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Urgent Help please

Lisa (Fragglebabe)

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Hi all, I'm really in need of advice on what to do. Maia has been with us now for 6 months, she has come on in leaps & bounds from the skinny, bald, scared dog she was. Now about 5 months ago Maia & Jess (14 year old Manchester Terrier) had a scuffle over a piece of kibble, Jess went for the kibble at the same time as Maia & then Jess went for Maia. As you can imagine Jess came out of this the worse with 2 puncture wounds. Everything healed & has been going great until Friday. Now I'm not sure exactly what happened but I could hear Jersey, George & Maia playing downstairs then all of a sudden Jess let out an awful scream. I ran downstairs shouting at the top of my voice NO & came in to find Maia squashed against the back door, ears flat & eyes wide. Jess was shaking on the floor & after I checked her over I found 4 puncture wounds around her neck & shoulder. She had a trip to the vets, where she was examined, cleaned up, given a couple of injections & a course of tablets. The vet wasn't too concerned over her bite wounds as they are just punctures & should heal well as long as kept clean. He was more concerned over her age & her numerous lumps. Anyway he decided to keeps the lumps in check as he didn't want to operate due to her age.

Well today its happend again, this time I saw it. Maia was running in from outside & Jess was coming out, they seemed to just bump each other & Maia pinned Jess to the ground & started to shake her. It all happened so quick & when I shouted 'NO' she released her but Jess again has more punctures.

I understand that Maia is a dominent female & Jess is too but I have to sort a solution that they can live together. Rehoming is TOTALLY OUT OF THE QUESTION, please help!

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hiya lisa,

one question, are both females intact???

this could cause tension, is one or the other coming into season????

i think you are going to have to watch them and see if you can see any signs of tension or agression, and then use a calm but firm tone of voice to calm them both down or remove one from the situation.

i hope you work something out, keep us informed


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hiya lisa,

one question, are both females intact???

this could cause tension, is one or the other coming into season????

i think you are going to have to watch them and see if you can see any signs of tension or agression, and then use a calm but firm tone of voice to calm them both down or remove one from the situation.

i hope you work something out, keep us informed


Hi Kelly,

Jess is intact, Maia isn't. I can't believe I didn't think of this :o Jess is just finishing her season. George (GSD) neutered male has been paying Jess a lot of attention & Maia is usually the one he's attatched to. Do you really think it could be this simple, so to speak?

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Normally it's as plain as the nose on your face (no disrespect meant it's just a figure of speech lol) it could very well be as simple as this Lisa - really hope it is :)

Me too, thanks you guys this has really helped, i've done nothing but cry all morning :(

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Put some Vick on Jess behind her neck where she has been attacked, this makes Maia learn that her friend smells bad lol , also when this happens you need to take the dominant stance and put Maia into submission. with her butt towards Jess, to show that she is the bottom of the pack, sometimes (this is the Mallyside) they can take a dislike to a breed for no reason, this has happend with a friend of mine who had a Huskamute and 5 little poms and Manchester terriers, she had to become very dominant around the huskamute and really make it known that she would not tolerate any bad manners,

I hope it all works out


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Put some Vick on Jess behind her neck where she has been attacked, this makes Maia learn that her friend smells bad lol , also when this happens you need to take the dominant stance and put Maia into submission. with her butt towards Jess, to show that she is the bottom of the pack, sometimes (this is the Mallyside) they can take a dislike to a breed for no reason, this has happend with a friend of mine who had a Huskamute and 5 little poms and Manchester terriers, she had to become very dominant around the huskamute and really make it known that she would not tolerate any bad manners,

I hope it all works out


Thank you Terry :)

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Hi, Lisa

As Kelly said one dog being in season is creating the problem, also aggravating this though is a dominance issue.

The two times you.ve witnessed the attack one over food and the other going through the door.

in pack hierarchy the dominant dog MUST go through the door first any other dog trying to go through at the same time is a challenge to the leader and a fight ensues.

With the food the Pack leader ALWAYS gets the food first and can and will take food from lower dogs. if they try to take food that the pack leader has or wants. . .it is seen as a challenge and a fight kicks off.

Most of us rarely see this behaviour because WE are the pack leaders and the dogs accept their place under us. And are happy to be part of our pack.

perhaps if YOU assert yourself over Maia so she understands that YOU do not tolerate her trying to be pack leader.

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Put some Vick on Jess behind her neck where she has been attacked, this makes Maia learn that her friend smells bad lol , also when this happens you need to take the dominant stance and put Maia into submission. with her butt towards Jess, to show that she is the bottom of the pack, sometimes (this is the Mallyside) they can take a dislike to a breed for no reason, this has happend with a friend of mine who had a Huskamute and 5 little poms and Manchester terriers, she had to become very dominant around the huskamute and really make it known that she would not tolerate any bad manners,

I hope it all works out


will the vicks work 2 stop skyla pulling on blaze all the time - we dont mind them playing obviously - but she sumtimes grabs him and doesnt wanna let go which blaze hates - will it hurt his skin if we put sum on his ears? (she mainly grabs his ears his neck and his back legs)

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Hi, Lisa

As Kelly said one dog being in season is creating the problem, also aggravating this though is a dominance issue.

The two times you.ve witnessed the attack one over food and the other going through the door.

in pack hierarchy the dominant dog MUST go through the door first any other dog trying to go through at the same time is a challenge to the leader and a fight ensues.

With the food the Pack leader ALWAYS gets the food first and can and will take food from lower dogs. if they try to take food that the pack leader has or wants. . .it is seen as a challenge and a fight kicks off.

Most of us rarely see this behaviour because WE are the pack leaders and the dogs accept their place under us. And are happy to be part of our pack.

perhaps if YOU assert yourself over Maia so she understands that YOU do not tolerate her trying to be pack leader.

Great advice, thank you :)

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I hate muzzling dogs, but in this case you are doing the best for all your dogs until this nonsense stops, so I would give it a go when you cant be around them, ie on the loo etc,

We put vicks on our bitches in season too, really helps keep the boys away, we put it any where they cant lick them


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if she can still drink with this on then maybe for a few weeks to ensure they are back to normal would be a good idea? Also - if they were trying to fight and you had to step in would also protect you as well.

Good advice on the vicks Terry - added to rep.

Maybe leave a training lead on her so it follows her around as well then if you need to grab it and pull her back you can?

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aw, Lisa .... so sorry to hear this ... I'd seen a change in Maia at the park, I said to you she seemed a little more wary than usual, she must have been feeling a bit stressed at the time, I wonder if Jess had started to make her feel "uneasy" back then ...

I like the Vicks idea, it does pong a bit! It might just work (nice trick, Terry!), I really hope it does. I know you could never rehome any of your pack, so paws crossed Maia calms down again when Jess is out of season ....

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A very big thank you to everyone for all your help & advice. Maia really doesn't like the muzzle & is now sulking upstairs on my bed <_< she's not even wearing it at the mo. I've only put it on her when Jess is going outside to do her buisness & then Jess is going back into her crate, by her own choice I might add. I think she feels safe in there, she just curls up & goes to sleep. Well tomorrow is another day & we will work this out, thanks again to everyone :) xxx

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