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This happened last night, but the forum was being upgraded. Probably a good thing as I've had a bit of time to calm down a little bit. Just a little bit.

Took Loki for a walk last night, had reached the end of it and turned around to head home. About half way back I saw another guy approaching with a dog, who I've seen walk past my house before. The dog is never on a lead, which is basically illegal to start with, but I've generally not had issues with this before with other people/dogs. I see him approaching so I tighten Loki's lead a bit, as I know he gets overexcited around other dogs. As he comes past a tree, about 3 metres from me, his dog immediately takes off towards Loki. He yelled something at it but by then it was already attacking. I try and pull Loki away by the lead and he just grabs his dog, and keeps on walking. Meanwhile I'm standing there with Loki who is yelping profusely by this point, and he just keeps on walking, not a word. 

I start walking home hoping Loki was just in shock a bit and not actually injured, until about 2 minutes later I notice his entire ear is covered in blood. By this point I was absolutely furious and so annoyed I couldn't even get the key in the door when I got home. I took a picture of his ear, then grabbed a wet paper towel with diluted betadine and tried to clean it up a bit.


Then I jumped onto the local residents page on Facebook and put up a post detailing what had happened, the picture, and if anyone knew this person. Sure enough there was plenty of outrage on these idiots who don't use leads, but another resident contacted me via private message detailing he had a similar experience with who he believes was the same person/dog. I've contacted the council to see how I'd go about reporting this, as apparently he's been told before to use a lead and just stood there like a stunned mullet. Something needs to be done before the dog hurts any other animals, or even someones kid.

The sad part is I know the dog is the one going to come out worse in all of this, but it's the stupid d!ckhead owner that needs the kick up the ass. I'm hoping this afternoon I can catch him again and get a picture, just so we can confirm it's the same person, and have more evidence to send to council and/or police.


Still absolutely steaming over the whole thing and I can guarantee if it happens again, Loki won't be the one going home with injuries. Grrrrrrrrr :angry::angry::angry::angry:



Edited by Dan
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Poor Loki.

Hope he heals up ok.

Hope you can find the toerag who owns the dog and get something done to force him to keep his dog on a leash.

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that does look painfull...Loki hope it does not feel to bad and Dan go get them...agree the dog will be worse off buy as you say it can one day go after a kid...

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As Nix said, know exactly how you feel. First time it happened to me, I'm sure I was the same as you, so shocked and angry. I could barely utter a word at the owner. The vodka I poured when I got in was most certainly shaken, not stirred.

The second time (only last week) I reacted quite differently. The owner made a lame attempt to get their Collie away and I spent what seemed like an age keeping the sole of my boot between a mouthful of snapping teeth and Logan's face.

Only when I threatened to hurt the dog, did they make any real effort to get it back. Thing is, it's not the dogs fault is it?

Hope you and Loki feeling better now, ears might bleed a lot, but they heal well as well.

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I experienced something similar to this last year though the owner was no where to be seen, he'd basically let his dog out and so was left free to roam. I was taking Snowy and Harry for a walk, Snowy was only a puppy. This huge white dog came bounding over to us, starting sniffing Harry then went for him. It was a lock jaw type of dog and he got hold of Harry round the back of the head, so Harry ended up with a puncture wound right by his eye and back of the ear. I had to kick the dog off of Harry, it was really scarey, there was no one to help me.  I was so angry and scared all at the same time, I called my hubby and he came in the car to collect me, he was very angry!  The owner got a right ear bashing and thankfully now they've moved.  Harry is still wary of big dogs, think this is why it's taken so long for him to accept Maiya.


Poor Loki and you. Hope he heals quickly and you manage to sort out the owner.

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Doesn't look too bad from the picture so I hope he will be ok in a few days


I know exactly how you feel I used to Live in London at the time I had my German Shepherd Boy and his dad, Took them for a walk to get milk from a nearby store when I first moved into the area and did not know better. Tied my two dogs to the bike rack outside the door so I could keep an eye on them one on each bike holder. Wen inside keeping an eye on the dogs about to pay for my milk when I heard a savage Roaring sound and turned to see a pack of staffing charge past the front of the store and pile on to my boys dad.

They had him by the throat side and leg and were tossing him around, I ran outside and ended up Kicking the dogs as their useless owner just stood there watching and screaming at e to stop kicking his dogs. I was shouting get your dogs off get your dogs off and all he was doing was standing back.  Other people arrived and started shout stuff like when are you going to get your dogs muzzled and on leads you know they attack dogs and are dangerous.  after about 5 mins I was standing there legs throbbing panting my dogs laying in a pool of blood and some one shouts out I have called the police they are coming to which the guy suddenly shouts and grabs two of the three dogs and starts running away.

