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Blaze has never got his tangled around enuf 2 damage himself - he has a harness on when its in use not a collar and i run with him so even if it does get under 1 ov his legs its still slack enuf 2 not b a problem and then when hes ran enuf 2 tire himself out a little bit and he stops i unhook it from his leg and go off again - he loves it - u say uve never trained a recall but she came back so it shows she has 'some' so u will work on it now - she doesnt have 'some' she just chose 2 come back this time - i didnt wanna put a downer on this cassie but next time u might not b so lucky she might not choose to come back next time

and y are u only gonna start working on a recall now if uve wanted 2 let her off her lead for a while now - y didnt u start when u got her? atleast then u would know how reliable it is and how much u can trust her

u can teach her a recall on a 100ft lead or even a 50ft lead - thats y they are called 'training leads'

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I understand what you're saying Cassie with the recall training - what I did with my boys was to train them in the back garden first, get them used to a certain word - in my case it was a specific whistle that meant come here now please. I incorporated this whilst on walks, I let their extendi lead right out and then gave the whistle and praised and gave high value treats when they came back.

I've recently bought 2 x 50ft leads and do the same whilst they're on these, they haven't gotten tangled up - yeah the leads get knotted a bit but i undo them as we're going along.

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One question how are you ment to train recall when you cant let them off lead to do so?

We used a long lead - kept it really loose so that Isis didnt know she was on it until we had to correct her using it. Occasionally we had to gently correct her to make sure she recalled on command!

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Nix you must Shura better then me as you know what shes thinking as you going off the majority of the people on this forum that all huskies are the same which is like saying all humans are the same which is not true as we all have idevidual personalities. Being she came back all times i called her today and the times that she has escaped we must be doing somthing right unlike keeping a dog on leach 24/7 when they might want to run away, would you like to be on leash 24/7? and if you was wouldnt you want to escape?

Dogs only want to show thier owners love all the time and you may walk them but they are still tied up, now were is their freedom? This isnt a personal dig at you just at the comment, because everyone else is at my views. It has come to my attention upon reading other post that people who do simmalar thing to this and this get away with it!

I most of all dont want to see her get hurt. Not only huskies will run and most of the reason the run off lead is because they are restricted and like any abled creature they will want to escape if enclosed, Yes it is sad and upsets that dog have been killed by vihcles but dogs can also get killed by going on general walks with owners, and anyone of that matter takes a risk with thier own life as soon as they leave the house and even in the house.

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Who said it was on or near a road? an estate is not a road and no cars hardly come down this way as the houses are empty. The road is a distance away from us. We dont have the luxery of a farm and so are slightly closer to a road than we would like yes but not on one nor as close as you may think.

Shura gets tangled in any long lead and so this proves she aint like your dogs and so dont judge her like she is. She runs around like a mad head so much so she ends up with it around her legs. We dont you know make a habbit of letting her off lead every day and yes we do have a part lab who atm is her leader and shura will follow her all the time. Is all shura likes to do is sunbathe and be with us giving anyone a love unless she doesnt know them. She is also a guard dog which is not like normal huskies barking and growling at anyone she doesnt know scaring a lot of people off from it. So each dog is different and not every dog will do the same.

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Nix you must Shura better then me as you know what shes thinking as you going off the majority of the people on this forum that all huskies are the same which is like saying all humans are the same which is not true as we all have idevidual personalities. Being she came back all times i called her today and the times that she has escaped we must be doing somthing right unlike keeping a dog on leach 24/7 when they might want to run away, would you like to be on leash 24/7? and if you was wouldnt you want to escape?

Dogs only want to show thier owners love all the time and you may walk them but they are still tied up, now were is their freedom? This isnt a personal dig at you just at the comment, because everyone else is at my views. It has come to my attention upon reading other post that people who do simmalar thing to this and this get away with it!

I most of all dont want to see her get hurt. Not only huskies will run and most of the reason the run off lead is because they are restricted and like any abled creature they will want to escape if enclosed, Yes it is sad and upsets that dog have been killed by vihcles but dogs can also get killed by going on general walks with owners, and anyone of that matter takes a risk with thier own life as soon as they leave the house and even in the house.

