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Why you Dog proof the house and never leave a husky alone


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Not had that problem and mine are left alone, uncrated for hours if needed, just a question of training...

But I do like theartwork this doggie made...

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just read some of the comments people know so little about dogs and more so the husky

lol years ago we had a collie pup who over night destroyed an old chair that was  the dogs bed I never knew there was so much foam in a chair

my house is dog proof nothing at tail hieght that can be knocked over or flicked across the room




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We've been lucky so far, just a couple of pairs of hubby's shoes because he will not put them away at night  -  however when we go to the shops together (rare occurrence and we are gone no longer than 15 mins) - Marley takes to unravelling my hallway runner carpet - its nearly 2ft shorter than it was before he arrived.    My nightly routine is to unplug all leads and hide them (he has a morbid fascination with electrical leads), put covers on all the furniture and put everything higher than waist height that might be of interest  (soon going to have to be higher than that).

With Lunar I had problems with chewed chair legs, table legs when teething  -  but not with Marley ................... mind you all the legs have Vicks vapour rub on the underside - and he won't go near them (makes the house smell nice too);).   Lunar on the other hand caused around £3,500 worth of damage when I was working part-time  -  but stopped immediately I retired and at home all day.   Later on I will try and dig out some piccies.    

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Lunar's contributions to our household decorations included trying to dig up the radiator pipes, pulling carpets from the wall and stairs, eating the plaster, stripping wallpaper, and of course the normal digging of holes.   However one trick he did caused no damage  but still cost us a new front door  -  he could open it.   A temporary measure was to tape a cut plastic bottle over the latch so he could not open it and go for runs with his buddy Bernie  -  the neighbours used to go out and round them up for us luckily.   We also had to get an external letterbox as Lunar would kindly open all the mail for us and take things apart to ensure there was nothing nasty in it.   He also ate through our garden gates and dug up one of our cats from her resting place.   We also got hardwood floors downstairs to stop the damage to carpets, new side gates etc.   I eventually learned I could not leave him alone and retired.



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lol the husky holes in the garden can be fun some one in scotland had a large garden and a Rohdadedren bush on one side walking down to the log shed in the autum to get some logs the husband vanished from site.

Turns out that during the summer the dogs had dug a den started in the bush and extended out about 15 feet into the lawn  they must have moved a few tonnes of earth that was piled up at the back if the bush out of site took them  a week to dig it out then fill it back in and turf again

I myself had puppies eat the plaster off a wall in the kitchen

but have been lucky no demolitions by pups so far

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Ouchies! Looks like our house when they were pups. Ice nibbled on all the woodwork and Bear ripped up carpets, mattresses, wallpaper and pillows.......and that's not even starting on the garden. The entire lawn was destroyed with craters everywhere and all the plants destroyed. Looked like a barren wasteland, completely unrecognisable from now.

Sent via the power of telepathy.

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Wow, so glad mine have not done anything like these! Smokey I trust as long as all paper/books are out of reach (she's like a rat, loves shredding paper!) But she can be left alone for hours uncrated in the house...

Tsunami is a little mischievous devil though and will have to be content with crating until he learns some good behaviour skills...that does not include taking things apart or ripping them to pieces!

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Marley has not started on my books  .............. yet - (there's still time)  if he does he will be lucky to escape with his skin  -   I regularly leave my herbal medicine books strewn about - and usually have around 4 or 5 open at any one time.  In comparison to Lunar though he is an angel indoors  -  my main problem is his propensity to go after electrical wires.

3 hours ago, Emma said:

Ouchies! Looks like our house when they were pups. Ice nibbled on all the woodwork and Bear ripped up carpets, mattresses, wallpaper and pillows.......and that's not even starting on the garden. The entire lawn was destroyed with craters everywhere and all the plants destroyed. Looked like a barren wasteland, completely unrecognisable from now.

Sent via the power of telepathy.

