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Wellwishes / general chat?


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As you all know, my grandad has been in hospital for the past 7 weeks. I'm there a minimum of 4 nights a week with him

What i want to do is take my lap top in to him in a few days and show him this thread......any tit bits of chats / info / funny stories etc that you think would make good conversation please feel free to post up. We're all with him all the time and running out of what we talk about - other than, how are you feeling and what have you had for your dinner today.

Thank you in advance xx

ps - thanks to Karly for the suggestion xx

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Hey Granddad (don't know your actual name hehe)

Hope you are feeling better :)

I'm bored too, so I'll share a little story of one of my dogs.


Above pic is Skye (the wife's dog)

Around 2am every morning she looses the capability to get on the bed, the lazy git and usually wakes the wife up to pick her up. But one night she came to my side of the bed, and I told her to 'bugger off' and jump up herself. She then proceeded to walk away (That taught her I thought) only for her to come back to my side of the bed with MY socks in her mouth. She then preceded to stare at me, drop the socks on the floor and piss on then with 100% accuracy! When done she went back to the wife's side of the bed and slept on the floor.

Outsmarted by the dogs yet again.

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Hey Grandad,

Bet you never realized that you had over 1200 grandchildren did youlaugh.gif you must have been a busy boy when you were youngerlaugh.gif

Dont let you blood pressure get too high when one of the pretty young nurses comes to check itwink.gif

Hope your feeling better soon

Lots of love the Sabre household

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Hi Husky Grandad,

Nothin much 2 report down here in sunny Marazion, Cornwall.............................................................................


There is a new build just down the rd n it has a look-out tower over the bay of the beautiful 'St Michaels Mount' ............................................. but get this u cant even get to the tower, apparently its there 4 light wot a load of ol rubbish, if it were me or u ( u know like normal people) we would have stairs up 2 the top with a couple of comfy chairs watchin the birds n seals n enjoyin the sun on our faces while Sarah n Marc would get us a cool drink :)

c u soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:D

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Hi Grand Dad!

So how is it you got such a great grand-daughter who cares so much about you? That's what family is all about. I recently visited the UK, just before Christmas past. What a great country. Had a bit of a time getting used to cars on the opposite side of the road. Good thing I did not have to drive when I was there. Nearly got clipped by a car when I went to walk across the street.

Got to meet Sarah and Marc while I was there. Spent a wonderful afternoon with them and some other members of this forum, along with their Huskies.

Being in the hospital is not much fun. Just so you know, there's a whole lot of folks here that have never met you, and everyone of us is in your corner pulling for you. Sort of an extended family I guess. Just remember, grand dads are special, and since you are a grand dad, that makes you special too.

Zoya sends Husky Hugs. Maybe Sarah could show you Zoya's Web site on one of her visits. There's lots of pictures, videos, and information on Huskies.

Here's to your getting better, and getting to enjoy things again.

Dave Maslowski aka Mazz

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Hey Grandad...

I'm no good at these messagey type things...but i laughed lots regarding Clive's story about Skye...:D

We are all here really hoping you get better soon, hospitals are not fun and the food sucks (well it did when i was a kid and in hospital for a month or more) so maybe Sarah and Marc can sneak you some good food?!

Eika stole half our chicken last night, i don't know when my husband will remember not to leave food on the side and walk away...honestly!

Right well i should be working, so i had better get back to doing something (well looking like i'm doing something!)

Take care and we look forward to hearing you're out of the hospital and on the mend xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Have you spoken about the winter Olympics, although that's finished now...

Um...how about all the scandals surronding the footballers (the Cole's/JT and Bridge...) don't know if he would care or not.

You could tell him i'm moving house and still haven't got a date through of when we will exchange/complete?! Lol! Will keep thinking xx

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Hello, Grandad ..... it's good to have a Grandad again!

