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Helped a dog today and Kira was attacked in return


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Went to the dog park today as always lol

we were there about half an hour and kira was happily running about with a couple of ball obsessed dogs that were there, well, they were fetching their balls and she was chasing them around lol

Then a couple of kids (oldest no older than 13) came in with a staffy bitch and weren't letting it off the lead

The dog clearly wanted to be let off to play as everytime kira went to say hi it pulled the girl towards her tail wagging like mad lol but they still wouldnt let if off

So i decided to head over and have a chat with them, and the bitch is a rescue who they've only had for 2 weeks so they were scared off letting her off as they didnt know what she'd do

I told them that once the other 2 dogs had left they should let her off as we'd introduced her and kira and they were just sniffing each other and being friendly, and kira doesnt really respond to confrontation and would rather walk away, so tends to avoid fights, my good girl biggrin.gif lol

The 2 dogs soon left and the kids did let her offlead, and kira and the staff (roxy) were having great fun,playing chase, and play fighting, kira's best mate buster is part staff so shes used to the rough staffy play lol, and she gives as good as she gets

A few other dogs turn up and everyones getting on fine, until a woman goes to give kira a treat (bloody girl was sitting there right in front of her with her paw on her knee lol rolleyes.gif )

Roxy runs over and attacks her!!! Out of nowhere!! Kira was pinned against the bench so decided to fight back as she couldnt run, Roxy wouldnt stop so I got between them and grabbed Roxys collar, i know you should never get inbetween 2 fighting dogs but it was automatic, Kira couldnt run so i had to help her lol

As soon as i grabbed her collar Roxy stopped, so we all came to the conclusion that she was just overexcited with all the chasing and stuff, if she's have been really trying she wouldnt have stopped that easy

Kira lept up on the bench between me and Rick, blood pouring from her mouth sad.gif turns out she'd bit her tongue rolleyes.gif tiny little nick on her tongue and shite loads of blood!! Both me and rick were bitten but they didnt break the skin, i had a tiny tooth shaped bruise but its gone now lol.

The kids were really worried about kira but we assured them she was fine and that roxy didnt need to go back on lead cus she was back to normal, playing and having fun, we soon told Kira to stop being a wuss and kicked her off the bench and she ran off and played again lol

I help Roxy to have fun and she repays us by attacking Kira, well thats gratitude for ya rolleyes.giftongue.gif lol

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I'm not very fond of staffies. There are a few english and american staffies that go to my dog park and they are ALWAYS starting fights. They've had a go at Shadow a few times for absolutely no reason. He would be having a lie down and they would stand over him and not let him get up. And if he tried to move, they would be at his neck. They are just very dominanting dogs.

Glad to hear that Kira is alright though! biggrin.gif

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I do like staffies, and i will rescue one some day. They have a very bad rep over here as they're being bred left right and centre and people are buying them for 'status', dunno what its like in oz??

She's absolutely fine, a lot of blood for nothing lol, she can be such a wuss lol

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Awww I"m so glad Kira is ok. I love staffies there's tons that come to our park and they are just awesomely energetic. I agree some do start fights alot but it's mostly because the idiotic owners think that the dog park is where that is ok. I HATE those people. They do NOTHING to break it up and freaking LAUGH. Ugh. Ok sorry mini rant over. But Kiana loves playing with two staffies in particular and they have a blast! Besides Gabe my friend's pug they are the only things out in the park that can run her energy out lol. Interestingly enough they are also rescues and the sweetest two dogs in the world!

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glad Kira's ok hun, i've had staffs all my life very loyal dogs as any dog it's the way people train them. lol jumping in the middle Sid i've done this and will again if i have to, it's easy to say oh dont jump in let them fight it out but so hard to stand back.

People don't understand that they are our kids and you would never stand there whilst your kid is getting attact, would you ? it's a parents instince to protect lol

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Sid, glad Kira is okay :). Nooks sends kisses for her :wub:

My sister has a staff who has a similar personality to Nooks (very playful...and nosey! lol) and they got on quite well, they got a bit too excited but they were both put back on their leads and were sniffing one anothers faces with their tails going like crazy, so they were friends again afterwards! Staffs are lovely dogs but i guess with any other dog it has a lot to do with how they are trained/ socialised...don't get me started on idiots that breed them for fighting though, i get really angry as it's idiots like that who give the breed a bad name, grrrr <_<

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As Kelly and I have said in the past our estate is overloaded with Chavs and staffs, for most of them their idea of training their dog to obedience is to kick it and punch it in the head for the slightest infraction.

Whilst this may teach the dog to fear its owner, it leaves the dog with a lot of pent up aggression (against the owner) which it has to released somewhere, and that's usually someone elses dog.

