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Designer Breeds? How About Mutts?


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Every once in awhile, I will type in Siberian Husky in Google, do a search, then opt for images.  Found an image of what looked to be a stuffed toy of a Siberian Husky.  However, upon going to the photo's Web site, which was a "breeder's" Web site for their "Pomskies" (Pomeranian + Husky), my jaw dropped.

Now I know it seems a bit elitist to feel that these so-called "breeders" are nothing more than money-hungry and most likely, could care less about either breed individually, since they are so focused on the outcome -- I mean income.  However, they really got my dander up as I read the information on the site.

Talked to our Vet about this combination, and he offered that the mother would most likely be the Husky with the poppo being the Pom. That to assure things get started off as best as possible, that AI (artificial insemination) would most likely be the approach, and that the end result could be almost anything from color, to markings, to size.  In other words, a bit of a gamble.

Here was the kicker, people are paying upwards of $5,000 per puppy.  If the markings are non-Husky-like, the average going price for a mixed Pom and Husky is from $1,000 to $1,500.  Got the looks of a Husky with the mask and all, now your are talking in the $1,500 to $3,000 range. That's just for one dog, not the whole litter!  Oh, and if a pup has one blue eye, tack on another $500 to $1,000; two blue eyes, adds another $1,500 to $2,500.

Here's the real breaker - people are on waiting lists, sometimes for two to three years to pick up one of these two-pound mutts.  Oh they can be cute, but the point is, this type of breeding is not done to further or better a specific breed, but it is done to make a profit and huge profit.  These "breeders" have Web sites, put forth the concept that they are concerned about the "breed", care about their pups, and on, and on.  Give me a break.  $5,000 for a puppy, who's initial purpose was to generate a huge profit for its "breeder", just smacks of everything that could be wrong.  There ought to be a law.

Rant over.

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I know what you mean Dave...they are expensive mutts...we have a neighbour that has a brown labradoodle...daft as 22 bricks barks at anything and everything...paid a lot of money for her as well...

there should indeed be a law...

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Now you are discussing my pet peeve! Everyone these days are talking about their "cockapoo", "alusky" etc.... Convinced that they have a recognised breed and not a mutt. Saying how it's designed to look like a specific breed but doesn't moult or whatever. I always make sure I reply "oh you have a crossbreed" which i know is a little anal but it really drives me mad. You all know I have a crossbreed myself and I love her to death but she is what she is. Nothing more, nothing less. Calling her a fancy pants name doesn't change the fact that she is essentially a regular cross breed dog.

Sent via the power of telepathy.

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Ahh this is my pet hate (excuse the pun!) I sometimes have a look at a pet selling app just to have a look, one was offering their Pomeranian as a stud for a husky! They had even listed him under 'husky'. I emailed him and told him he should not be encouraging a 'breed' that has so many health problems! It really annoyed me. Don't get me wrong, Astro is a cross breed and I love him to bits, but he's not a designer breed. I didn't get him as a fashion accessory. Also if you start breeding pomskis with pomskis, it's possible that one of the pups will be the size of a normal husky, in which case it would kill the mother. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of pedigrees I don't agree with (that poor German Shepherd at Crufts and Pugs that can hardly breath), but this 'designer breed' fashion is doing nothing good. I really do think that all breeders should have to have a license

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Bottom line is people are stupid. They pay a lot of money for a designer dog because they need to keep up with what is in fashion. We have owned 4 dogs, 1st was a cross breed bought ftom a pet shop (30 years ago you could), 2nd a full pedigree cavalier spaniel complete with papers whom we paid nothing  for because previous owner was bored if her. Then came our cross breed Charlie followed 2 years later by Solo both from dogs trust rescue charity. We have them because we love them, the breeders are in the wrong and there needs to be regulation and responsible ownership.

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it come down to money that is all it does not help that Hollywood and the A list stars are behind some of this too.

think back a few years to 101 dalmations and the craze for the in crowd to have a dalmation and the huge fuss with the breeder that suddenly got rich breeding her rare dogs that were nearly all deaf and had other health issues as she did not care about the health of the dogs just how much money she could charge. Then you had the husky craze and the tea cup breed craze thanks to idiots wanting a dog they could carry in a purse ebcuase some popstars were seen going everywhere with a dog in thier arms, and the followers of the IN crowd had to have one too.

My personal pet hate is the Kennel Club. ok they do have some good things but on the whole they just promote bad breeding. the worse thing they can do is Recognize a breed, as they breed for a dog to look pretty in the show ring not  for a dog that is bred to do its job. Just look at Bull Dogs that have faces so scrunched up the poor things are only just able to breath. Look at the fight it took to get them to pass a rule banning tail docking. German Shepherd with back issues as the slopped back looked nice in  the ring.


Take the Malamute clubs in fight and split from a a few years ago x breeders wanting show dogs and the X breeders wanting a working Sled dog who broke apart and now you have what are basicly 2 different breeds of Malamute in the UK the show and working lines.

I also remembr the fuss over chocolate labs and when the first labradoodles got air time on tv shows and the sudden craze for them. My other pet hate is FLYBALL and i hope this does not get me shot all the NUTTY females who run around saying we have working collies. Where what they really have is ball obsesed physcoligicaly damaged collies not working sheep dogs and yes the Kennel Club is ruining another good breed, i am sorry but a Border Collie is not a dog to own if you live in a town work 8 or 10 hours a day, they are not pet dogs. a real working collie  can run 40 miles in a day working sheep, and from this needs many miles of walks and 8 hours of mental stimulation a day not a few hours a week running around with a ball and 20 mins in the park

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Ok the kennel club doesn't manage breeders though. The kennel club is a registry. So it's an owners responsibility to research thoroughly and also use recommendations from the Parent Club of their breed to buy responsibly. Also I know friends who do flyball... a friend of mine mushes her dogs and also does flyball and they are not mentally damaged. Sure I'd consider dogs that only compete in flyball sport dogs, not working dogs. But just because they thoroughly enjoy a sport doesn't make them damaged. At least their dogs are out doing something.

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2 minutes ago, Mobezilla said:


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People nearby rack in the money with the 'Dalmador' puppies... Dalmation x Lab, they advertise it as if its a recognized breed!!! Also a fav here are 'Morkies'... Maltese poodle x Yorkie. And they charge much more than for the recognized breeds!

I don't get it, it's still a mix breed dog, they just make up the name...

What about the Alaskan Klee Klai? Isn't that like a mini husky too or did they get it without mixing other breeds in?

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There flat out is no "Miniature Husky" despite the many cries from the byb community lol. The Alaska Klee Kai is a real breed that real breeders are more than willing to share the history of. Esentially, a woman found a pretty farm dog that was just a mutt mix and decided to take her home and produce a liter from in order to create more dogs like her. Their breeding program was successful and adding in various other dogs to get the traits wanted, the AKK was born.



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