I remember when I was little, I could never say Grandpa, I said "Bampa" & it stuck ... so when I was a big girl of 6 or 7, I sat on "Bampa's" knee & in a grown-up conversation type of way, asked if he would mind if I started calling him Grandpa now? He smiled his usual big grin & said, no, of course not ..... so I promptly kissed his cheek, grinned, jumped off his knee & said "Thanks, Bampa!" Already forgotten & forever to be called Bampa!! :rolleyes:

If the human company ever gets boring, I'll send Diesel in, he'd give his right paw to sleep in someone's bed all day being petted! Only until you're up & about & heading home, he MUST come back to me then (I know what that grand-daughter of yours is like!!) :lol:



We're all sending our Get Well Soon wishes your way, hope to hear you're well on the mend & giving Sarah some grief soon!!

Sending our love, Val, Steve, Myshka & Diesel, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hi Grandad :)

nothing to report her either in sunny manchester- although i am rather embarrased to see one of my old school friends flashed all over the News of the World on sunday- she is the one seeing Mark Croft ( Kerry Katona's hubby- well x hubby)!!! What must her mum think?? She lives the street up from my mum!!!!

of all the pics they used of her it was the one looking proper minging!!

apart from that..thats all i know...i live a quite boring life really :)

get well soon...hugs and kisses x x x x x

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hey grandad :)

im really no good at writing these things sarahs been keeping me updated on how you're getting along - i ask her quite alot - i really hope your better soon i know how horrible it is having to stay in hospital missing all the people and things you love the most

how is the food - my mum says hosptial food is horrible so we used to take her in a mcdonalds and lots of sweets :P are you getting plenty of grapes? i think thats a hospital law - when someones ill you HAVE to have grapes hahaha :)

hope all these little posts cheer you up and make you feel a little better :)

all my prayers and thoughts are with you and your awesome grand-daughter and all of your family

BIG hugs from me :) and Bingo and Blaze


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Hiya Grandad,

Sending our best wishes & husky hugs hoping you are up & about very soon & feeling better :D

Just a little story about George our GSD who is helping our friends two border terriers improve their doggy manners. Bailey & Luca are two wonderful little girls but have no doggy manners at all. Everytime a fellow doggy comes over to say hello they snap, bite & make so much noise the other dog wonders what on earth is going on :lol: This is becoming a real concern to their mum Annette. We suggested to introduce them to big George who just wants to be friends with everyone he meets. Bailey, Luca & George have had two walks together up to now & George has put up with everything they have thrown at him with a wagging tail & Bailey is now happy with George because she knows he doesn't want her ball :P Luca is going to take a little more work, but big Georgie will keep going until she is his friend ;)

best wishes love from the Brown's Dave, Lisa, Jess, Jersey, George & Maia xxxx


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Guest snowdog

hiya grandad, hope yer bed is comfy, and you have fluffy pillows, i remember when i was in hospital i had the most uncomfortable bed invented (maybe slightly exadurated ) but uncomfortable non the less! it was so uncomfortable i cudnt get much sleep, i was heavily pregnant so trying to roll over was a task in its self, ever tried rolling an elephant on its side lol, anyhoooooo the part were the pillows lie has those metal slats across and cos the pillows were so thin i woke up with slat marks across me face lmao, any way point is i hope yer beds comfy, im not known for short sentences lol, how the nurses n docs treatin yer, i work in a hospital so sum docs are nasty pasties n the nurses well geepers sum of them are weird folk, but sum are great and u can hav a right laff with, i hope you got good nurses n doctors, if they get cheeky keep ringin ya buzzer, when they get to ya act like yer asleep lmao, keep em on their toes, if yer get fed up of green grapes ask sarah to get red n alternate em, or get really adventurous n have bananas instead, i expect sarah is getting you whatever food yer want which is good , mind you hospital food is getting better, biggrin.gif , am i boring you yet, hope not! i used to talk to my nan and im sure she pretended to fall asleep lolunsure.gif nan if your listning i forgive ya rolleyes.gif , anyhooo, were was i ?? oh ye so hows yer food ? hope its good, do you have a telly n phone they shud hav all the mod cons now?, i have to go now grandad dogs wanna wee wee, i have four of em now so busy busy, ill come back soon n chat sum more, oh dont eat tooo many grapes else youll get a bad tum, take care spk soon , love jane n all my pack xx gallery_830_376_24275.jpg

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Hey hi Grandad i hope your home soon, not much fun in hospital. This is the first time i've called any one Grandad as i've never ever had one, i never knew any of mine so it's great to meet you ( i'm a manc and as daft as Sarah so will you adopt me please ) say yes and i'll buy the next bunch of grapes lol.

