed - one a year ago 28th and June 740d0910ca064e324c120e771eef21b5.jpg

He was so sighing and moaning as he lay down and such sad eyes. By August I was pushing for another dog but told no pup but get a rescue...and Eski came Sep 12.

His transformation was spectacular. Oh I still get the 'eye' look sideways...'you are leaving me?!! ' Eski just watches me to the door...hoping - whenever I go out. I do their Kongs sometimes if it's more than usual going out sessions...

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I would say take Demon to the vet, just rule it out.  Could be hormonal, a good behaviourist will be able to work with you to see what he is growling at and correct the behaviour.  Noah has a really deep Threating growl when he has had enough of the pups, and curls his lips a bit and gives a sharp bark. 


Any way I hope you find out why he is growling, no fun when your worried.      :huskyhugs:

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Been to the vets and he seemed pretty adamant that Demon was in no pain, and didn't have anything wrong with him physically. I suspected as much, but it was nice just to make sure for our peace of mind. He agreed that it may be hormonal/behavioural issues. He has been a bit better today which is great, but I wouldn't be surprised if this bad behaviour comes and goes at any time. Mood swings, just like a grumpy teenager.  :D I'm just hoping that he will get through it without much hassle. At least now we feel better, knowing that this is normal and not anything more serious. We appreciate all the support, thanks everyone! Will keep you updated, see how he goes. 

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I have no idea what's going on with your guy...


But growing up my grandparents had this one bouvier... he would growl at anything and everything... make a noise at night, walk by him in the day, pat him on the head, etc...


The dogs name was century and he was a grumpy Guss... always growling just because.. And this wasn't a small dog. This was 120lbs of pure muscle. If he wanted to be aggressive chances are no one in the household could have done anything about it short of shooting him.


I used to use him as a pillow all the while he would constantly growl at me- i found it comforting- people who didn't know him intimately kept their distance.


Some dogs are just weird :P

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I have no idea what's going on with him either to be honest, haha. I've heard that pups tend to go through this kind of thing--not in particularly this but a bad phase--and Demon may just be going through this early. Sort of like puberty. The best way I can describe him would be to say it's like he's got a split personality disorder.  :P One minute he's rolling around the floor with us, playing and having fun, the next he's all tensed up, glaring at us like he's terrified. It really is a strange phenomenon, not really one I can explain well in words. I just hope he gets through it well!

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Hopefully its just a phase and he will get over it soon.  Snowy is now 20 months and he can appear to have a split personality at times, one minute being loving and cuddly then the next he has a mad look in his eyes and you can't even touch him, he doesnt growl though.  I tend to ignore this behaviour as it may be attention seeking and any attention given to a husky, whether it be positive or negative is still attention.


As hard as it seems try and be calm around him, he will pick up on your tension and always be firm and consistant.  Do you have a room where you can put him if he's displaying this behaviour, a bit like a naughty step for a child?  If you have then I would calmly take him their and leave for for 5 minutes, each time he does this repeat, hopefully he will realise this behaviour is unacceptable and he will be removed from the family each time he does it.

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Great advice. Same works with incessant barking..take and remove 'freedom'...shutting up 5 mins. Everytime. Don't forget to praise and reward when they comply! they will get the 'message'.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Hi, i haven't read all the posts so forgive me for not reading up.

I'm sorry to bring this up and i so hope this is not the case but it's worth mentioning...

Is he being mistreated or any forms of cruelty acted upon him while you're absent?

I have seen it many times where some one has put a secret camera in the house to find their partner/family member/flat mate abusing their dog...

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