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Hello everyone! First time to own a pet, i’ve got a few questions.


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My name is Sitti. I’m new here. Also, a new owner of a 3month old husky named Pocholo. He is my first pet. I don’t know much about dogs, I did and still do a bit of research though and what ive been reading is making me terrified for years to come because people have been saying that huskies are quite much. I’ve got a few questions,

1. Is it normal that they are erect at this age? Ive noticed that whenever he is erect, he goes absolutely ballistic. Biting things around the house, jumping up and down. Absolutely driving the family crazy. Any tips that can help?

2. When is the best time to get him trained? 

3. How many times in a day should he exercise and how many minutes or hours?

4. Any tips about the play biting? We got him when he was 2months old and from ive read, play biting is inevitable at this time because he is teething. If so, any tips that we can do to lessen it? 

5. When does the play biting end?


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Pocholo has stolen my heart  - he is just about the most adorable puppy I have ever seen.     

I cannot answer your first question because I have never come across it.  

2.   Training time   -   NOW  and keep training for the next 12-15 or so years

3.   5 minutes for every month he is old   -  3 times a day    i.e.   3 months   15 minutes walk  3 times a day.    In addition  play sessions in the house and garden   you can start training as part of his play sessions.

4.   There are various methods to stop biting   -  I used to yelp very loudly  (like another puppy) every time I felt Marley's teeth and broke off any play session - and walked away from him

5.   When your training him not to bite works.

Other advice is never, ever, trust him off lead unless in a very secure dog park   -   not only are huskies never to be trusted off lead   -  he is just so beautiful that someone will steal him.    However keep doing recall training all his life  -    when he grows up and realizes he does not need you  (so much)  it gives you a fighting chance of getting him back if he should get away from you.    Make sure your fencing is very secure and at least 6ft in height   -   huskies are consummate escape artists.

Welcome to the forum.

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1 Get him nurtured ASAP. There are a lot of opinions about when to do this. I have nurtured plenty at very young ages (I would suggest around 7 weeks) and have never seen or heard of any issues. All my personal animals were done male and female at young ages and never once did it effect their health or their growth. I truly believe that this new thing of waiting is so the vets can charge more because the animal weighs more and the vets charge on weight. Plus it is easier to control them after the procedure the younger they are. Do your research and figure out what works best for you.

Keeping a male  intact just because can and in most cases Causes  testicle cancer, behavioral issues, and the animal will have more of a drive to escape (which causes hit by car, injuries from dog fights, increasing the chances of it biting someone,  impregnating another dog, never finding your dog again, or it being shot, and a very high ticket 💰💰)

Females that are not spayed cause a mess. Can get ovarian cancer, will actually have more health issues. And also a very pricey ticket (twice as much as a males if found running loose)

So unless papered and are breeding a very good blood line get him nurtured, there are way to many getting breed and ending up abandon! 

*Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of very well behaved Unneutered and unspayed dogs that are very healthy and happy* 

But this being your very first dog, it is best to get it done.

Do your research please.

2: You can start now. I do in-house training first (no distractions and they feel safe) until they have it down. Then start all over in a backyard (a little distraction). Once they get that down, move to the front starting at the beginning.

Find a special treat that he loves and only give it during training. 

Start with basic leash. Have him leashed to you while you do your daily routine. Reward when he is by your side and looks at you (that is him checking in and will be very important for when he is older and you start taking him out and about!)


Little girl checking in with me on our walk and knows she gets a treat for it.

Crate Training: No matter if you want to crate him or not (I highly suggest it because they do get very destructive at times) This is so he does not get stressed out at the vets or if there is an emergency and it is they only way.


Little girl loves her transport kennel. (We have to prep for fire season here. So if we get evacuated they have to be transported in these)31C50F18-EA07-4586-9DDD-827858C281F6.thumb.jpeg.2f72b7d8942d59b82964c9d2ab36bca2.jpeg

Waiting for me to open it.

Start with feeding all meals in the crate. As he learns to eat in there slowly increase the time after eating by a minute. During the day keep the crate open so he can go in and out on his own. Put the crate in your room at night with door open. Have it covered so it is like a den. Be careful of blankets and stuff because he will most likely eat them. 

