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I love you Sasha


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My baby girl Sasha passed away on Friday in a way she never deserved. (please note this post is just me getting my feelings out and might not be a pleasure to read)

I am completely devastated to a point i have no idea what to do with my grief. That dog was my life she meant everything to me. I have not had a job since last may and she spent every single day with me. She spent no time alone because anywhere i went she rode in the front seat and always had her head on my lap or on my shoulder watching the rode. When i went places i could not go she would ride with me to my parents house and i would drop her off for baby sitting. We enjoyed activities like bikjoring, kayaking and recently cross county skiing as well as netflix together every night. She was such a typical husky crabby and talk-a-tive never really a big cuddlier except when she was super tired then she was like a new born baby. When i would shower she would keep her head around the curtain to make sure i was okay, when i would go up stairs to get dressed she would go first to make sure everything was okay.

Sasha loved her crate it was her "wolf den" or safe spot, she also loved her kong. The one toy she got from her last owner, she always did this super weird thing where she would let it berly hang out the side of her mouth but never let it drop. She also liked to lay down with her back legs sprawled back and her front legs bent like broken chicken wings. Whenever i did anything i would ask sasha what she would think and she would talk in her husky language. I carried her like a baby everywhere we went ( she pulled on the leash too much from bikjoring it got old). She loved being perched up on my shoulders or even on the couch to show dominance over other dogs. Everyone says there dog or kid is special and better then the rest but trust me this one was, my parents used to breed dogs. Sasha was a flunk out of a police training academy.

Every aspect of my life revolved around sasha and i miss her so much her smile her fur ( i vacuumed for the first time today since she passed and now all my house is de furred =( ) i miss her sleeping on my bed, car rides suck, being at my parents house sucks, I talked to her all day everyday. I talked for her. I had conversations with myself ( yea im crazy)  I would be like "sasha you stink you eat toooo much cheese" and then i would respond to myself in my "sasha voice"    "os os dads whys dos yous says thes huskys stinks yous donts evens knows anythings abouts mys breads ims a verys rares breeds yours luckys tos has mes" pretty much my sasha voice is just to add a "s" after everything.

She was just so cute and moody and husky like and sooooooo bratty i miss her so bad she was my therapy dog and helped me with some problems. Now i cant talk to her or be around her or have any support. Im physically sick i need her so badly, when i burried her i couldnt stop hugging her in our favorite position. She needed me as much as i needed her and i feel like i let her down. I just feel so so so soooooooo bad i miss my baby girl i cant cry anymore it just wont come out im numb not hungry. What can make this go away?

I know to alot of people dogs are just dogs but to me she was literally the only person there for me. The only one and now i have no one and feel so cold and distant to everything. She helped me with motivation to do stuff and enjoy life.

Sasha I love you and miss you. I am so sorry for everything i miss you and would do anything to hold you one more time. Sometimes i think the whole dogs go to heaven is just a feel good thing but its all i got right now so i hope its real.

Without your smile, bark, kisses and love. Life is just shit its terrible i am having a really hard time over here i still need you. Maybe i will visit your grave tommorow and bring your favorite kong (sorry i forgot to bury it with you baby girl) go get some skitty kats and i hope you are in heaven having fun. If there is no heaven and you just ceased to exist i just want you to know you meant everything to be and i will always have your pictures and will leave the videos on youtube. You litterly changed my life and comforted me every day/night. I am so lost without you i just simply do not even know what to do anymore. :(


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So very, very sorry for your loss, Nick.  It's very difficult to suffer such a loss.  Your memories remain, and reflecting on those can help to ease the pain.

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Hey Nick, I am so sorry to hear about your loss of beautiful Sasha, you won't know me on here as I do dip in and out and am more of a reader than a contributor of wisdom.  On the 24 January 2016 is the 2nd year anniversary of the passing of my beautiful boy Leon who was a large grey and twin brother of Taiya (who's story you will find in 'lost and found and Leon is on Rainbow bridge'), I was very worried about Tai after the passing of her twin brother and found our other pooch Ollie was not enough for her so after 4 weeks rescued fellow red husky  Nanook from a local dog rescue centre - although Ollie and Nooks make a very good couple (both males and apparently gay)  he cheered Tai up immensely so have had him nearly2 years this Feb 2016!  Taiya is now 12, Nooks is currently 10 nearly and Ollie 9 years - what I am getting at is - don't leave yourself without a guardian husky as there are plenty in rescue centres on death row right now who could use your help - you could help them and they would definitely help you and Sasha would be so proud of you xx

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Michelle thanks for the kind words i will read the stories on your  beautiful huskys. I have been trying the rescue places and keep getting nos because i dont have a fence only a cable tie out (even though i exercised my baby girl so much

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nick, it's tough to lose a faithful friend. We lost our first Husky, Elke, in 2008, after almost fifteen years. Still miss her terribly.  This past year, we lost our rescue Eisa.  That was a real heartbreaker, because she was such a sweetheart.  Our two that we currently have, Zoya and Rohn, keep us on our toes.  But we still feel the pain of loss. Probably always will.  While normalcy eventually returns, it's just not the same. But life goes on.  I have always had at least one dog in my life as long as I can remember.  Each of them still holds a place in my heart. But not a one ever replaced those that I've lost. 

They say that time heals all wounds.  While that may be true, time does not lessen the pain we feel when they pass.

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