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Calm, quiet and lazy husky/malamute mix

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Zeus is a 3 and a half year husky/malamute mix. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks ago. He’s on a raw food diet. And extremely trainable! He knows multiple tricks and basic obedience (spin, boop, back, weaving, shake with both paws, slow, stop, run, walk, sit stay, go to bed, go to sleep, etc). He’s great with kids but doesn’t like guys. The only time he’s barked or growled is when he’s in protection mode and the guy or threat is too close for his liking. He doesn’t howl or talk like other husky’s and is very quiet. He’s still got enough sass in his huffs and puffs. And since he was a puppy he was always super chill. Doesn’t like to go on more than a mile walk. If I force him to go further he lays down and refuses to move until I tell him we’re going home. He eats regularly, well socialized, crate training, well behaved and isn’t destructive. He sleeps practically all day but allows a morning and night walk. He determines how long they are… he doesn’t dig, try to escape or destroy anything. Is this a normal husky????! I keep thinking I’m missing some health problem with how lazy and quiet he is. 



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OK  so you have every other husky owner on the planet  jealous and drooling.   I would suggest to take care not to get him dog-napped .............  but suspect you are in the USA  - so it won't be me that does it.     I am so happy that he is on a raw food diet  -    I have fed raw for approximately 20 years now.

One of my boys does not tolerate most females (abuse case) - which is 'interesting' as I am one.   5 years down the line and he is JUST starting to trust and tolerate me.

Make the most of your perfect sounding husky mix  -  I guarantee your next one wont be the same.  :huskyfall:



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Zeus sounds like a unique and well-behaved husky/malamute mix. While his calm and quiet demeanor, along with his limited interest in long walks, is unusual for the typically energetic and vocal husky breed, it may simply be his personality. His overall health seems good, but if you're concerned, consulting a vet can provide peace of mind.

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I think you have to give his regular eating, social behavior, and training, it's likely that Zeus is just a naturally calm and relaxed dog. You're concerned about his energy levels and overall health, it might be a good idea to consult your vet to rule out any potential issues. 

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