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Can someone give me suggestions on feeding or tell me what I am doing wrong?

I've had my sibe for a week ( 3 year old female 53lb). Her first poop after getting her was solid. She came with a plastic bag of the food she was eating that would be enough to switch her to a new food. It was eagle something brand. I bought Taste of the Wild pacific formula to switch her to. I've been trying to convert her by adding a little more TOTW each day. Well, her poo has been the consistency of toothpaste or worse for a week. I've tried a couple of meals of chicken breast/rice which mildly firmed it up (rice passed through) and did decrease the frequency. Going back to the kibble brought back the diarrhea. I was told she was getting 1.5cups 2x per day at the rescue. I've tried that and 1 cup/2x per day. She has also been getting some cheese bits for training treats.

Suggestions? try new food, change amount, give it more time?

Any help is appreciated


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Hi Julie. This is a common problem. We went through this on a regular basis with our last Husky. Some Huskies have very sensitive digestive systems, and it sometimes takes some effort to find a food that works. Before introducing TOTW, did she have the problem? If not, she may not be tolerating the TOTW. I feed Zoya TOTW, alternating forumlas at the end of each bag.

So, we need to establish a "clean slate". Right now, you don't really know what the cause is. It's important to determine the cause, so you can resolve the problem.

I would have a stool sample tested by the vet. Let's rule out any parasites. If she has worms, you'll need to worm her. But if she does not have any worms, then you'll know that is not the problem.

Withhold food for 24 hours. Do let her drink water though.

Then, for two days, feed her twice a day, 1/2 cup steamed rice with 1/4 cup boiled chicken. You can also give her two tablespoons twice a day, of canned pumpkin. Not pumpkin pie filling. It has spices. Just plain canned pumpkin. Canned pumpkin helps firm up the stools.

Observe her stools and see if they firm up.

Then start her out as follows:

Day 1 - 3/4 cup steamed rice with 1/4 cup kibble twice a day.

Day 2 - Same as Day 1.

Day 3 - 1/2 cup steamed rice with 1/2 cup kibble twice a day.

Day 4 - Same as Day 3.

Day 5 - 1/4 cup steamed rice with 3/4 cup kibble twice a day.

Day 6 - Same as Day 5.

Day 7 - 1 cup kibble twice a day.

Keep an eye on her stools throughout. They should firm up. The key is to move very slowly in making any food changes. With Huskies this can be even more important than other breeds.

As far as what brand of kibble to give her, we have had great luck giving Zoya TOTW. She really loves the High Prairie and the Wetlands forumlas. She's not so in love with the Pacific Stream, but does seem to like it. You may want to try the TOTW during the transiition week. If her stools start to go soft again, then you'll know it may very well be the TOTW.

I would avoid any kibbles that contain corn, wheat, brewer's rice, or if they have more than two forms of rice. I don't know how the shelters/rescues are in your area of Iowa, in my area of Iowa, some take donations of food, mix it all together, and that's what they feed. One rescue that I know of, actually feeds TOTW.

If you have any questions, feel to PM me or post here. Others may have some ideas that are good and you may want to give those a try as well. It's important not to switch around too much, until you establish the cause of the problem. Best of luck. Kudos for taking her into your pack and for being so concerned.

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Hey Julie,

Awww your poor girlie. . .sad.gif

Follow daves advice. This will Help

Our Koda is still a pup and we've almost given up on kibble. . .every time FWOOSH.

We are keeping her just on chicken wings for now.. . .still solid. . . biggrin.gifGreat Advice Dave. . .+1biggrin.gif

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Good advice Dave smile.gif My Tikaani used to have the odd diarrhoea as a pup but he was generally ok on James Wellbeloved kibble as well as the odd rabbit which really hardened him up. Aiyana is now 14 weeks & she has been consistantly hard on kibble,even when we changed it to puppy large breed cause she is sooo big for her age lol ohmy.gifbiggrin.gif so fingers crossed she will stay like that.

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Thanks everyone.


After the rescue dropped her off, she had one solid poo. I think I gave her 100% the food she came that first night. Next morning-runny. I attributed it to stress of 4 hour car ride, new home, new pack etc. I have already taken her to the vet and she is negative for worms.

Couple of questions:

Does it matter if the rice is white or brown?

Is boiled chicken anything special or can it be just cooked any old way?

She wants me to ask you if 24 hours of no food is really necessary because she reaaaallly loves food?


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Good questions Julie.

I've used white rice, simply because that's what we had on the shelf. You could try brown rice if that's what you have. I don't think it will matter too much.

