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Well Shura got lose today but came straight back so we decided that we would attach her to lola and see what would happen (being on high gaurd) and she was sooo good and followed everwere, soooo then we took her off Lola and let her wonder she was soo wonderfull and just played with us then fell asleep on the front seat of the car she has really enjoyed herself today and when we next have good weather we are going to do it in the same order minus the escape lol xxx

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Lol thats cool well done shura :-) i always walk mine off lead but am getting another soon the only thing im gonna be worried about when teaching new one to come back if i let him or her off is its fine when they jus playing but they can an do get competative thats when gotta watch it as i will be on it like a hawk.

But to see them run an play is such a great site i love watching them do what they do best and run (Not away though) lol

Hope all goes as well on you're next little trip biggrin.gif

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Lol she is young then. thats the best thing about having good stretch of legs they sleep so well after.

She is young isnt she? she looks it smile.gif

keep an eye on her prey drive as well or neighbours ay find their pet bunnys in the garden have mysteriously escped an shura is not hungry lol

But you maybe lucky to have a dog who returns also always high alert as you said though lol should get a vid one time oh an always have trats on yo that she loves just incase the on ething you dont want to happen does she may recall to it i use griled but cold sausages she loves them will do anything for them.

But its nice to hear biggrin.gif

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lol shes a year old now never been off lead. I will always watch her though as i dont want out to happen, I think shes been picking it up off lola when shes been out and what not so hopefully will carry on. Hopefully will get a vid tomorow or sat weather and people permitting lol. We know she will go for cats and bird but she just plays with cats lol (we have a cat thats brave on the estate and always comes up to her.) Well shes still asleep lol will definatly have to do it again xx

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its a secure estate and she cant get far in it. the coldersack is even more secure and when shes with lola, lolas pack leader and shura just follows:blink: Anyway i wouldnt do it if i didnt know she would be safe. I m gna work on her recall now as it will come in handy but defo will not do it on walks xx

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I walk Echo (2yr old white GSD) and Koda withe thier leads linked together.

This morning Echo had done her buisness, both echo n Koda were sat nicely while I bagged up the small mountain that Echo drops, when. . . .

echo spots a cat !!!!!

she was off like a flash. . .poor Koda's legs going ten to the dozen trying to keep up but actually being dragged almost face first across the tarmac.

cat shinnies up n over a fence echo n koda come trotting back nice as pie with grins on thier faces. . .


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strange thing is she doesnt have much a a recall if any but she still comes back lol

This actually really bothers me

I can't believe you let her off in a cul-de-sac ohmy.gif there's only one exit - yeah where cars come in and out so it's not that small of an exit

If you wanted a dog to let off lead you should have got a lab, what you're doing in my opinion is totally irresponsible and in effect putting her life at risk :(

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Sarah out of the 5 houses on the sack only 3 cars and they are all out. This is why i hook her on to Lola, you never know what a dog is going to do unless you give them a chance. Not every single dog has a hundred percent recall. Shura came back everytime and she never left my side unless i said she could. There were 8 or more people outside keeping her occupid and watching the exit. Its not irresponcable to let a dog have fun and the area is safe. Just because i havent worked in her recall much doesnt mean a thing ill work on it more now but the point she stayed with me for a reason.

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Cassie you like all others that got pups from us made the same promise to both Sue and myself that you would never do this and to say we are upset by it is a understatment, if you want to let Shura off the lead for god sake take her to a dog park or a secure encloser not in your bloddy cul-de-sac with a open end I dont care if you got 10's of poeple watching her if she wants to get out she will angry.gif

Another way of putting how we feel if we had known you was going to be so irresponsible we would not aloud you to take her in the 1st place.

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Sarah out of the 5 houses on the sack only 3 cars and they are all out. This is why i hook her on to Lola, you never know what a dog is going to do unless you give them a chance. Not every single dog has a hundred percent recall. Shura came back everytime and she never left my side unless i said she could. There were 8 or more people outside keeping her occupid and watching the exit. Its not irresponcable to let a dog have fun and the area is safe. Just because i havent worked in her recall much doesnt mean a thing ill work on it more now but the point she stayed with me for a reason.

Cassie - you said above that you UNhooked her from Lola - so am slightly confused why what you said on the first line??

