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Blending dog families


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I mentioned in my photo post a few days ago that I've started dating someone who has two dogs of his own. Well, we're having some issues with dogs getting along and I'm hoping someone might have some advice.

His two dogs are up there in years - a 15 year-old dominant, male Jack Russel and a 13 year-old skittish, female pit mix. Chula has had skirmishes with both of them. 

As she's gotten older, Chula has become more jealous and more anxious. I don't know if it is directly related, but a lot of it seems to coincide with my ex moving out of the house last January. She "guards" my house now, and barks at noises and reflections in a way that she never did when the ex was still home. She is more anxious of people, too. That said, she is still the same goofy, playful dog that always wants to run and interact with other dogs. She goes to daycare frequently and I've never gotten a report of her injuring a dog. I stopped taking her to the dogpark, though, because if there were dogs chasing tennis balls she would end up getting into fights over them if the other dog wouldn't retreat. She has no problem with me taking her food from her, or her toys, so it's just a guarding against other dogs type of thing.

Because his dogs are old, they don't travel well. That means when we want to spend the night together, or make evening plans, I bring Chula over to his house. His house is quite small, and Chula is quite rambunctious. This has led to a few altercations:

1. All three dogs were outside. Chula was running around, being a husky, and being kind of anxious because it's not her yard. She ran right over the Jack Russel, who jumped up to bite her on her scruff. Chula trapped him underneath her and was bitey bitey. They tussled pretty good, though no blood or punctures, mostly just lots of noise. The boyfriend had to kick them to get them to separate.

2. I was cooking in the kitchen, Chula was standing about ten feet from me, the Pit mix came in my general direction and Chula went after her. Chased her to the other side of the house and bit her on the rump. Again, no blood or punctures, but now the pit is scared of her.

3. Just this morning, because they tend to tussle, I send them all out separately. His dogs, then Chula. As his dogs came back in the house, Chula went right for the Jack Russell with no provocation. She didn't seem aggressive, just that she went and trapped him under her and started to husky mouth at him. No blood, no punctures, ended when I yelled at them.

This is a problem for long term. One, because it's so stressful! And two, because he has a five year old son and I don't want him to inadvertently get injured in a dog tussle. The boyfriend's response is frequently "My dogs are old", which is true, but they could easily live another two years as they both seem healthy. I'd like to be able to live together sometime before then!

Chula is SO anxious at his house, even more so than at mine. Will this get better with time? At this point, I don't even feel comfortable leaving the three of them in the living room together while I go to the bathroom. What can I do to encourage them to have the proper dog conversations they need to have to establish their relationship? 

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Can you meet up somewhere regularly over your partner's way and go for walks together? That would likely be the best way to get used to each other in a neutral territory. Chula's a nervous dog and by being in the other dogs territory it's likely going to intensify that anxiety.

It does sound like she's telling the other dog off. Our staffy is old and ice will do the same thing to her from time to time. Not very often these days, usually one incident a year, But that's bad enough tbh. He doesn't hurt her physically particularly but emotionally she falls apart.

Sent via the power of telepathy.

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Hmm, that is strange because when Chula came over my house she seemed to do really well with my three dogs.  Even Nikko, who is just as obnoxious (and maybe more so!).  Maybe it is just rough husky play and the other two don't like it?  Wish I had some better advice!

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Sounds like Chula has some sort of fear or anxiety...

You need to work on her fears first ;) The reasons she barks at your place or guards it sounds like fear. My recently found dog behaviourist/trainer said that they either run away when scared or they bark/guard/bite...

I would suggest walks together on neutral ground like Emma said or have her get used to his yard (by keeping his dogs inside for a few hours) and see how it goes, if she relaxes.

Hope you get it sorted, its no fun when they are scared or don't get along!

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1 hour ago, Jay said:

Hmm, that is strange because when Chula came over my house she seemed to do really well with my three dogs.  Even Nikko, who is just as obnoxious (and maybe more so!).  Maybe it is just rough husky play and the other two don't like it?  Wish I had some better advice!

She definitely does better with dogs her size, and with dogs that are more confident and who want to play husky style. She tends to agitate other dogs into wanting to bite her. The JR is really dominant - as in he pees all over the house if he's not crated if Chula has been there the day before, but he's too little and on edge about her presence to be much fun for her. He is not interested in playing AT ALL. The pit just doesn't know what to do because Chula is so "in your face" so she hides or tries to cower - which only pushes Chula into trying to hump her or get her to play. If Chula wasn't such a spaz, I think the Pit might try to play a little.

The Pit has really bad car sickness, and can't walk much - she had her leg crushed when she was a teenager. She's mobile and can get around ok, but she's not going to be able to walk more than a block or two. I can try to get the BF to walk the JR with us. I don't think I could walk them both myself.

How do I get her to be less scared at home? 

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From what you're describing the problems with your home do sound like fear based. Regular interactions with others is a good thing to help desensitise to fear of strangers so things you are doing like dog daycare are good. Also when out and about meeting new people is another good thing. They don't have to be full on with her, just her walking past them without reacting is a good start.

The terrier sounds to a degree like he's 'taking a stand' against this newcomer in his house. if that's right, then the walks together would be good to get used to each other where territory isn't an issue. when they adjust and get used to each other then they should find their place in the family.

With Chula's full on enthusiasm. When ice or Bear did this to Brooke, we separated them until they had calmed down. We kept Brooke in the area where the family were and removed the dog who was pestering her from the room until they had calmed down. Kind of like a time out I suppose. Sometimes it was a case of 'in, out, in, out' but they did leave her be in the end. She is generally left in peace all the time now (providing she doesn't waddle over to them and interfere with what they're doing, that's the time when trouble could start. They warn her to back off but she is deaf and doesn't realise).

Sent via the power of telepathy.

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What the trainer has told me is to over sosialise Tsunami...expose him to as many environments/people/dogs you can find! 

Maybe look for dogs that challenges her at the dog park and walk her with them if you cant walk her with his JRT ;)

All I can tell you about fear anxiety is that it takes a lot of work and patience... But it pays off eventually! You have to praise her every time she has a good behaviour around other dogs/people ;) This might be hard with his dogs around, they can react jealous...but start out with the daycare dogs like Emma suggested.

I can't recall exactly how old Chula is but I'm guessing she is not at that age where she's cooled off a bit? How is she with training? Maybe you can teach her a command to 'ignore' or keep away from the other dogs and praise her if she obeys? But again maybe his dogs would then be jealous and it could be worse for you ;)

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