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Do you own more than one husky??


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So me and Dave are thinking of getting a companion for Dakota. She's so laid back and apart from her 2 walks, will sleep most of the day, sometimes I wonder if she is a husky,I thought it was going to be full on all the time but she's grand :D

So we think it'd be nice fo her to have someone to play with when we're at work, so looking at getting a male husky, (I heard you shouldn't have 2 females together?) Anyway before we look into it more, I thought I'd see how you guys get on with owning more than one husky, did you get them at the same time, are they the same sex, how do they get on etc.

One thing I worried about is having the 2 of them on the lead together, Dakota's ok walking cause I run with her first, she tires out then. But not sure if I could run with 2 of them. So any stories, advice????????

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Hi, we have two puppies, a male and a female. We got our second as a playmate for Ozzy and have never regretted the decision. My husband and I walk the dogs together, but he has taken them out on his own as well :unsure: Ozzy is a monster puller already and Micah follows his lead no matter what. On her own she is a dream to walk, but put Ozzy in the equation and its 'keep up or go home' so we keep up - at the moment.

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Having more than one is alway's double the fun...and would whole heartedly recommend it

although would advise that if you get another puppy, put in the same groundwork that you did getting Dakota to walk nicely on the lead.

I made the mistake of not doing this...Skye walk's wonderfully on the lead as she was my first and I put lot's of effort in when she was little to achieve this, but when we got Sasha, she came along on our daily walk's and now pulls like a train..rolleyes.gif..so it's back to basic's with her..lol

As for which sex..I have girl's and they get along fine...no prob's so far and they are 18month's and 10month's

having a mix of will only cause problem's during a season then they must be kept apart unless one or both have been 'done'

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We have two Huskies.

Sahsa was 2 years old when we purchased Bailey from a breeder.

We ensured Sasha was desexed before we got Bailey.

It is great having two as they entertain each other in between walks...and of course entertain us too. :)

They are two very different personality dogs. They are happy to tell each other off if they are doing the wrong thing.

I walk both of them together twice everyday without drama. Really impotant that you train them seperately as well as together.

Training Bailey was alot easier as Sasha was a great role model for Bailey to watch and learn from.

They do play fight alot together and it may look aggressive but both end up laying together and making out lol.

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We have one husky and one malamute, most walks both my partner and I walk them but we have both walked them together and to be honest it can be easier than walking them separately. The only problem comes when they see a cat and they pull, those who think taking a pulling husky is hard try taking a mal who is nearly twice as big. They play fight a lot chasing each other around the house, only problem is my female husky is far more athletic and sometimes jumps over our heads while we are sat on the sofa. She is far better off the lead than him and if you tell her to bring him back she does. He sometimes forgets to come back.

Wh is the most dominant? in the house most of the time her, out on walks him, he does not like her to be lead dog.


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ive got 3 dogs - 2 ov which are huskies - Bing and Blaze are boys - Skyla is a girl - if we didnt rehome Skyla we would have gotten another boy dog - its rly up2u which sex u choose like Cheryl said ur only rly gonna get problems when its season time - a couple ov walks mum comes with me and hold skyla whilst i hold the boys - i do take them out on my own aswell tho - Bings walks rly nicely - hes old so he just follows next 2 me or behind me - so i put skyla's lead in the same hand as bings lead and hold blaze with my other hand - i like 2 keep him on a short lead if i can - it helps him walk nicely - i have hooked them both up to the same lead aswell - so it is do-able you just have 2 find out what works for u - and as u no ur pup wont b going out tooo much anyway as its 5 minutes exersice for every month ov the pups age so an 4 month old pup shud only b gettin 20 mins on-lead exercise a day

heres a pic ov Blaze and Skyla on the same lead :)


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I've got 2 boys and they get on GREAT never had any major scraps - they play fight and keep each other amused as well :) I cannot take one anywhere without the other having a dicky fit rolleyes.gif

Can't wait to get my 3rd.....4th.....5th.......erm i'll shush now laugh.gif

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I have 3 n they r lovely, its not easy but as long as u assert urself everythin will b cool. I prefer males cos they r bigger n have huge personalities. 2fers r good.. 1 ring with 2 leads off 2 1 lead (c nix pics)

I walked all 3 of mine on Haltis n short leads for 4 miles the other day n they were good, just show them who is boss :)

Definetly Huskies should NEVER b on their own, they r pack animals they need their buddies,

GET ANOTHER HUSKY.................. believe it or not 2 Huskies r easier than 1 ! x

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Thanks everyone, your stories are all so positive amd we decided to def get another one at some stage. In the meantime we've contacted our local Husky Rescue centre and put are names down to foster rescued huskies till they find permanent homes. We had them call over last night to make sure our place is secure and they mentioned there's a male husky in a pound that they might need us to take so I'll let you all know how it goes. :)

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We are definalty having another one to keep Oscar company, Oscar is the same Maggie, realy laid back and relaxed in the house and will happily sleep all day until my 3 yr old son winds him up and then they both go crazy ( dont complain cause they knacker each other out) ha ha.

I know some people wont agree with us but we are studding Oscar out with my friends bitch this year and having a pup from the litter, (he is registered breeder with the kennel club) as there is no way we would be able to afford to buy another husky and due to my son being so young and boistrous we just wouldnt trust an older rescue dog with him, and most rescue centres dont like giving a dog to family's with children under 5-8 anyway ( checked last year). I think the only reason Oscar is so good with my son is that they have been brought up together and he knows what he is like, and we have made sure that Oscar knows Evan is higher up the rankings than he is.

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lol tamz once shiloh is grown up abit more it wont b long b4 ur posting that u want another - they are addictive

lol seroiusly there is not room in this house for anymore and he isnt even 1 yet!!!! i dread to think how crammed in we will be over the next few months lol...we have started to look for a larger house as this is way to small...was abit tight with jst me, ian and chloe but now we have a small horse its jst ridiculously tight.....we viewed a house the other night but wasnt right...didnt feel right :(

x x x

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Personally I LOVE Sibes and I will always want to own one, but one at a time is enough for me. I could not cope with the hair loss that would come with two.

I have three dogs, if I only had one and got a second I would try to go with the opposite sex but temperament and character is number one for me, so I'd go with the one who was the best match for me and my current dog.

There are also far too many other breeds out there that I love and want to own for me to just stick with Sibes!

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