A woman I still don't know who appeared with a big like a cool box sized first aid kit and between the two of use we bandaged my dogs neck ear muzzle leg chest  stomach and back leg. the Police arrived and listened to me as I explained what happened looked at a CCTV recording and knew who it was. I asked for a lift to a vets with my dog and they were like not our problem I said I wanted the guy arrested, they gain reacted like it wasn't important and was a waste of their time.

I got a lift from my boss eventually home to drop off one dog and took the injured one to the vets over the next couple days I got the RSPCA and Council Dog Wardens involved they watched the tape saw the damage to my dog and eventualy took the police and raided the guys house seized his dogs and charged him under the dangerous dogs act. The cops also busted him for drugs found whilst busting him for the dogs.

I took him to court for my vet bills and cost  but being an unemployed drug dealer living on state benefits as well he was fined the full 1100 pounds of which I have yet to see a penny and his dogs were destroyed as they also later found videos of them being used for dog fighting.


about a week later I have taken my still recovering dog to a park to sit in the Sun and relax having a nice picnic the two dogs  are tied to a bench next to the kiddies swing area. in front of us is a foot bridge over a canal. I have a bunch of moms and kids around looking at my poor dog who has huge patches shaved and I cant even remember how many stiches showing was over 300 spread all over and he was being  given the oh my oh how sad fuss from the moms and kids. when we heard a scrabbling sound turned and a god damned pitball came flying at us over the foot bridge. a couple people screamed and  my poor dog was attacked again for the 2nd time I thankfully reacted very fast grabbed the pittbull by its back legs and spun throwing the thing away from us and into the canal

The little group of Hoodie Thugs starte to give me threats and a mouthful until several of the women shouted out we know who you are and were telling your folks about that dangerous dog it could have mauled our children  to which point the thugs grabbed the dog they had put on a lead after it climbed out the water and legged it. Thankfully my dogs were ok other than a couple pulled stiches as it didn't really get a bite in


That was the beginning of me avoiding what you would think of being normal dog walking spots for walking on industrial estate's and next to the sewage works

even to this day thought my current Dog the son of the other hates staffy dogs with a  passion male female he see's a staffy from a distance and he starts growling and wants in as he still remembers being tied up watching his dad being savagely mauled in front of him and unable to help


But its really annoying how many people in the world have dogs who really shouldn't who, walk what they know are dangerous animals from having attacked other dogs multiple times, with out leads and or muzzles. Who also do not care or bother to pay for the damage and suffering their dogs cause other peoples pets.


Edited by PaulG
hit wrong button lol
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Cheers everyone. Yes I'll definitely be following this up with the council further. That said I took Loki for a walk again today but went about an hour earlier. Didn't see the guy that time. I was also watching out the front to see if he'd walk past and maybe I could grab a quick photo, but not today. I'll probably just avoid walking at that time, or along the same footpath if I do.


Loki is fine and his ear has scabbed up nicely. It's actually quite a long cut but luckily doesn't seem to have pierced through except maybe a couple millimetres right at the end.


Maybe that's a hint that I should be wearing something other than thongs (or flip flops if you prefer) on walks, in case I do need to defend Loki again :(

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try steel toecap work boots with ankle support


Also ears bleed like a stuck pig its the dog version of a scalp wound tiny cut but bleeds like a .....


Edited by PaulG
typo fix
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Oh poor Loki :(  It should heal up quickly though x


These stories everyone is sharing is awful - far too many irresponsible dog owners out there :(

seems like a lot of them at the moment. Hot dogs full of energy, lots of bitches in heat round here, maybe lots of dogs a little more volatile than usual.


I reported both incidents with Logan, not because I want people in trouble, but because I am looking out for Logan. Round here there have been some irresponsible Husky owners. I want it on record that I am not. I encourage everyone to report incidents, it seems the authorities do listen. If the worst does happen, because one of these owners, whatever their dog, is not in control, they can be dealt with.

that said, had a great walk tonight. Met a nice lady with a rescue mongrel, when I asked if he had Husky in him, she didn't know. The way he played with Logan suggested he did, hope to meet the again.

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London in some area's should be nuked I used to run a bar there and one of the customers used to almost proudly boast that his staffies were mother and sister and the dad was her half brother too.

I really wish you had to pass a dog test before you can legally own a dog, as some people should never be allowed to own a pet rock let alone a living breathing animal

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It's the same here too unfortunately mate. Far too many people that get the bully breeds because they look tough, go hunting etc with them, but don't bother putting any effort into training, nor really have that much emotional attachment. Then they realize their other friend has a female, neither of them have been desexed because that takes away their "manliness", then decide "Hey, lets breed our dogs and make some money". Realize raising a litter is hard and expensive, dump the puppies at a shelter, then get caught up in their own life, loses interest in the dog and the first dog ends up in a shelter too. Take a guess at the most prominent breed at the shelters here :(

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