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Huskys only liking Husky's?


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Strange question but yesterday i was walking oscar and we met someone with another husky, both of them were playing with each other for about 15 mins (other husky was very vocal and kept nipping at oscar as they do) strangely Oscar never even opened his mouth or howled at him, both of them just got up on their back legs and hugged.

As we walked on a couple walked passed with a black labrador that seemed to be exitable and his tail was wagging but oscar was growling and barking uncontrolably as they went past? (never been like that before, and i did the sit and stay but it made no difference) could it just be the case that he didnt like that other dog? and do all huskys play better together that with other breeds?

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mine have been fine with others on meets and on walks with other husky's when on leads but will not accept other dogs on leads, if running free they will accept and play with any breed dog.

Only once did one of mine Odin not get on with another husky lol Gray they just did not like each other from the first meet.

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Oscar doesnt like small dogs either, only because a few jack russles have been left off lead and have attacked him.

Do people with 2 or more huskys find their huskys are better with other dogs than people with just 1?

I keep thinking Oscar is like he is because he doesnt get to socialise with other dogs that much? as i walki him early in the morning and later in the night when not alot of other dogs are taken for a walk?

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Koda is happy to approach and play/sniff any dog from tiny terriers to leaping on the head of the BIGGEST rottie I've ever seen. . .

She just wants to play. laugh.gif

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Grey does not get on with any other Husky that has blue Eyes! there are 2 down a park we go and he hates them it was the same at camping Grey did not get on with any other Husky with Blue eyes! but was fine with all the others, think it was Linda who pointed out that Blue eyed huskies are the more dominant ones.

Apart from huskies with blue Eyes Grey gets on fine with other dogs, its the other dogs that dont like him cause he is a persistant bugger......lol

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mine have been fine with others on meets and on walks with other husky's when on leads but will not accept other dogs on leads, if running free they will accept and play with any breed dog.

Only once did one of mine Odin not get on with another husky lol Gray they just did not like each other from the first meet.

LOL LOL yeah they hated each other, they stared each other out every bloody day at camping......biggrin.gif

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Well Nuks has never met another dog she wasnt lovly to! Met a few that we're nasty to her (usually the little ones) but thats never stoped her wanting to be friends with one and all... although she is only 9months.

I have observed though that she tries to play to same with every dog she meets, she always only wants to husky wrestle even when the other dogs a runner! smile.gif

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buck never got on with male dogs unless they were huskies. he would let female dogs do anything to him. he only ever howled when there were huskies around.

shaer and talon are pretty friendly with most dogs, but some of the huskies around us snap at them.

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Shiloh has been fine with both husky's and other breeds so far....its usually the other dogs that bark at him...he jst gets very excited at the sight of any other dog- husky or different breed.....last night a large poodle type dog went buzurke at him when we walked past blink.gif

x x

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With Maia she loves larger breeds if they are upto the Husky wrestle lol especially our big boy George (GSD). She also plays well with Jersey (Lab) but when Jersey gets over excited Maia does give a good open mouthed nudge to calm her down, which might I add doesn't work all the time :lol: With Jess on the other hand our Manchester Terrier Maia has recently given her a few nasty puncture wounds (all healing well).

With dogs when out for walks she is over excited when on lead but off lead in the dog park she runs with the pack :)

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Myshka is blue-eyed & definitely a dominant bitch, though she does get on with all dogs, as long as she can bat them down in the end! She loves to husky wrestle & is slowly teaching Diesel how to play, although he is still too big to rear up on his back legs & husky hug!! But he has started to mouth back & shout back at her now.

Diesel will get on with any shape or size dog, he's just a big friendly bear! :lol:

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Sadly Merlin has been rubbish with other huskies. Im hoping he will be better now his leg doesnt hurt.

He gets on very well with small dogs, even if they are telling him off, however anything male and bigger than a staff seems to be a threat so he will avoid it if hes off lead or make alot of noise at it on lead. Hes fine with the large dogs he played with as a pup and greyhounds dont seem to bother him either. He is fine with females...espically ones that flirt!

