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Thinking about giving up kaiser

Alicia Doyle

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You know how much I love my dogs and how I struggle with them but would never give them up Kaiser has attacked penny for the second time now the first time he got her ear really bad and she needed staples now his got her jaw and the blood is pouring out of her. I'm just thinking what will happen to her next time. On my way to vets will let you know how I get on

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Oh no, sorry to hear Penny's been hurt, fingers crossed for her.  Let us know how she gets on.

What was the fight over?  In this house there's only one thing that starts a fight and it's food.  Ice has attacked Brooke a few times and Bear once or twice.  Thankfully he hasn't done it for a while and when he did he doesn't usually hurt them, although he has cut Brooke's nose before now very slightly. It's mainly a lot of noise and grabbing, although it has left Brooke quite afraid of walking past him. 

Although not an answer or we dealt with it two ways:  firstly by making sure that all food is kept out of reach, I can usually see a potential trigger situation as soon as I see it as i've learnt the hard way to spot them.  We also did treat training by sitting them side by side and asking each one to give paw, then rewarding with treats.  That taught Ice not to try to fight or steal other dog's food/treats pretty quickly but if somethings left out and up for grabs then it's a different story entirely. 


p.s.  what shoe size is josh?  i've got a pair of size 2 heeley's here he can have if they'll fit him?  Inbox me if you're interested.  :)


Edited by Emma
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Hey hun no this time there was no food involved it's getting worse and worse they're fighting on walks too Kaiser is trying to become the boss and penny isn't giving it up is what we think is going on. We have brought penny inside and left Kaiser outside as she can't go out now with her wound we're trying to teach Kaiser that penny is the boss so things can go back to normal, if that doesn't work we can get these collars to calm them down his always trying to get ahead of her on the walks so I thought maybe pull him a small bit back if he gets ahead? Vet also suggested muzzling him as a last resort on walks but I don't c how it's going to stop fighting as it normally happens when they're in pen or in house. Thanks Emma your so good I've some bought now thanks though

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How old is kaiser compared to penny? 

You can try feeding penny first while kaiser watch in a kennel or something. The one higher in the totem pole eats first. You can also have kaiser move out of the way when penny wants a certain spot(show of respect). It does seem like kaiser is trying to figure out where he is on the totem pole.

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They've been living together for a few years now.  It's so strange that they'd start fighting this far down the line for leadership.   Got my fingers crossed for you Hun.   It must be really hard for you to deal with on your own when Alan's away.  :grouphug:  

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Echo and Darwin used to fight.

Always instigated by Echo and not over food or toys but people.

She simply was overprotective of us Humans.

for 2 1/2 years she would launch into him with little or no warning.

When it happened we left the room and closed the door.

Not to leave them to it but to remove the trigger (us)

It's very rare it happens now a couple of times per year

whereas it used to be almost daily.

Time and patience.


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Always sorry to hear of issues where there's conflict in the home. I'd be very surprised if it was a dominance thing as, whilst the pack dynamic may alter over a period of time it rarely boils over into fighting after any aggression issues have been overcome in the early days - especially given that they've been together for years. I'd maybe look to health (both dogs OK, especially Kaiser?), jealousy (are you treating each equally?) or guarding (food, resource, toys, corner of the room, person, etc). I'd be tempted to muzzle Kaiser, even in the house, and try and determine the cause of the upsets - seperating them will obviously prevent conflict but is unlikely to resolve the problem. Muzzling will also allow you guys to be more relaxed - which'll calm the dogs down all on it's own (they pick up on emotions pretty well - and being tensed up waiting for trouble can be sensed). Then it's down to loads of praise when they're together and Kaiser doesn't react negatively - with a show of disapproval if he grumbles (but without going overboard - too much and it can actually make the situation worse). May take some time but I've seen plenty of success stories with muzzles - and if you do spot a trigger and resolve it, it'll speed up the whole process. Obviously, muzzles can only be used when you're present so it'd probably also be worth crating him at night - sharing the same general space tends to be more beneficial than total separation into another room (which, again, can actually increase the problem)

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Yay! I've been reading so much negativity on muzzles yet..

It has virtually stopped my two chewing up their beds, getting over- hyped up when Chester gets over ruff tuff playing with Eski..and then she goes for him hammer & tong! He deserves it but she draws blood so they both get muzzled for the night!

They have them off next day but the minute they start (both guilty!) The muzzles go back on...

Then off in 30 minutes and....they're good as gold.

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They haven't worn muzzles for over 9 months. Only when running out in rig in farmers' land where sheep are visible in nearby fields...

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  • 9 months later...

Hey guys so the fighting stopped but its starting again literally no food is present no people nothing they are in there pen and start fighting normaly me telling them off from where i am does it today i had to shout at them to stop and they did. although no blood has been drawn. Last time bringing penny in showing kaiser penny is the boss did the trick.

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I have 2 that will just go at it for no reason at all. Sasha and Nina. Sasha always wins, pack leader, and Nina spends the next couple of hours trying to make up to her big sis. That is all I can put it down to. Sisters. Shout and they stop. Never do it when we're not here though. :huh:



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Our two males tangle.  I grab one of them by their rear legs and pull while yelling KNOCK IT OFF!  Then I throw a pillow or stuffed toy at them.  Used to be an every other day happening. Now it's maybe once every two to three weeks.  Rohn is a bit smaller, and gets the worst of it.  He has a few battle scars on his neck, covered by fur.  Luke usually comes out unscathed.  It actually sounds worse than what it is. Still, it's unnerving.

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We have it with Kaiser and Koda occasionally. One of them things with having more than one. It will happen at times, no matter how much you try and prevent it. They then get told off my Sarah and sit and sulk lol


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  • 3 weeks later...

My girls do scrap and when they do I usually have to part them resulting in myself getting hurt!!! 

Nice scar on my hand, thankfully the tissue damage healed in time. And that was just a tooth scrape!!! 

With mine I put it down to being bitches and the fact that they are both wanting to be in charge. 

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