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Smokey was spayed today


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The others don't lick her? Well that's one good thing then. Ice is the one who will lick all the dogs and us too if we're injured. He's so soft and gentle when he does it, you can easily forget what a little terror he can be,lol.

I can see you're caught in a tricky situation. She either sleeps with you and risks busting her stitches from jumping or she sleeps in the crate and risks busting her stitches from going bonkers.

All I can think is have you tried things that we recommend for crate training basics, putting things with your scent on in there, some toys and stuff to occupy her. I know that a thunder shirt that goes around the body is designed to have a calming effect and seeings as it's designed somewhat similar to the vets pet shirt, maybe that would also have the same effect? I'm having a think. [emoji848]

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7 minutes ago, Emma said:


The others don't lick her? Well that's one good thing then. Ice is the one who will lick all the dogs and us too if we're injured. He's so soft and gentle when he does it, you can easily forget what a little terror he can be,lol.

I can see you're caught in a tricky situation. She either sleeps with you and risks busting her stitches from jumping or she sleeps in the crate and risks busting her stitches from going bonkers.

All I can think is have you tried things that we recommend for crate training basics, putting things with your scent on in there, some toys and stuff to occupy her. I know that a thunder shirt that goes around the body is designed to have a calming effect and seeings as it's designed somewhat similar to the vets pet shirt, maybe that would also have the same effect? I'm having a think. emoji848.png

Well Tsunami does not go near her as she growls and snaps at him when he approaches her...I think she's being moody with him as it actually started a few days before the spay, but it really helps now that he leaves her alone! I keep her in the bedroom and he has roam of thw house and outdoor play time with B so the boys are no problem :)

She is crate trained and will peacefully spend 8+ hours in it if she ever has to...no issues from her side about being crated, its only from the day after Wollie died that she won't sleep in it...she's fine until the lights go out! I've joked she must be scared of the dark...somehow she was ok when W was in the room and she needed to sleep crated? I thought with Tsunami here she would get better, but no matter what of those ideas I tried she would keep me awake all night if I crate her :(

I think she got a form of SA...she really still misses Wollie, if she finds a toy of his or something with his smell on she will lay with it and cry...I even tried putting some of his stuff in with her and it helps a bit but after a few minutes of crying she will still try anything to get out!

I know I still miss him everyday, but I had no idea that she would take so long to get over him...she even starts whimpering if she sees a BC that has the same type of look :(

I knew she wpuld fit about sleeping in the crate, but somehow thought that she would be better...I spent the week before she got spayed to randomly crate her up in the middle of the night (while she fell asleep in bed) and then she was fine for a few hours in the crate...but now even if she's asleep when I put her in she tantrums!

Sorry for the looooooong reply!


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Lol, that's fine. Is it only when it's dark that she starts to get upset in the crate? If you had a plug in nightlight would that help? Sorry to hear she's suffering the loss of Wollie so badly. [emoji20]

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3 minutes ago, Emma said:


Lol, that's fine. Is it only when it's dark that she starts to get upset in the crate? If you had a plug in nightlight would that help? Sorry to hear she's suffering the loss of Wollie so badly. emoji20.png

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I might try that... Since she keeps me up at night when crated, I crated her this afternoon with cone on and took a nap...she also slept like a baby for almost 3 hours!

Maybe I should just try to make up the sleep like that for now :D

The rash is starting to look a lot better! :)




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3 hours ago, loudlucky said:

I might try that... Since she keeps me up at night when crated, I crated her this afternoon with cone on and took a nap...she also slept like a baby for almost 3 hours!

Maybe I should just try to make up the sleep like that for now :D

The rash is starting to look a lot better! :)




Wow, that does look considerably less irritated than before.   Definitely heading in the right direction.  

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4 minutes ago, Emma said:

Wow, that does look considerably less irritated than before.   Definitely heading in the right direction.  

Yeah, it looks more dry too, not sticky wet like before :) Hopefully it looks good by Monday!

She's asleep on the bed now, looks too cute to move! But its after 10pm so will have to crate her...hopefully her new friend will comfort her a bit :D


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So the vet is totally not impressed!

He gave her an antibiotic shot (one she's not allergic to!) And something for pain (which I doubt she has cause she wants to jump around and do acrobatics!!!)

He says he's very worried about infection at the bottom two stitches! If the yellow around the wound has not cleared by Friday he wants to see her again...

The rash does look a lot better today :)



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@Jase Would it be ok to wash/clean her wound with calendula?

The vet said to make sure it stays clean and to take a damp cloth to wipe it clean about 3x per day...