Believe me when I say I feel your pain and know how you feel.   Our lawn was paved over for safety.

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@wolfpup Smokey will shred any paper she finds...even if it means sticking her paws out of the crate and grabbing bills a few feet away! That's why I packed the wire crate back in the box and have her in the plastic one again, much safer for me! :rofl:

My dad's rescued Border Collie used to chew any electrical wiring...once he chewed straight through a lead extension of a car battery while it was charging! He shocked and was out for a few seconds but luckily no damage was done to himself! My dad only learned to put the electric stuff away or to close up the dog!

What they don't do to torture us!

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Astro has chewed kitchen cupboard doors, chewed the wine shelf, chewed walls, chewed skirting boards, dug holes in the garden, chewed holes in 3 duvet covers, ripped out all the piping under my kitchen sink, eaten contents of the kitchen bin, smashed a rum bottle and carried pieces of glass into his bed (and lapped up all the rum), needless to say he has been crated when he's on his own since he was about 6 months! What a naughty pup and how he is still alive is quite a miracle. He currently thinks toilet roll is a tasty treat, so I have to keep that out of reach now too!

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Oh god, i'd forgotten all about the toilet rolls. I used to feel like I was living in a perpetual Andrex advert at one point. It got to the stage where I was just winding it back up regardless of the holes in it. [emoji23]

Sent via the power of telepathy.

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Fingers crossed, I must be very lucky with Keiko, she has never damaged anything. She will raid the bin for tasty treats and shred tissues if they are left in her sight. oh and other than the couple of holes dug in the garden nothing worth writing home about so.... I'm very lucky looking at these pictures and other stories lol

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I went shopping on Saturday for around 20 minutes max................... John was upstairs in his office.

I got home to this  -  good job I wasn't any longer I think.    From now on Marley is banned from the lounge unless I am in it  -  even if I just go to the loo the dogs are shut out .......... and Marley has lost his 'bed' (my sofa)


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What? . . . What ?

I don't see anything unusual.

All quite normal Husky homes :P


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Oh no!! Your poor chair @wolfpup! Luckily Akira has only chewed a few table legs/the bannister as she's been teething. She's confined to the kitchen if we pop out for an hour, and there is a stair gate so she's not allowed upstairs. I fear in a few months she'll be over that though...then there will be carnage!!

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1 hour ago, AmandaR said:

Oh no!! Your poor chair @wolfpup! Luckily Akira has only chewed a few table legs/the bannister as she's been teething. She's confined to the kitchen if we pop out for an hour, and there is a stair gate so she's not allowed upstairs. I fear in a few months she'll be over that though...then there will be carnage!!

Try vicks vapour rub on your wooden stuff  -  the dogs hate the smell and won't chew on it.   Harmless to them - and saves some furniture  (don't think it would work for my chair though)

Marley is now coming up to 6 months old  -  (he is really hoping he makes it to 6 months) and has most of his adult teeth and I've not had a problem with chewing the wooden coffee table or dining table and chairs  (so far) and put this down totally to the Vicks.

1 hour ago, Andy said:

What? . . . What ?

I don't see anything unusual.

All quite normal Husky homes :P


Thanks for the sympathy Andy   :lol:

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@wolfpup good thing you weren't away any longer!

Can I just ask WHO named him Marley???? That person stepped right into this trap... They always say watch what you name a pup because they live up to the name ;) He surely sounds like the original Marley from the book & movie! :rofl: 

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5 minutes ago, loudlucky said:

@wolfpup good thing you weren't away any longer!