Yeah you don't know what a dog will do unless you give them a chance but please please find somewhere SAFE for her, if she see's something she will be gone, once she gets more confidence being unrestricted you just don't know :(

It's great you're going to work on her recall, but please maybe think about getting her recall spot on BEFORE you put her in the situation where you could potentially loose her :( you'd be devastated if anything happened to her :(

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Fair enougth, but one thing that made me happy was that she was happy. She loved playing out with lola, btw she was attached to lola for the majority of the time and she stayed by us all on our land. It teaches her that she should come back if she gets off lead than if she just escaped in which case she would run run and run. I understand my own dog and trust her just like you lot do.

I know of a few people who let their husky off lead in our area with no problems though I know this doesn't mean it is safe nore that they will be lucky all the time. But any dog can escape and get killed via a car etc and that is the fact of life. Shura has escaped two times and she never run off, even with a cat around, instead the cat attacked her and she coward away coming back. She is now rightly scared of cats, we are not letting her off lead every day! We are just trying it when its quiet and when we can catch her if the worst case scenario arises or within a closed field etc.

Our estate is fairly closed and where we are there is only one way out and Shura cannot scale fences, that we know! I really dont like seing her upset because she cannot play the same unlike our other dog. The dog park is to far for us to go to and is really not practical. What about the people who allow their huskies to stay in their house while out? these trust their dogs enougth to know and hope they wont trash their house. Each dog is different and dont label Shura as being one of the majority of huskies who may run off. Any dog will run off if not trained and any dog will chase a cat or definatly chase a cat if you get a loser of a owner who makes them go mad at cats. Shura isn't any of the above.

I dont care if I get slated for this as at least she had some freedom!

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I understand my own dog and trust her just like you lot do.

I dont care if I get slated for this as at least she had some freedom!

i dont trust mine at all

mine get thier freedom with long leads - blaze has 100ft 1 skyla is gonna have 2 make do with the 50ft lead 2moz - i forgot 2 get her a 100ft 1 - ive just brought 1 now i wudnt dare let mine off i know they wont come back - hence the leads they can still have a run around and have their 'freedom' but still b safe

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But any dog can escape and get killed via a car etc and that is the fact of life

OK I've stayed out of this conversation so far but this just got to me... Are you on a different planet to the rest of us???? No it is not just a fact of life. Thats like sayin I can cross the road with out looking both ways every day because anyone could get run over by a car, its just a fact of life!!!!

Yes I know that others let people off leash and yes I know it is your opinion and I have every respect for that, but on a road? Whether its a quiet road or not is completely and utterly irrelevant! OK lets get away from all the enclosed area conversation and say is there anything wrong with you going up on the moors, into some woodland, onto an abandoned quarry etc etc etc etc ..... We have let ours off in the past and I dare say we will do it in the future too, but its not rocketscience to just have a little common sense. If she wanted to run, she could be at MAIN road very quickly whether your estate is quiet or not.

Yes you are right, your liklely to get slated Cassie. There are people on here who do plenty of things that others disagree with. Some breed when others think they shouldnt, some let offlead when others think they shouldnt, however I don't think you'll find very many AT ALL that agree with letting a husky offlead that (in your own words) "doesnt have much a a recall if any" on a road regardless of how quiet it is. It's nothing short of pathetic and I cant honestly see what responce you expected.

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two of mine come back every time funny thing is their the rehomes but still NO WAY WILL I RISK IT OFF LEAD they mean to much to me to chance that one time.

But your chose i just hope i never see you post the thread that shura one time as come

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Our GSD is constantly off the lead when we are out walking - running around having fun - but there is no chance i'd trust Isis to do the same! Yes she recalls pretty well, mainly due to a lot of training that we put in when she was younger. But her instincts have now kicked in and she is often stubborn at some of the simpler commands like sit and wait (if she is distracted). She gets to run around on her extendible lead, and used to go on runs with myself until I injured the ligaments in my foot - we will soon be getting a bike and the necessary attachments so that she can go running again!

When we got Isis we did so knowing that she would probably never be off lead, even with all of the training that we put in. Not because she wouldn't recall but because we couldn't take the chance of her not recalling.

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Just because i havent done much recall training with her doesnt mean anything as she came back so it technically means she has more then we thought so ill work on that now sure, but its not everyday we do it when its quite and when we play. One question how are you ment to train recall when you cant let them off lead to do so? And the leads dont always work either as they get tangled ive got one and the amount of times shura has nearly broken a leg from it is rediculas, recall in the home is different then outside.

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