Her crate is clean and she was bathed the day before, but the shaved part of her tummy gets dirty I have no idea how! She only goes out for potty breaks on the leash so I guess her feet probably brings the dirt into her crate...

What I'm doing now is take a old wetwipe (the aloe kind not the baby ones) and dip it in water so its not totally wet and just gently clean the wound and then the rest of the tummy with a clean one.

Would the calendula affect the wound? I thought it might help with the rash or infection? Or should I rather just stick to water?

Cleaning it most definitely helps a lot!

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6 minutes ago, loudlucky said:

@Jase Would it be ok to wash/clean her wound with calendula?

The vet said to make sure it stays clean and to take a damp cloth to wipe it clean about 3x per day...

Her crate is clean and she was bathed the day before, but the shaved part of her tummy gets dirty I have no idea how! She only goes out for potty breaks on the leash so I guess her feet probably brings the dirt into her crate...

What I'm doing now is take a old wetwipe (the aloe kind not the baby ones) and dip it in water so its not totally wet and just gently clean the wound and then the rest of the tummy with a clean one.

Would the calendula affect the wound? I thought it might help with the rash or infection? Or should I rather just stick to water?

Cleaning it most definitely helps a lot!

Hi Cindy

Calendula is going to be better than water, but I never used anything on my boy when he had surgery, my understanding is that it should be kept as dry as possible. You could use colloidal silver, but  again I follow the general rule of keeping dry. Betadine solution is an antiseptic that is used widely for humans and by vets it also acts as a drying agent. It can be applied undiluted to the wound but also diluted as a wash. 


It might be worth investing in a longer cone so she can't lick the wound :) I hope it clears up soon and keep us posted.


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@Jase I got the cone tighter so it sits higher and she cannot reach the wound anymore (when I take the cone off I watch her like a hawk!)

Its only to clean the wound I dry it again and then put the vets ointment on...but that is sticky and I guess its why the wound attracts dirt to it ;) according to the vet its no use just to keep it dry, it has to be super clean too all the time... Which I can understand because dirt attracts germs after all!!!

Why is she so much trouble when the boys had no issues at all!!??!??!

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28 minutes ago, Jase said:

Well, it is a hard one as I don't want to contradict anything your vet says. But in answer to you original question Calendula will be better than plain water :)

Thanks, I'll give it a try! Anything to keep it clean and get it healed up :D

Edit: and don't worry its a rather unconventional vet...

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So the wound is looking much better! Cleaned it with calendula water and trying to keep her still...

The rash spots are making little crusts, the vet said this means its healing...but now it apparently itches A LOT! Poor girl goes crazy trying to scratch...at least the calendula seemed to help a bit.

Hopefully the crusts disappears quickly so it can stop itching!

The yellowness at the bottom stiches are still there but looks less as well :D


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So, lets just say I'm going to skin the little rabbit!

I was outside for 10 minutes while Smokey was crated with her cone on...went back inside and there she was, cone broken open and she almost chewed the bottom stitch out, leaving a little gap in the wound! :(

After taking care of the wound, I got the little weasel in a t shirt and sew the ends closed, only leaving a little hole at the bottom to go potty...

ANY other ideas what to do???? I'm afraid she's going to chew right through the t shirt! I am not going to survive another 2 weeks till the stitches come out ...

Doesn't she look very innocent in her straight jacket???


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Sorry for the trouble but that is hilarious looking picture.  Reminds me of those old timey movies where the boyfriend would have to sleep over for whatever reason and the mother of the daughter stitches him in to a burlap sack avoid an shenanigans (family friendly way to put it).

From one crate person to another.... Mine likes to get into trouble in the crate anyway she can if I don't keep her occupied.  One time she slid the tray out and ate the carpet underneath, and another time she ate her harness.  I went to check on her and just the rings and buckle was left.  (that happened twice actually).  One time she straight up ate some of her crate.


I am most successful when I find ways to keep her occupied.  Peanutbutter in a kong is a favorite I will freeze that sometimes to make it even more challenging. Sometimes I wedge milkbones in her toys.  I always make sure that whatever I give her his indestructible though. You might try that. 


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Thanks Adam :)

Problem is that nothing gets her attention now, not even her salmon treats...she only want those stitches and will do ANYTHING to get them!

As we don't get the post surgery doggy shirts here (and importing would be way too slow!) I decided to follow the advice on here and try the human shirt...so far it works, but she has already licked that part of the shirt that goes over her belly soppy wet! She even tried going through the bottom (tiny!!!) hole I left open...

She's a lot calmer in the shirt than in the cone today... And we're having such nice rainy weather today so she's not hot at least :)

Only time she's not trying to lick her guts out is when she sleeps in my lap on the bed...but I can't sit here 24/7 :D

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