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Suka's Cancer Thread


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UPDATE JULY 30: On the road to recovery.

I have no idea where Suka's old thread about his cancer went off to, so I hope its okay to make another one.


Suka was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday. As it turns out, he has osteosarcoma...so it likely has already spread at the time of diagnosis. :(

But we can still do chemo to prolong his life. We're also doing physio 2 or so times a week up a guelph (to begin with), and then we're going down to Dunville for their laser therapy (relieves swelling, pain, speeds healing) for a couple times a week (my new vet; ditched the old one as she misdiagnosed his leg pain and said it just arthritis).


He has a cocktail of meds to take (pain meds, antibiotics), and we have to do warm packs, cold packs, and massages and other simple range of motion exercises with him several times a day. He has swelling in the leg that was operated on, but they said that's normal and told us to massage the swollen area several times a day after heating to help the tissues reabsorb the fluid.


He kept on peeing involuntarily the first night he was home. After an adventure with some doggy diapers (the xtra large ones wouldn't fit around his privates, even though he was within the weight range!), we ultimately decided to just get some diapers for men and cut a hole in the back for the tail. It worked perfectly! It turns out the sedatives/anti-anxiety meds he was given was to blame; he's off those now and he now asks to go outside. 


He's due to have his sutures removed on August 5th (if things go well), and he has another physio appointment that day as well. We're still going to go through with chemo - they want him to get further on in his healing process before they start.


On Sunday we took a little road trip to pick up a special harness for him - its a "Help em up harness'. There are handles that you can use to help them get up and walk around - its very handy! But its hard work, he's gotten a little heavier since last week.


Pictures to follow. The incision site is large, and its quite alarming...but they said its healing nicely...so that's good!


I'm exhausted. Its a lot of work and it takes a lot out of you - physically, mentally, and emotionally!


Also: He's been getting better at moving around every day, which is good. 


Updates to follow, I guess...




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  • 3 weeks later...


Suka had his first round of Chemotherapy a week ago. Things are going well - his physio is going nicely (he's doing hydrotherapy!). The only problem is that he's gone off his kibble, so we've been feeding him raw. Normally I would be all for a raw diet, but his immune system is compromised (with the cancer + chemo) so I don't want him to get a secondary infection...that's the last thing he needs. So I've been trying to gradually switch him back to kibble, and its not working very well! Even with a 3/4 raw and 1/4 kibble split (well mixed)...he's ignoring the kibble completely.

I'll keep on trying to switch him back. I don't think the raw meat (+ ground up bone...found a good place to buy the stuff!) has all the nutritional value he needs, and the physiotherapists don't think so either (although they did admit they aren't familiar with the raw diet, and they are only trained for kibble diets...but I digress)

All in all, he's looking pretty good. He is still in high spirits. 


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  • 1 month later...

It is with a heavy heart that I write this update. I was expecting bad news, but it still hit me pretty hard. 

Suka went in last week. Will be paraphrasing from the doctor's report I got via email:

Suka's been occasionally coughing and breathing heavily (which he did not do before I left for school a month ago) and he is still lame on his operated leg. Very little improvement; physio seems to be helping but its likely he won't get to be normal again. 

They found 3 "small" lumps in Suka's lungs via the x-ray - this is indicative of metastasis. They are around 3cm.

So, due to this, his chemo treatment (using carboplatin) seems to be ineffective at slowing down metastasis and progression of the cancer, so they are putting him on a new treatment (Palladia) which is a pill that he has to take 3 times a week. It has a 50% chance at being effective.

I'm not sure how long he has left to live; my Mom says 2 years, but she might be lying for my benefit. Most dogs with osteosarcoma don't live past 1 year, half don't make it to 6 months. His quality of life still seems to be great; Mom has been taking him on (very short) walks which he enjoys very much. He's still alert and attentive. Doesn't seem to be in any pain anymore.

I have a lot of regrets. I should have spent more time with him, I should have taken him to the dog park more (only took him once during the entire summer), I should have taken him on more walks and hikes (Mom's been taking him for walks), I shouldn't have taken him for granted. 

Its especially hard to be away at university, 6 hours away, while he's going through this. I wish I could be there for him. 

Part of me wants to put him to sleep now, before it gets any worse and he starts to suffer, but another part of me says that his quality of life is still good at this point so why cut it off prematurely? Part of me wants to put him to sleep because it would be easier on me (its really hard watching him go through this), but that's purely for my benefit and is really selfish. I don't know anymore. 