Because they think it is absolutely hilarious and great fun for their dogs to fight they stand back and let it happen.

Our first White GSD "Bear" (sadly gone now) was out with me in the park I was throwing the ball and he was doing his best not to let me have it back (lol)

A young couple came towards us two very young children in a double buggy and two staffs one on a harness and the on the collar.

As soon as they saw Bear they started barking and lunging (no problem coz they are secure) Until the one on the harness snapped the linkage and was on Bear in a Flash. The other one pulled so hard that it unclipped it's collar (you know the clicky in plastic type) and shot forward.

So now I'm legging it across the field and these two staffs are on Bear.

Bear was Quite a shaggy dog and the Staffs went for his neck, so all they got was mouth fulls of fur but Bear could and did get them around the neck, shook them and threw them away.

By the time we both got control of the dogs, Bear was out of breath and the Staffs had gashes in their necks.

The owners then went off at me for not having control of Bear . . .!!!????

He was running around and playing. . .

It was their aggressive dogs that kicked off and attacked in the first place, If they hadn't attacked Bear he wouldn't have had to defend himself.

These people don't want pets, they want fighting machines.

I'm glad Kira is ok, it looks like Roxy was just jealous that Kira was getting food,and had probably had to fight other dogs in its original home for food. If you don't fight for it you go hungry.

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one of my neighbours has a staff and a staff cross (there not very nice people like to throw there weight about ) and i have seen him a hundred time punch them in the head and kick them in their bits ..they are discusting foul mouthed idiots ..i have wanted so many times to report them but they would know were it came from ..he once got hold of my demons tongue and said it will stop him nipping angry.gifangry.gif (hes only a pup) and i just simply said get off him we dont do things like that ..hes never tryed anything since with mine ...i think i would kill him if he did xxxsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Andy, there are quite a few chavs with Staffs round where me and RobC live, nearly all of them have tried to go for Nooks, and for no reason! :angry:...

We were walking back after taking Nooks for his walkies and this Staff came trotting up to us, not on a lead i might add, wimpering as if it wanted to say hello, and it was quite a pretty looking dog but as soon as it got close to Nooks neck it went for him, Rob managed to pull Nooks back and we, as well as the 'owner', all shouted at the Staff and it backed off. What really irritated me was that the so called owner was quite a way behind the dog and didn't even have a lead with him!! There are quite a few young children that play outside where we live, I dread to think what would have happened if this Staff had of gone for Nooks! The owner did ask if Nooks was okay which is fair enough but thats not really the point...he should have had the dog on a leash, especially in an area where children play!

It's because of this that I was so surprised that Switch (my sisters Saffy) and Nooks got on, as nearly all the Staffs we have come across on our travels have not been great towards him....as I said in my previous post, it all depends on how they are socialsed and trained I guess...

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Sid, so glad Kira is OK, hope her tongue is better ... and it was good of you to talk with the kids too, maybe they will be able to understand dogs a little better with this experience though they were responsible enough to keep it leashed at first not knowing how it would react. Well done them & you for the way you handled the situation, give Kira hugs from us, xx

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Yea i love staffies, and arent worried about them at all, I know they play rough and loud which scares most people but we're used to buster who sounds like he's gunna kill her rolleyes.gif Silly boy, but they just get over excited lol

Agree that its the way they're brought up, Buster in general is a very well behaved dog, but i'v met some DA staffies, one ran out of a back street to kira and ended up almost being ran over, stupid owner didnt have a lead, a swore at him tho lol

Cross posted on another forum and some say i was an idiot for tellin the kids to let it off, what do you think??

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Cross posted on another forum and some say i was an idiot for tellin the kids to let it off, what do you think??

The only way dogs of all breeds will get on better is if they are allowed to socialise properly and means letting the dogs interact freely. As long as the owners are close and can step in if it gets too boisterous or domineering.

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happened right under my legs lol it was kinda a rush to move me legs before i was part of it lmfao

The parks not huge, so everyone can easily get to their dog within seconds if they run lol

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dont think u were stupid at all how else is a dog supposed 2 get used 2 being around dogs and knowing that playing is a good thing if they arent allowed 2 go and meet and greet

i love my staffy x hes the softest thing ever its a shame theres certain ppl around who give them a bad name :(

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I don't think your an idiot for telling them to let their dog off sid, i think dogs interact better if off leash when meeting , i know our mishka is , she is a bitch as you saw when on leash meeting a dog. But ok with most just tells them off & pins them on the ground . when off lead she is fine but she dosen't meet many dogs when off lead as its in a tennis court or fenced area.

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i dont think you're daft for asking them to let it off lead. Dogs will get on better if not restrained - i'd have asked the same question.

Sorry you had this bad experience, hope you dont get any more probs give her a huge snuggle from me xx

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