Merlins problems come down to a lack of socilization. He couldnt really play as a pup because of his legs and he was on lead which has lead to more fear and fustrations as he has grown. I do wonder if alot of huskies suffer with this too as many are always on the lead.

I do think his eyes have alot to do with other dogs picking fights with him. If dogs only see in black then a blue eyed dog must look pretty intimadating showing all the white of its eye

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Mine are fine with all dogs, with the following exceptions:

My boy thinks small dogs are tasty toys. He wants to play with them, and bite them and savor their juicy goodness. I honestly think he wants to play with them, and then eat them.

My girl shows no interest in my boy, but will not tolerate another female showing him any attention. She hates any bitch interested in my boy.

My girl will be friendly until another dog is aggressive. Once she sees any sign of aggressive behavior, she immediately dominates. Doesn't matter how big or small the other dog, doesn't matter if it's male or female. Never had any bad scrapes yet, largely because no dog has tried to challenge her.

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Kaiens kinda an odd ball, he just doesnt show any interest in playing with ANY dogs, on or off lead. I took him to my dads Sat and two of the neighbors dogs, a Husky mix and a Boxer came over. Dad has a large Collie so we had all 4 dogs running loose. Kaien never showed any interest in playing, he just went about his own business. With small dogs he will bat at them but thats about it. Going to be taking him to the dog park soon when i get the permit so we'll see if his Lone Wolf attitude is true.

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I seem to have the common problem where mine are pretty aggressive to all dogs if i have them on the lead but will play quite happily if not.

Small dogs however are treated as fair game especially to my boy who is becoming a bit of a bully & a real pain in the ar$e off lead so his free running days are comming to an end.

Luna's pretty good with all other dogs when she's not with her brother but will go wild for any other smallish creature sad.gif

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My male husky, Sampson, isn't too keen on other males. My female wolf/malamute cross, Nikita, wants to play with all dogs but on account of her size she tends to intimidate both the dogs and their owners. Sampson is a runner so he has to be on the lead all the time which doesn't help as it makes him feel anxious if approached by another dog who is loose. With Nikita, on account of what she is, I have to be overly cautious not to let her get to close to another dog as if anything goes wrong she will be a load of trouble, even though I am confident she won't intend to hurt anyone.

I have noticed with mine that if we pass the odd dog while walking they work their tickets, but if we are in a very busy area with lots of people and dogs, such as a county show, they seem to go into sensory overload and ignore everyone and everything. Has anyone else experienced this?

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I have noticed with mine that if we pass the odd dog while walking they work their tickets, but if we are in a very busy area with lots of people and dogs, such as a county show, they seem to go into sensory overload and ignore everyone and everything. Has anyone else experienced this?

only took mine to two shows if dogs came too close to my two they'd have a sniff but then someone else walked past and sniff sniff again lol after a while they settled, i think there was so much going on they didn't know which way to go - they were soo excited!

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Kira is great with all other dogs, especially males laugh.gif

Unless raw food is involved, kibble treats shes fine, but when i took raw kidney as a treat to the park she got into a scrap with Suki when she got too close sad.gif

If a dog is going for her she will generally try to get away and go back to the friendly dogs lol, but if shes cornered she will fight back and normally win smile.gif

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I love all the dog I meet, no matter if they are male or female. I do know that my "like everyone" isn't too popular among male dogs I meet, but i don't let it to bother me. OFC I will let aggressive dogs to know that I can take care of myself if needed, but never start to act aggressive or growling first.

No matter if you are an Chihuahua or Great Dane, so size does not matter how I act.

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i have 5 dogs 3 huskys, one 45 pound mix, and one 13 pound mix and they all get on fine. even when we go to the dog park everyone is ok. but they do like to chase around the fast moving little dogs. they dont attack put they are drawn to them. i think if they live with or are used to seeing other breed dogs all the time they will be more friendly.

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