Never use the crate for punishment.

Their everyday/feeding crates.


Someone doesn’t want to miss out on dinner. LOL


In a bedroom if quiet time is needed.

Sit, please do not push on his butt or back. Pull slightly up on the leash (not hard) and only use your thumb and pointer figure over the hips and gently guide the butt down. There is a pressure point there and does not require any harsh pressure. You can google this. But I have been able to get  Saint Bernards to set quickly with this with no issues or muscle.

Leave it, Too many different ways to do this one to type it all out. But if not done correctly you will have a very  possessive aggressive dog! Or he will Start swallowing the object you don’t want him to have to keep you from taking it. Very dangerous.

I would highly suggest you find another high value treat and say leave it and give him his treat while you take the unwanted object away or lead him away from whatever it is and give him the treat.

He is a little young but my boy loved this one and still does.... get a very long line (Huskies can never be off leash) let him get to the end and then call him. Once he gets to you have his favorite toy and play tug. This will help for if he ever gets loose.

At his age this really all you need to be working on.

3:Training should only be 5-10 minutes at a time 3 or 4 times a day. My girl could only do the 5 and my boy would do about 12 minutes at this age. ALWAYS end your training while they still want to do more.

Walks are 5 minutes per month old. So 15 minutes 3 times a day. Do not make him run it will cause joint damage and mental issues ( excitement and then he won’t pay attention to the leash training ) Walks are about calmness not distance. Take a few steps then turn, take a few steps and make him set. Give treats when he is naturally by your side and looks up at you.

4: Play bitting is normal. Mine were like trying to pet a school of  Puranas. LOL As soon as you feel teeth say no bit and move away from him ignoring him for a few minutes. Then try playing again. Then just keep repeating. He will get it and all the other training will help with this too. I think mine were around 7 months before it completely stopped.

DO NOT let anyone mouth play with him while you are working on this.

At 6 months I did place training, door, crate, car door control training, and tricks.


Line training 


In a store training. Working on set and stay in public 


Place training while watching TV


Place training in office area

I have a bunch of videos but can’t seem to get them switched from YouTube. Once I figure it out I will post them.

He is gorgeous and good luck.


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1 hour ago, BingBlaze n Skyla said:

Neutering will stop him becoming erect assuming you're on about his red rocket lol , even neutered dogs have this happen maybe not as much but it definitely doesnt stop it 


My male still does it when he is super excited about something. Not often but still happens.

At least he stopped humping everything and he became very sweet 

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  • 1 year later...

The dog seems very cute. I also received a dog as a gift a month ago and it is the nicest gift I could receive because I managed to have a special connection with him that cannot be compared to anything in the world. At first I didn't know what to buy but I searched the internet and made a big list of all the things I had to take. All I have to do now is to wait for my order of invisible electric dog fence from https://thepetsmaster.com/best-wireless-dog-fences/ and in rest he has eveything he needs. I am very happy to see him happy next to me and to play with him because he gives me an exceptional energy.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, Sitti! We are glad to welcome you to our forum. I can't give you any specific advice, but I know you need to train huskies constantly. This is a breed that requires attention, training, and control.  I had a husky about 10 years ago. From a young age, I took him to the animal trainer. Thus, I managed to instill habits that remained with him for life. At that time, I thought of becoming a coach myself, lol. Animal trainers earn $17.43 per hour.  However, you can never save money on your pet; otherwise, in the future, it may lead to the fact that he will not respect you, or health problems will begin.э

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  • 4 months later...

My dog also became very active from about 3 months old and was constantly in a state of erection. Moreover, I will tell you, he is now 9 years old and practically nothing has changed lmao. It is best to train any pets as early as possible. In the tortillas for cats article, you can read the best way to feed your pets, as well as how to train them for various teams. Training is much more important for dogs than for cats, so let your husky run around until he gets tired and goes to bed. This is important because dogs are much more likely to gain weight than cats and in general cats move a lot more than dogs. Teething is normal and should not be prevented. Buy him hard toys that he can sharpen his teeth on.

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