Boiled chicken is usually more tender, and the tissue is more broken down, making it a bit easier to digest. Don't use fried chicken - too much fat. Baked would be OK. I've used both white meat and dark meat.

Withholding food for 24 hours is standard practice in dealing with this problem, and is a key element of resolving the problem, so yeah, it's necessary.

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Hey there Julie I'm sorry to hear about your pups problems :( it's so not a good thing to go through. I actually turned to Dave's advice when I was going through this with Kiana and did exactly as he has suggested and it has 100% worked with Kiana. Granted Kiana is almost 4 months old but she was on a rather questionable diet and we had nothing but issues with her poo since the day I brought her home. With Dave's awesome advice within the first week I saw a wonderful turn around and she's been solid since ^_^

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Tootega did great on the chicken rice and pumpkin. She had her first logs which was great. She had her first rice/kibble mix but right away went loose, not as bad as before but still loose. I have added pumpkin to the mixture again.

Any thoughts?

Give her a week of the Chicken and rice, let her have a t least a week of solid "Logs" ohmy.gif before reintroducing kibble and only tiny amounts at first. Not even half a cup!

and if she stays solid then VERY gradually increase the kibble to a normal amount for her age and size.

Also DON'T give the kibble and chicken together . . .they process through the body at different speeds. The kibble takes MUCH longer. . .so if you give them at the same time when the chicken is done and is on its way out, then the kibble will come out as runny.

Give Chicken in the morning and evening with TINY amounts of kibble perhaps at lunch, increasing as she stays solid. laugh.gif

Good luck.

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We recently did a weight vs. age comparison on the forums, and our Koda was the smallest for her age and weight. However She is healthy and well proportioned with plenty of energy.

Sibes come in all shapes and sizes. don't worry too much about her size. biggrin.gif

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Give her a week of the Chicken and rice, let her have a t least a week of solid "Logs" ohmy.gif before reintroducing kibble and only tiny amounts at first. Not even half a cup!

and if she stays solid then VERY gradually increase the kibble to a normal amount for her age and size.

Also DON'T give the kibble and chicken together . . .they process through the body at different speeds. The kibble takes MUCH longer. . .so if you give them at the same time when the chicken is done and is on its way out, then the kibble will come out as runny.

Give Chicken in the morning and evening with TINY amounts of kibble perhaps at lunch, increasing as she stays solid. laugh.gif

Good luck.

I have given her 3/4 cup rice with 1/4 cup kibble last night which made her loose again. Then morning the same but with 2tbsp pumpkin. Waiting on that movement.

The last 2 days she has lost about a pound, which at 3 months 9 days is concerning.

I think if her next 'bisy' is loose we will go back to rice and chicken but with 1/2 cup rice and 1/2 cup chicken.


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I have given her 3/4 cup rice with 1/4 cup kibble last night which made her loose again. Then morning the same but with 2tbsp pumpkin. Waiting on that movement.

The last 2 days she has lost about a pound, which at 3 months 9 days is concerning.

I think if her next 'bisy' is loose we will go back to rice and chicken but with 1/2 cup rice and 1/2 cup chicken.


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It's not too surprising if she is losing weight if she is "loose".

It's going through her with out processing properly.

It's one of two things. . .

As Sarah said possible overfeeding. . . .too much and not enough gets digested before the next meal. . . = runny poo.

or. . .

something in the mix. .(probably the kibble) that she is sensitive to, or is taking too long to digest before the next meal comes along. = runny poo.

Raw chicken wings (best) or lightly boiled chicken with the boiled rice.

Nothing else until she thickens up,

NO treats, NO bisciuts, No leavings or scrapings off your dinner plates, No cheese or dairy.

Eliminate everything that could be making her runny.sad.gif

Chicken n rice.

Simple and plain

She''ll howl like you're starving her. . . ohmy.gif

it's for her own good.

Sorry for the lecture. . .just want her to get solid and healthy.

Best wishes. .. smile.gif

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No worries on the table scraps or anything like that, we keep good discipline and manners. We are going back to chicken and rice.

I would be very interested to know about the raw chicken wings. How many does Koda get and how do you prepare them (I assume the bone is removed)?

For now I will give her lightly boiled chicken with rice put through the blender stuffed in her Kong (she loves that thing and then she doesn't eat too fast).

I think we might just avoid kibble all together. I cook for me so I can cook for her too. But I want to make sure she is getting all she needs.

Any good links or suggestions are welcome. I am open to a raw diet.

And thanks to all those

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