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Smokey was spayed today


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So leaving her at the vets today, she wasn't happy! (Pic1)

Got there after 4pm like they said and she's still in the cage, too weak to get up and walk by herself (pic2&3)

So I camp out for an hour until the vet said I could just take her as he's sure she's just enjoying all the extra attention!

Was surprised with some comments the vet & staff made!!!

She apparently has the best, softest and healthiest skin/coat they have even seen in a Husky.

Apparently the vet had emergency surgery (thats why she was done late) and was thus closed for most of the morning so the receptionist spent the morning playing with Smokey! I took a squaky ball with and they played fetch through the whole practice!

The receptionist said that Smokey was so well behaved and listened to every command, they did not even need her leash...

I know she's sweet, but to hear that she behaves and listens to commands (really???) without me is very surprising...

Last pics are of her at home on the bed, taking a nap!







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1 minute ago, robke said:

get well soon Smokey enjoy the pampering....

I have 2 that will listen better to strangers then us for a few hrs...then that is out of the window as well...LOL

Thanks Rob! Right now she's still sleeping, hasn't even bothered to lift her head...will see if she wants some food a bit later.

I think it might just be that her 'terribly' behaved brothers were not around! :D

She has always been the best behaved of the pack, but when around the others she just doesn't care to listen. But she never listens to strangers! 

What I really like about this vet is that when I took her there the very first time and she freaked out of being scared, he went and sat on the floor with her until she calmed down, most vets I know would just force the dog down on the table and get on with if! So he really does try to make it fun and better for them at the vets! :)


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20 minutes ago, robke said:

that is a brilliant vet...is a keeper...

That's my point, if they actually spend the initial effort to put the dog at ease & relaxed it is also so much easier for them to handle it! They (all 3 dogs!) actually LIKE this vet, so they don't mind going to the vets :)


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10 hours ago, Emma said:

Awwww, get well soon Smokey and don't bust your stitches young lady!

:huskyhugs: xxx

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Thanks Emma, spent most of last night stopping her from pulling the stitches out! She only fell asleep after 3 am and was up again from 5am...

The vet said its good when they lick the wound, which she does, but then she pulls at the ends of the stitches...he said in all his years as vet he's only had one dog that could get his stitches out! So she should be ok, but wont she hurt the wound if she keeps pulling??? Any idea how to get her to stop??? This vet is strongly against the cone of shame...

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I hope she heals fast.


Must say I am a little surprised that the vet has said its good when they lick the wound. Everything I have ever understood is the opposite of this. So many gems and bacteria in the mouth and saliva. Hot spots grow rapidly because of licking. 

Anyway, the best thing is a Medical pet shirt, but if you can't get one quickly you can try and use a small T'shirt and see if you can get it to cover the wound area. 

Vets also sell liquid bitterant which you apply around the wound (not on it) it should discourage licking and hopefully pulling of the stitches. 

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8 minutes ago, Jase said:

I hope she heals fast.


Must say I am a little surprised that the vet has said its good when they lick the wound. Everything I have ever understood is the opposite of this. So many gems and bacteria in the mouth and saliva. Hot spots grow rapidly because of licking. 

Anyway, the best thing is a Medical pet shirt, but if you can't get one quickly you can try and use a small T'shirt and see if you can get it to cover the wound area. 

Vets also sell liquid bitterant which you apply around the wound (not on it) it should discourage licking and hopefully pulling of the stitches. 

Thanks Jase, yes I think he just meant the occasional licking not compulsive licking like she does! 

I can't find a surgical shirt like that in shops, I have looked before her surgery. Online ordering takes about 2 weeks for delivery which would now be too late :(

What if I cut a big T shirt and 'wrap' it around her belly not too tight?? I can bandage it together at the top??? 

The vet just said that the surgery site should stay open, not to put anything on it to cover it as that broods infection...

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wish i would have know could have send you one of mine...

i have seen people using a t-shirt before and worked for them...just try it with an old shirt..also keeps the others away from the wound which is just as important as her licking the wound...

also see people using one piece bathing suits...

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10 minutes ago, robke said:

wish i would have know could have send you one of mine...

i have seen people using a t-shirt before and worked for them...just try it with an old shirt..also keeps the others away from the wound which is just as important as her licking the wound...

also see people using one piece bathing suits...

Yeah, I really didn't think she would chew...

I tried the largest cone I have (think its too 'short' though...she can still reach it at her tongue reaches it!!!

Think I'll try a shirt or phone the vet...


