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Husky passed away with no symptoms


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Hi everyone,

my beautiful girl passed away in her sleep last night. She was 7.5 years old and was super healthy with no symptoms of being ill. In the last 3 weeks she hurt her front shoulder and couldn't walk properly. We took her to the vet and she was given painkillers. Her leg didn't get better with rest and she passed away in her sleep. I am devastated as the vet hasn't given me any answers and she was my world. The painkillers she was given was previcox and after a bit of research i found that this drug can kill dogs. Has anyone given this drug to their husky? I'm also wondering if anyone has had a husky that has hurt their shoulder and what the symptoms were? From what we thought was just an injured shoulder turned into the worst possible scenario!! :(:( 

Any information would be greatly appreciated and hopefully put my mind at rest. 

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Sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.  Never used that med for any of my dogs. Normally use Rimadyl.

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  • 1 month later...

No they didn't perform a necropsy.

I asked but the vet said "there is no point - it is not going to bring her back"

I thought that was a bit insensitive considering how out of the blue her death was and how devastated we were.

On a brighter note - I have adopted a beautiful husky boy Sash into our family. He is very cheeky and knows how to test boundaries! Polar opposite to my late girl - but we will get there!


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Words fail me. That is devastating to lose a perfectly healthy dog for no reason. Your vet should be ashamed. That sort of attitude is just not acceptable. I know my vet would be bending over backwards to find out the cause. I hope Sash brings you some comfort. Photos please.



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Oh how sad and awful! That vet...I would have been down his throat to find out why. I know it doesn't bring comfort or answers now. I'm sorry for his insensitivity and your loss. Big huggers to you.


yes, please pictures on your new addition! 

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First let me say I am so sorry for your loss. Just to give you the info you originally ask for. We did give our husky this medicine. He was in the end stage of his life however. Our vet made us aware that this drug can cause liver and kidney failure. This is more common in huskies and boxer breeds. Our husky had blood work drawn before being given the med and after a few days on it to monitor his values. If your vet did not give you this information and gave this drug for a simple injury vs the arthritis it is designed for I would really look for a new vet. Then on top of that the fact that they refused a necropsy makes me think that they are aware of the mistake made. Our new little girl got into a fight with a thorn bush and scratched her eye. Our vet prescribed rimadyl which is safer but once again advised monitoring the kidney and liver function as these kinds of drugs can react bad with some huskies.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

Just thought I would ask a question in this forum as I have already asked about the medication that was given to Keno. 

My new boy Sash (we are his third owner!!) seems to have some sort of anxiety. Wherever we go in the house, he follows. If we are home he will do anything to get our attention - chew clothes, chew remotes, take shoes etc. He hates being outside if we are home and will dig up the garden. But when we aren't home he howls for a bit and then he is fine - no destruction no nothing! 

Also I am unable to drive in the car with sash on my own. I have tried treats, seatbelt harness, other people to hold him back but he just goes crazy and wants to sit on my lap!!! 

Is this behaviour normal for a husky? My last husky was happy to be independent and away from people for periods of time. 

I have been to the vet and they have given me clomicalm tablets to calm him down. Does anyone have experience with this medication and are there any side effects? 

Thanks in advance!!!

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I would say that as his third owner he's still taking time to adjust, find his feet and feel secure in himself. Right now he's gaining security from sticking to you but eventually as he becomes more settled emotionally, his confidence will grow and he'll become more independent. Bear and Ice were both like our shadows at first too. Bear In Particular would act like the world would end if we weren't around for more than a few seconds.
I haven't tried any anxiety medication as TBH I preferred to tackle things head on. With Ice's chewing I removed things he could chew like shoes (his favourite). You can try to redirect his attention on to another object more suitable for chewing, or if it's really getting out of control you can remove him from the room altogether in a "time out" situation for a short while.
I forgot to ask how old is he? A lot of the things you describe sound very much like what mine did when they were pups. The chewing up and digging in particular.

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I have only given him half a tablet twice and it calms him down a lot. Mainly for the purpose of being able to drive with him in the car. I live 3 hours away from my friends and family so often have to do the drive with Sash - he is quite uneasy in the car. 

I have moved everything out of reach and it seems he has stopped chewing things in the last few weeks - hooray! 

I think exercise has proven to help a lot aswell. Walking and running him twice daily for an hour wears him out and then he sleeps! 

