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I was at the pet store today getting some cat food and stuff when the woman that owns the place And I were talking about our dogs, she has a 9 year old Alaskan malamute, Any ways we both leave our dogs outside all the time, And there was another customer there who started freaking out, telling us that we were abusing our dogs??? And that huskys and malamutes arnt suppose to be left out no matter how much hair they have!! So before I totally lost it on this woman(who by the way had a very dolled up shit-zu in her arms, Like I'm talking hair barrettes and jacket, oh don't let me forget that she also had painted the dogs nails PINK) i let her rant on just thinking to myself that she really has no idea what she was talking about!! any ways after i politely told the lady to go away The store owner and I were thinking that almost all the people we know collectively with these breeds let them live outside, And Was wondering what you guys though?? where do your huskeys spend most of there time? I talked to my vet and he told me that skora is fine outside as well, I do let her in but I have to put her leash on and practically drag her in the house cause she dosent seem to wanna be in the house, Which probably suits my cats just fine.......seeing as they don't seem to like sakora much anyways:p

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The nerve of some people!!!!!!!

Kimba sleeps in his cage in the kitchen, not really thought about him sleeping outside to be honest, i thin though that i'd worry too much about what damage he'd do to my garden and if there was any way he could get out lol i'd never sleep

Can see anything wrong with them sleeping outside though, i mean ffs they sleep in the SNOW what does that woman do with hers - bet it sleeps in bed with her lmao

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We have a dog flap so Lex can come and go as he pleases but he spends most of his time outside as it is too hot in the house for him! The woman probably didn't even know what a husky or a malamute was lol just ignore her she obviously thinks that dogs are accessories and not lives at the end of the day! I feel sorry for her dog I bet it feels a right numpty wearing all that stuff and pink nail polish that just adds icing to the cake its poor little dignity is in shreds!!

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Mine are pampered puches and sleep indoors in the warm it make me laugh to think mine outside as they dont like cold lol daft init but they just not used to it and run back in after doing there dodos, asf for the woman in the shop wtf it gotta do with anyone else I think your doing the right thing but we are just to soft :)

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Ours live and sleep indoors (although the back door is always open so they can go out whenever they want), but that is our choice. I don't think the dogs would mind either way as long as they got sufficient attention from the humans. We prefer having the dogs inside because it gives us more time with them, but lots of our friends keep them in outside kennels and their dogs are completely happy.


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The cheek of some people!!!

My 3 all sleep indoors, we are not allowed to keep Gizmo outside as it is the contract which we signed when we bought him.

During the summer month I will keep the back door open when Im there so they can go in and out as they please, I don't do it during these cold months as our heating isn't the best so I keep the door closed and let them out as and when they want.

There is nothing set in stone that keeping your dog outside is considered cruel! What some people don't realise is breeds like the Husky and Malamute originally lived in -30 degrees (or more) hense why they have a thick double coat! Your not doing anything wrong providing you are complying with what is known as the '5 freedoms' which are:

1) Freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition

2) Freedom from physical and thermal discomfort

3) Freedom from injury, disease and pain

4) Freedom from fear and distress

5) Freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour

http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RSPCA/RSPCARedirect&pg=welfarestandards here is a link with the five freedoms, it is mainly aimed at farm animals but also applies to all domestic animals

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I think 1 to 4 is a sensible list.

I worry that we might have a problem with "Freedom 5" - are we being cruel to our sibes if we don't let them free to hunt for themselves????? - or if we don't run them in harness?? (I have heard that argued).

Are the owners of pit bulls being cruel if they don't allow their dogs to fight???

I guess it depends upon your definition of "normal behaviour"


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I think 1 to 4 is a sensible list.

I worry that we might have a problem with "Freedom 5" - are we being cruel to our sibes if we don't let them free to hunt for themselves????? - or if we don't run them in harness?? (I have heard that argued).

Are the owners of pit bulls being cruel if they don't allow their dogs to fight???

I guess it depends upon your definition of "normal behaviour"


hmmm, Ive never looked at it that way. Thats a good point, what is normal behaviour? Everyone have their own view on that word "Normal".

I've always look at it as they mean the dog should be able to socialise with other dogs and not be kept tied up all the time but be allowed to walk around the home/garden freely or something similar to that.

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Good question.....I think that it is up to the owner to determin the "normal" behaviour for each individual dog, normal behaviour as in point number 5 should be closely monitored and the owner should ensure the safety and welfare of the dog ??

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While Bo is indoors, I know how much he enjoyed being out of doors when he was younger and allowed him to spend whatever time he needed out of doors.

He has always been a 'house dog'.......that is because he prefers to be with me. Especially as he's gotten older. And he appreciates the heated home more and more! He also loves the air conditioning in the heat of the summer.

He is happiest when he's with his ''pack'' ----- ME!

I don't believe that either is wrong - I agree with Raindog when he states that as long as they have sufficient attention to fulfill their needs, either is correct.

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Well I'm very happy at the positive feed back I got from all of you guys, As I really didn't think I was doing anything wrong, My cats and dog eat very well, I've always got toys for them, and I spend alot of time with both, especially sakora, As I do know a little about her past I wanna make sure that the rest of her life is fun and fulfilling in everyway, with lots of love and toys and walks, When I'm done posting here, Her and I have been working on a snow mountain in the back yard, which keeps her busy, shes bound and determined to wreck it, lol, But also I do think that outdoor liveing is ok when properly done, Like everyone has agreed, she does also have a heated dog house , and a heated dish so that her water never freezes, Thanx all for your input

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my girls are outside when ever we are out.at work etc . i have turned half my back garden into kennel area.. so they have plenty of room to run around / dig or whatever.. built them a box to go in and sun shadey thing but they prefer to lay on them even with a layer of ice....

im lucky that they are only out side from when wife goes out @ 0900 till 1200 when she's home for dinner then from 1300 till 1530 when i come home.. all other times they are indoors with access to out side .. they sleep in conservatory with only stair gate stopping them.. so if they wanted to they could soon clear that and join us..

but hey SSSSSSHHHHHH don't tell them that they may not know yet..

i know a couple of time when people have heard that i leave my girls out side .. im lucky again that i live in country cul-de-sac where we have all lived here years .. have security camera's up and other devices to stop / deter theft..

but most of all i have jackie62 living next door who keeps a close eye open on the girls etc..

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Blaze stays in house unless hes outside runnin about and havin a play/doin business is garden or hes out on walks he loves bein outside and will tell us if he wants 2 go out so we let him i personally wudnt leave mine outside all day as i wudnt trust the people round here a neighbour 2 doors down nearly had their garage broken into just before xmas luckily they noticed n scared um off but if dogs can sleep outside in snow in minus degree weather how can what ur doing be cruel!? i think this woman jus thinks that as she has a stupid little pampered puff who she probly carries everywhere i wud say ignore her and carry on wot ur doin and it is deffinately NOT abuse :)

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must admit the first thing I found discusting behavour when keeping a dog is tha fact that hers had nail varnish on. If anything she is the one who is keeping a dog wrongly. At the end of the day these are northern breed working animals that come from generations that live outdoors in near arctic conditions. To say that it is wrong is ludicrous.

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