You do realise you now have one hell of a large family now, we have all been thinking of you and wishing you well ( my god your going to be sorry when christmas come lol (i'd buy them cards now) get sarah writing.

God bless you Grandad get well soon xxxxxxxx husky hugs from me an my 3 xxxxxx

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Hello Granddad from Iowa, USA.

I hope you know what an impact your granddaughter has made on the world! Who knew you would have grandchildren across the globe?!!! All who care very deeply for Sarah, her family and therefore of course, for you. I hope someday to be able to attend one of the husky camping trips and to meet Sarah and Marc in person. I know my old husky, Bo, won't be able to make the trip, but I will someday in his honor.

I have just the one husky, but my dream would be to have a dozen! They are the most extraordinary furry kids in the world - always keeping us guessing as to what their next move will be.

In Iowa, we're finally experiencing some sunshine. We've had a long, hard winter here and everyone is hopeful that spring will arrive soon. I work at a newspaper here and am patiently awaiting a call from someone, anyone (!) to let me know that their flowers are peeking through the snow. Ahh, wishful thinking, I'm afraid.

Take care and give Sarah a hug for us and she, in turn will share one of ours with you!

Becky and Bo

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Hiyah grandad (never thought I'd say that again) how ya doin'? Hope they're treating you okay.

It's sunny here in Southport but cold, the dogs don't mind though.

Here's some songs that should cheer you up:

The Lancashire Hotpots (from me 'ome town Stellins)

on Granada TV

Chippy Tea


Mek Us A Brew

He's Turned Emo


The Beer Olympics


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We've had a long, hard winter here and everyone is hopeful that spring will arrive soon. I work at a newspaper here and am patiently awaiting a call from someone, anyone (!) to let me know that their flowers are peeking through the snow. Ahh, wishful thinking, I'm afraid.

Becky and Bo

Here in the UK (or at least in our little bit of it) the snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils are poking their heads above ground. Of more interest to the dogs (as I found out this morning) is that all the squirrels have woken up from hibernation and are running riot in the forest. The dogs got quite distracted by the numbers of squirrels running across the trails today. I don't think I have ever had to shout "LEAVE!" and "On By!" quite so much!!biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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hi Grandad,

Hope your feeling okay today,

I'm over in a little village in surrey. Its lovely lots of views and fields...actually thats pretty much it. Fields, veiws, 3 pubs, one church and a town hall.

Sarah was telling us she wants things to keep you busy. We'll i've got a few storys but im not sure how intresting they are...

Once when i was 17 I fell in a wheely bin. I wasnt drunk, infact i had gone outside to get the bins in the house and as i opened the lid to check it had been emptied i saw £5 in the bottom, so i leaned in...then I fell in. luckly i had my hands to keep my head out of the bin juice in the bottom but the weight of my legs was crushing me. A neighbour heard me shouting and had to come and tip the bin on its side to get me out. I was coverd in bin water, however i was £5 richer. :)

I also seem to have problems with electrical goods. Espcially tills. I worked at sainsburys for a bit and every till they put me on would break! one night i cleared 6 of them before they put me on another section. I aslo have problems upsetting computers - the hard drives break and my satnav has now died a death too.

The worst one is those electric doors that open with sensors. They dont read me. I have walked into several now thinking that they would open and they dont. I can walk back and forth on the matt, wave at the sensor and the door wont open. Someone has to come and assist me to get out of shops. Its very embarrising!

I work in an animal rehoming centre as one of my jobs. Last year we had two pigs in. One night they escaped and we were all called into work to try and catch them! It was pitch black and we were running around our fields tryin to find them and the neighbours field to try and find them. We managed to catch one and had to wrestle it back into the sty and the other one we had to leave until morning. It then took 6 of us to get it into the sty and one girl was injured. It was alot of fun really.

we'll I hope you feel better soon, and if you want anymore of my rambleings let me know.

Best wishes to you Grandad.

Love Heather

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