Put the yellow ointment on but you can see the diff from last night, clearly a bit red & swollen on the 'left/bottom'...


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Oh, they are such pains ... I wish we could explain "if ya gunna lick and chew, then ya gunna get the cone of shame" LOL


You can try fashioning a shirt, maybe even stitch two together at the waist part??? 

Best of luck, this is the hardest part of dog care 

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Just now, Jase said:

Oh, they are such pains ... I wish we could explain "if ya gunna lick and chew, then ya gunna get the cone of shame" LOL


You can try fashioning a shirt, maybe even stitch two together at the waist part??? 

Best of luck, this is the hardest part of dog care 

Well, apparently she has no problem with the cone, she couldn't care less!!! BUT she still manages to chew :(

She even folds it with her paw to get better reach!!!! I think she's too clever... 

Will phone the vet now and hear what he says!

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 Phoned the vet just now, he said no licking like she does! Apparently the last two stitches is where the wound drains and that causes the itching...

According to him a little swelling like that is normal within the first 24-48 hours, but if the skin around it looks red that I should bring her in immediately.

Also said not to cover it with anything or dress her in anything as it would make her sweat in the heat (onlt about 28°C today) and cause infection.

He said to watch her the whole time for first 3 days, until he sees her again on Monday :(


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Just now, Rachael_Astro said:

It is hard! Astro managed to lick his wound too, even with the cone on! Such a nightmare but it's only for a few days emoji4.png

Both boys licked their wounds, but never chewed or pulled stitches.

She's being a royal pain with her constantly trying a new way to reach there...next thing she'll probably try to scratch her belly against some object!


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Our vets are of opposing opinions it would seem. Our vets and most vets over here in the uk will all tell you to stop them from licking or biting at the wound and will give you a cone of shame to use if they do start doing it so its most strange to hear a vet say otherwise.

I see you've got a cone now. It's a pain in the butt but hopefully won't be needed for too long. Xxx

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18 hours ago, Emma said:


Our vets are of opposing opinions it would seem. Our vets and most vets over here in the uk will all tell you to stop them from licking or biting at the wound and will give you a cone of shame to use if they do start doing it so its most strange to hear a vet say otherwise.

I see you've got a cone now. It's a pain in the butt but hopefully won't be needed for too long. Xxx

Apparently I misunderstood about the licking...while he said its fine for the boys to lick their wounds, he only meant occasional licking/washing for her ;) not the very obsessive licking she's been doing... It happens when you get a vet thats not your language :D

So after another night of not sleeping, last night she tantrum the whole night through because she did not want to be crated! I cannot let her sleep on the bed as she already wants to jump every opportunity she gets! 

Any ideas? She has her toys in the crate, she just does not want to sleep in it after Wollie died, no matter what I've tried, its only tantrums at night...

I only put the cone on when she's in the crate, but she does not mind the cone at all!


Edit: The night tantrums only started after W died, she was fine with sleeping in her crate before that...its been about 5 months now and she literally goes bonkers the whole night if I crate her, I'm scared she'll hurt herself or stitches now...

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It does look a little red down there. When we got Bear spayed she actually tore one of her external stitches. The vets looked at it, said it would take longer to heal but otherwise would be OK and back home we went. She bled an awful lot so I was expecting to hear the worst from them.

Could you keep her with you overnight? If you're using the crate to keep the others from licking her then maybe separating her in another way would be better for you both.

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3 minutes ago, Emma said:


It does look a little red down there. When we got Bear spayed she actually tore one of her external stitches. The vets looked at it, said it would take longer to heal but otherwise would be OK and back home we went. She bled an awful lot so I was expecting to hear the worst from them.

Could you keep her with you overnight? If you're using the crate to keep the others from licking her then maybe separating her in another way would be better for you both.

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Their crates are in the bedroom. I would love to have her open in the room during the night (T sleeps crated and B sleeps outside) but she will 100% jump on and off the bed...she already attempted that this morning after a potty break! Thankfully the leash made that she couldn't reach.

And the vet is super clear on NO jumping up or down from furniture for 3 weeks for a female. I asked him about her sleeping on the bed and he said not a chance! But I know she does not stay on the bed all night she loves to go lay down in the doorway too...and I cannot stop her from jumping on the bed.

Putting her in another room like bathroom would only make her break it down and howl as she would freak out if she's not sleeping  the bedroom witg me.

She doesn't care about the other dogs and thankfully they don't seem interested in her...

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