I'm glad I have a supportive family; we all want the best for him. We're just devestated, heartbroken, and wondering why it had to happen to him. He is such a good dog, and we're blessed to have had the opportunity to have such a great first dog. 


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Elyse, it is really difficult to know the right path to take.  With Eisa, we had high hopes it was a simple infection in her leg.  When the biopsies came back indicating soft tissue carcinoma, our vet recommended amputation, with one reservation, that once the symptoms appeared as they had, the likelihood that the cancer had already spread was about 90 percent certain.  We then opted to keep her comfortable for as long as we could. When she could no longer put weight on her leg, then she stopped eating, it became evident that her time was not long.  A week later, we took her in for her final visit.  But you never know, is it time, should you wait, maybe they will pass and the decision won't be necessary?  All those questions and thoughts, and more, go through your head.  You only want what is best for them.  And sometimes, what is best for them is out of your control.  And that makes it all the more difficult.  My heart goes out to both you and Suka.  They mean so much to us, we are their caregivers, they rely on us for everything.  Sometimes, the time comes when what they need, we cannot give, and it hurts.

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From the bottom of my heart: Thank you everyone for your kind words of advice and support. It means a lot.

Even though he's sick, he still manages to get into mischief - the brat! Like, yesterday he escaped from his harness while he was tethered outside (he has NEVER done that before) and took himself for a walk around the neighbourhood. My Mom went inside the house to go do something for like 5 minutes, and when she came back he was gone!

So, clearly, he still has a lot of life left in him. 


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  • 2 months later...

Okay. Here are some updates I posted on Facebook. First update (October-November) is great. Second one is heartbreaking. I don't know what to do....

UPDATE as of October/November: Suka went in for a check up at the end of October. He had another x-ray & ultrasound. The cancer has been stabilized (hasn't grown or shrunk significantly since his last ultrasound which was at the end of August). 

They had to put him on the strongest chemo meds available, because the initial ones weren't doing anything, so now he's taking chemo pills.

Our insurance allowance for physiotherapy reached its limit & the physio wasn't helping much anyways, so we stopped it sometime in October. He now goes for ~20-40 minute walks (depending on how he feels) around the neighbourhood, so that's really good! 


I just got a call a couple of minutes ago from my Mom. They are considering putting him down very soon (within the next couple of days). He peed all over my Dad's bedroom this morning (carpet, some got on the bedsheets, etc), full puddles and everything...not just trickles. This is very unlike Suka, he always asks to go outside.

According to Mom he's eating relatively well, he doesn't eat every day (somedays he refuses to eat), but she said that's normal ever since October so I don't think that's related. 

She says she doesn't want to put him down & that she's not ready. I said we have to do what's best for HIM & not for us. Yet, the dog has been costing us TOO much financially (even with insurance, we're well over $10K now for his treatments and etc). Its just too much.

She said he went for a walk last night for around 20 minutes & was eager to do it, but this morning he was limping and seemed to be in pain again. He's been growling at her lately, too, in various situations. He never growls at people - NEVER. 

That being said, my parents are sometimes horrible at judging him and his body language...so I want to see him for myself before we make any decisions. 

I told them to not do anything without me, or I'll never forgive them. I want to say goodbye to him. Depending on what Guelph & Dunnville says or recommends, I'm going to rush home ASAP, arriving home before my parents wake up. School be damned - its the end of the semester anyways.

So, yes. That's the latest news as of this afternoon. I'm not sure what to do, I've never went through this before. How do you know if your dog is ready to die?

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Really really sorry to hear that Elyse. Unfortunately I dont think there is anyone who will be able to answer your question. If its time, you will know. You probably won't want to know, but you will know :( 

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Oh Elyse :(:( I think you will know when it's time.  Quality of life has to be there, when it isn't it's our job as responsible owners to ensure they don't suffer just for our sake.  I can't imagine how hard this is for you i'm so sad for the hard decisions you're going to have to face but I know you will do what's right for him.

Thinking of you xxx

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So sorry Elyse.   

In all honesty, if it gets to the stage when you see your dog simply laying there, having lost the will to live, then the decisions probably been left too long.   Like mentioned, quality of life is important, paramount even.   If that quality has gone, then it's time to say goodbye. 

It's a really rough call to make and I truly feel for you, but trust your instincts.  That will help you cope afterwards because even though your heart is breaking, in your head you will know you made the right choices.  

Sending hugs Elyse.   Xxxxxx. :grouphug: 

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