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so f*****g p****d off


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I'm so p****d off my boss is a ******* **** i work in a nursing home, where as you know your pulling and pushing equipment like wheelchairs, hoists.

I've had my feet run over so many b*****y times, so i bought some safty boots to protect my feet, they are black like we hve to wear. So what's the problem, well my w****r of a f*****g boss as desided i can't wear them, i've wore them now for 5 f*****g month and nothing as been said.

The best part is this wear something else tomorrow or don't come in, if you don't come in don't come back WTF is that about.

Well i don't have another pair of black shoes as i've ruined so many with the wheelchairs an hoists, thats why i got safty ones.

He is on mother f*****g b*****d so no shoes i can't go in tomorrow an if i don't go in i can't ever go back. So i'm out of a job just like that, i can't go buy any coz i'm in work every day this week but i got to get them tonight any way, but i can't because Dave as the card and he's at work so i have no money.

So i'm saked for wearing safty boots that i have worn for 5 month, oh you think thats bad another girl today was told last week about her shoes so she get's new ones, well guess what ? he did not like then so if she don't have a different pair she can't go in tomorrow and if she don't go in she can't go back.

This girl is worse off than i am she's a single parent with 3 little ones and she can not go and buy another pair tonight just because he did not like the new ones.

so yes im so p****d off right now because of a f*****g power crazy p***k with lots off money and who does not give a f*****g s**t about any one.

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woah, he has said WHAT?!?! i mean that's ridiculous, if you can do your job, what is the problem with your shoes...if he fires you for that (just go in tomorrow in the shoes you have been wearing) take him to tribunal...Also, if he wants you to wear specific shoes, tell him he must pay for them and issue them as uniform.

what a w*nk*r

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not that easy sarah he's a mean b*****d he would shout and screem at me in front of every one then throw me out, i wont give him that chance.

In the past he's had one lady 4ft nothing pinned up by the scruff of the neck because she walked into him, he's 6ft+ he also gave one girl a written warning for eating a biccy ffs.


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what an arse!!!! no wonder your p1ssed of hun- i would be!!

i used to work in a nursing home whilst training to become a childminder so i know exactly what you mean about your clothes gettin recked by wheelchairs- i ripped 2 pairs of trousers at the bottom as i drove over them angry.gif

im sure he cant sack you coz of your shoes hun...what does it say in your contract? have you tried ringin him since you left work? he may have calmed down abit now and may be willing to listen to you

seems to me he likes acting the big man when he has an audience!

jst an idea hun x x

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LOL if you met my boss you'd want to kill him, you can't talk to him even when he is wrong he wont back down. I'm a senior carer there so imagin how he speaks to the carers, they are scared to death of him, one lady 61yo been there 24 years he as her in tears every day for nothing , he's a bully.

people have took him to a tribunal he's dragged it out a few years then pays out of court and glots on it that it's pocket money, he's an ass

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bloody hell, i am actually shocked that people act that way...i must live in a nice little bubble...although i have seen/heard some things happen where i work (including being told to f**k off by someone who i thought was a friend) but nothing that bad.

that girl could have him for assault, you can't pin people up against the wall.

Is there anyone above him that you could talk to?

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OHOH what a Di*k, I'm not sure how your labour laws work there girl but here in canada I know that you can not be fired for something like that, Not only that but your boss would also be up sh*t creek without a paddle, Is there anyone eles you can go talk to ? Good luck

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Wow! Is there not someone higher then him you can contact. That seems like something you can sue over.. I mean come on.. shoes? How stupid. I can't believe that some people in this world have to pick at every single little thing.

He should be the one to be fired if ya ask me.

Nvm about the going to someone higher if he owns the place. Didnt see that before. Sorry you have suck a horrible boss. Still think you guys should look into suing him if he fires you over shoes. angry.gif

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That's crazy - he won't get away with behavior like that here. Sue the pri.k if he fires you - you have rights. Good grief, he wouldn't try that here, they would have him in labor court so fast he won't know what hit him. Idiot.

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OMG!!! Thats awful!!

If you have the time n petrol I have some DM's here hun, they're black, never wear them so dunno if they'd be suitable?? Your welcome to em, still really good condition

What a d!ck angry.gif

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Omg thats really bad hun ohmy.gif what an idiot of a boss!! angry.gif

Have you got a union at work? In work plaements there should be a health and saftey manual have a look and see what that says, it also may need to be updated. Surly he cant get away with sacking you over something as silly as wearing saftey boots in work??? I would have thought it might have been part of your work policy to wear saftey shoes with the type of work you do.

Really hope you manage to find some work shoes hunny maybe someone on here thats near to you could lend you a pair smile.gif Really hope your boss stops being an idiot and back off you and give you a break and stop pulling you and other staff members up on silly things!

Let me know how you get on hunny smile.gif x x x x x x

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OMG!!! Thats awful!!

If you have the time n petrol I have some DM's here hun, they're black, never wear them so dunno if they'd be suitable?? Your welcome to em, still really good condition

What a d!ck angry.gif

Aww thats a lovely kind offer Sid smile.gif x x x x x

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holy crap!!!

employment tribunal for unfair dismissal sounds like the way to go IF he does fire you. Have you got a union rep - if not you can join a union on the internet - you may have a company policy as well - see if you can find your handbook and see if it says anything in there about health and safety wear. Is it a privetly owned business or is it part of a group?

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He is breaking so many employment laws it's unbelievable.

He has allowed you to wear these shoes for five months without telling you they were inappropriate, that is known as "established practice" he has to give you fair notice of the change and an acceptable period within which to effect the change. (however wearing safety shoes in that environment would be considered BEST practice, from a health and safety and a Duty of care practice)

Swearing at you and intimidating you is against the acceptable working practices agreement that ALL employers must uphold

Gripping up an employee is common assault

Sacking anyone without a tribunal, and without suspending them on full pay pending said tribunal and giving the employee a chance to defend their position before sacking them is against the ACAS rules of practice. You do not need to belong to a union ALL employers MUST uphold and abide by the ACAS rules. . .it's LAW.

If you could get witnesses to back you with what he has been doing. You would have a rock solid case for unfair dismissal and he would have to pay YOU a very large payout.

the downside is that he would probaly end up closing the care home and that would affect the old people in care there.

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that is good advice, Andy, +1

Linda, I can't believe there are still bosses like that out there, he's obviously got away with it for so long, he thinks he's untouchable, what a sh1t .... but he can't fire you for you following best practice, he's not got a leg to stand on.

Good luck with it, I would turn up tomorrow & tell him you've taken advice & you're doing nothing wrong

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