Can I just ask WHO named him Marley???? That person stepped right into this trap... They always say watch what you name a pup because they live up to the name ;) He surely sounds like the original Marley from the book & movie! :rofl: 

His previous owner named him Marley - his previous owner to her named him Chad.     It took me around 4 days to realize that he fully intended to live up to the name, but thought that three different names in his first 12 weeks of life would be just too confusing for him.   However it is causing confusion in the dog training class  -  out of 8 dogs in our section we have a Marley, a Harley and a Charlie.   Marley answers to all of them thinking it is his turn to perform  (he's a diva and loves performing)   ;)

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9 minutes ago, wolfpup said:

His previous owner named him Marley - his previous owner to her named him Chad.     It took me around 4 days to realize that he fully intended to live up to the name, but thought that three different names in his first 12 weeks of life would be just too confusing for him.   However it is causing confusion in the dog training class  -  out of 8 dogs in our section we have a Marley, a Harley and a Charlie.   Marley answers to all of them thinking it is his turn to perform  (he's a diva and loves performing)   ;)

Oh I see, so he already lived up to his name at the previous owner probably...and now you're stuck with his mischievous behaviour!

Hopefully he'll behave better once he matures ;)

Must be funny in class, he just wants more turns to show off! So he actually only listens to the end of the name, and not the start... Most dogs listen to the starting sounds! 

He sounds too intelligent for his own good...he'll be getting in trouble a lot before he settles down! They always say the more intelligent a dog, the more trouble it attracts!

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@loudlucky   he is by far the most intelligent dog I have ever had, ...................... together with the most stubborn, obstinate, calculating, infuriating, troublesome, mischievous, and downright naughty dog .................................................. in other words he is utterly adorable.   I have only had one dog that has gotten to me as much as Marley has  - and he was a troubled Borzoi - that turned out to be a pussycat with me and small children - but woe betide anyone else who tried to tell him what to do,  many nights hubby slept in another room because Louis was on the bed  (I loved that dog) :goodjob:

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3 hours ago, wolfpup said:

Try vicks vapour rub on your wooden stuff  -  the dogs hate the smell and won't chew on it.   Harmless to them - and saves some furniture  (don't think it would work for my chair though)

Marley is now coming up to 6 months old  -  (he is really hoping he makes it to 6 months) and has most of his adult teeth and I've not had a problem with chewing the wooden coffee table or dining table and chairs  (so far) and put this down totally to the Vicks.

Thank you, it's great to get some advice and I'll definitely try a bit of Vicks! We bought some spray which was supposed to taste bitter, but apparently she wasn't that bothered and continued anyway. Whereas even I could taste it in the air for ages ha ha.

Akira is nearly 6 months too, but she's still got some of her baby teeth to go. Is it ok to give harder/crunchier chews at this stage? Her gums have been bleeding a little bit and smaller teeth coming out, so I didn't know whether this was helping or hindering?

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14 minutes ago, AmandaR said:

Thank you, it's great to get some advice and I'll definitely try a bit of Vicks! We bought some spray which was supposed to taste bitter, but apparently she wasn't that bothered and continued anyway. Whereas even I could taste it in the air for ages ha ha.

Akira is nearly 6 months too, but she's still got some of her baby teeth to go. Is it ok to give harder/crunchier chews at this stage? Her gums have been bleeding a little bit and smaller teeth coming out, so I didn't know whether this was helping or hindering?

Have you tried freezing a wet towel? That helps to sooth the gums when they chew on it (supervised).

I got mine those uncooked smoked bones you buy at the petshops when they were teething and also other rubbery type chew toys. But most of their teeth they lost on other dogs while rough playing!

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10 minutes ago, loudlucky said:

Have you tried freezing a wet towel? That helps to sooth the gums when they chew on it (supervised).

I got mine those uncooked smoked bones you buy at the petshops when they were teething and also other rubbery type chew toys. But most of their teeth they lost on other dogs while rough playing!

I've tried freezing a rubbery toy a bit which seemed to work, but she gets bored of her toys so quickly and loves ripping towels up! Hopefully the rest of the baby teeth will go in the next few weeks, but I'll try see what I can find in the petshop too, thank you :)

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Marley had fresh meaty bones every day and he lost all of his teeth on those,  he didn't notice a tooth had gone and chewing on the bones helped with the new ones poking through

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