The only other thing is food. When we are cooking/eating I put him outside and he cries until we let him back in. He can see us at all times but still wants to be inside with us! I often give him a bone or raw hide to entertain him but he isn't interested! 

sash is 15 months old so still a pup! 

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On 10/6/2016 at 5:36 AM, Emma said:

I haven't tried any anxiety medication as TBH I preferred to tackle things head on. With Ice's chewing I removed things he could chew like shoes (his favourite). You can try to redirect his attention on to another object more suitable for chewing, or if it's really getting out of control you can remove him from the room altogether in a "time out" situation for a short while.
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I have to agree with this. You just had an awful experience (I can't even imagine that and I am sorry for your loss) with your last pup...I wouldn't start pumping this one with medication from your vet.

It sounds to me like your dog has separation anxiety. You're his third home.

12 hours ago, Brodi said:

I think exercise has proven to help a lot aswell. Walking and running him twice daily for an hour wears him out and then he sleeps! 

The only other thing is food. When we are cooking/eating I put him outside and he cries until we let him back in. He can see us at all times but still wants to be inside with us! I often give him a bone or raw hide to entertain him but he isn't interested! 

Exercising your pup is hands down the best thing you can do for him, they are a working breed and live for running. Keep this up, I do no less than 3miles a day upwards of 5-7 in the colder months. I cannot stress it enough how different your husky will be with ample exercise. Maybe even get him a weighted vest/harness to make him wear out even more.

As for cooking/not liking the outside. I have two, my youngest who is going to be 3 in February loves my backyard. I cannot get her in 9/10 times but my oldest who is 6 doesn't like it much. RARELY will he go out back and lay on the stone patio...but my girl dog will lay out there for the entirety of the night if i let her.

It's all a work on progress especially with a rescue and good on you for rescuing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, sorry for your loss, I feel your pain and your two new furbabies are adorable.

My little girl Kiana passed away on this past Sunday 16th October 2016. She had had an op 2 weeks prior to remove a lump on her side.

The lump was sent away for analysis and was a benign mammarial tumour, so harmless and prognosis looked good.

Recovery seemed to be going well until she got a little bit lethargic and went off her food.

Being a little bit offish after visiting vets/kennels etc this could be seen as normal.

However, on Sunday she got up in the morning fine, ate some food, sat with us, had cuddles etc, came out in the garden whilst we were gardening and all was well.

In the afternoon about 5:30 she was a bit quiet and we noticed a few drops of blood from her nose, she sometimes sneezes and bangs the floor, so assumed it may have been that. By 7pm she was laid on her bed breathing quite heavy but very lethargic, she had pale gums and tongue.

I called the emergency vet who said they would see her at 9pm at the surgery. At 8:30 we left in the car but as we pulled into the vets car park she passed away, at about 8:40.

Our minds racing we thought maybe there was a problem with her surgery so asked for a post-mortem at The Royal Veterinary College in St Albans,

The post-mortem result was that she had a Hemangiosarcoma which is a small tumour attached to her heart, the blood vessels on the tumour ruptured causing her pericardial sac to fill with blood restricting her heart from beating properly. She also had other tumours on her lungs etc as it spreads quite quickly. 

Evidently this is a common cause of death in many breeds including Huskies and many people don't investigate what the cause of death was.



As we all know our beloved little ones never pass away for no reason, this could just be a cause of those that seem to just do that.





Kiana Cornwall.jpg

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I am so sorry for your loss! It is absolutely devastating! Your poor pup. Thanks so much for the information regarding what happened to your pup. My vet told me not to bother about post mortem as it was super expensive and "wasn't going to bring her back". It made me think the medication he prescribed for her may have had something to do with it because she was extremely healthy prior to her sore shoulder. Still feel lost as I don't have any answers. But I have my new boy to focus on and far out I have my work cut out for me!! Haha

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The reason for us getting a post mortem was because up to that point she was fit and healthy, it would have consumed us not knowing why she left us.

We would have had discussions over and over again as to regards why, we would have probably had thoughts that the operation previous could have been a cause.

We asked our vet to refer us for post mortem which was at the Royal Veterinary College in South Mimms, near St Albans, I haven't got the bill yet but think it is about £430.

A small price to pay for a bit of closure...............I agree that your vet was very insensitive although I can't help think they may have been afraid of the result.

I still have Thor, my red Husky and Ozzie my ever loyal Cocker Spaniel, so no plans to get any more.

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