Cassie all im saying is that she recalled this time but how do u no 100% that shes gonna do it again? im not going off the majority ov ppl here im going off my own experiences

Blaze has escaped a couple ov times - if he hadnt ov stopped 2 sniff a bush or a dog and i hadnt dived on him 2 stop him running off i have no doubt in my mind that he wouldnt b with us right now :(

Skyla escaped the other day - she came back when i called her - does this mean im gonna let her off her lead cuz she came back once? does it fuck! i value my dogs and would not risk their lives

if i had 2 b leashed for my own safety for my LIFE! then i wud appreciate it tbh - dogs are not leashed 24/7 only on walks or runs - they get offlead time in the garden together - or over the feild on 100ft lead which are as good as being free! my dogs have their freedom on 100ft leads and im confident in the knowledge that my dogs are safe and will b home with me later that day :)

dogs dont always want 2 show their owners love - they need leadership! they may show u love but if u dont lead them they arent going to respect u!

other people dont 'get away with it' these people have trained their dogs A RELIABLE RECALL!!!! uve heard saz - she used 2 let hers off all the time - they ALWAYS came back till 1 day they saw summin that took their fancy and shot off onto A MAIN ROAD! do u really wanna RISK SHURAS LIFE!!!!

u say u most ov all dont wanna see her get hurt - then y not get her a long lead and train her a recall BEFORE letting her offlead not letting her offlead and hoping for the best!?

i hope for shuras sake u listen to the advice in this thread - not only i but everyone on this forum does not wanna see R.I.P Shura - in the rainbow bridge section

please think about what ur doing - ur risking Shuras LIFE!!!

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Who said it was on or near a road? an estate is not a road and no cars hardly come down this way as the houses are empty. The road is a distance away from us. We dont have the luxery of a farm and so are slightly closer to a road than we would like yes but not on one nor as close as you may think.

Shura gets tangled in any long lead and so this proves she aint like your dogs and so dont judge her like she is. She runs around like a mad head so much so she ends up with it around her legs. We dont you know make a habbit of letting her off lead every day and yes we do have a part lab who atm is her leader and shura will follow her all the time. Is all shura likes to do is sunbathe and be with us giving anyone a love unless she doesnt know them. She is also a guard dog which is not like normal huskies barking and growling at anyone she doesnt know scaring a lot of people off from it. So each dog is different and not every dog will do the same.

no1 is judging shura like our own - have u tried her on a harness with a long lead - i found blaze got tangled up on his collar but not with a harness

u say lola is her leader - but for how long - skyla is dominante over blaze atm but hes now starting 2 put her in her place and assert himself over her

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You might as well all forget it cas is NOT going to listen, all we can do is pray that day never comes cas knows her dog lol she know shura wont run off, she knows shura will come back even without recall, sorry but cas knows better than all on this forum even experianced people.

Most of all cas as to live with it if any thing ever happens, sorry harsh i know but you wont listen to sense

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Your going off your own experience and saying shura is the same, not true, each dog is different and that is a fact. Everyone cant do things perfectly and We had plenty around us to catch her if she went rogue and I wouldn't of let her off without having people around me. I aint making a habit of it either, like I said before and I say once again long leads dont do nothing for her but nearly break her legs! or is everyone going to say well our dog doesnt have that happen so its not true? One human may murder someone but does this mean we all go and do that? nope!

Alex thats your estate not ours, we hardly have many cars around our end of the estate which is a far eng may I add with a field between us and the other section of the estate, not an enclosed field btw.

This thread will not be ended as everyone will want to spout their beleifes to get me to follow and that I will not as I have freedom of choice and do not want to stick my head up anyones ass or styles of looking after an animal. We aint robots and we all do things different. Some feed dogs chocolate others dont, some let dogs off of lead and some dont, some feed dogs other so called poisonous treats and others dont. We all do things different and yes people take risks but so does everyone and YOU reading this. It doesn't mean the worst will always happen, we cant go around in a bubble all our lifes nor walk our dogs in one, besides it will pop!

I like this forum and value opinions but i have to trust myself and know my animal and not be scared to try it! Nor do i want to fall out with people!

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Your going off your own experience and saying shura is the same, not true, each dog is different and that is a fact. Everyone cant do things perfectly and We had plenty around us to catch her if she went rogue and I wouldn't of let her off without having people around me. I aint making a habit of it either, like I said before and I say once again long leads dont do nothing for her but nearly break her legs! or is everyone going to say well our dog doesnt have that happen so its not true? One human may murder someone but does this mean we all go and do that? nope!

Alex thats your estate not ours, we hardly have many cars around our end of the estate which is a far eng may I add with a field between us and the other section of the estate, not an enclosed field btw.

This thread will not be ended as everyone will want to spout their beleifes to get me to follow and that I will not as I have freedom of choice and do not want to stick my head up anyones ass or styles of looking after an animal. We aint robots and we all do things different. Some feed dogs chocolate others dont, some let dogs off of lead and some dont, some feed dogs other so called poisonous treats and others dont. We all do things different and yes people take risks but so does everyone and YOU reading this. It doesn't mean the worst will always happen, we cant go around in a bubble all our lifes nor walk our dogs in one, besides it will pop!

I like this forum and value opinions but i have to trust myself and know my animal and not be scared to try it! Nor do i want to fall out with people!

yes im am going off my experiences and im not saying shura IS the same BUT she could b - how do u know for certain she wont see a squirrel or a bird ect and b off?

what if all those ppl dont catch her in time - if she slips thru their hands? we arent saying the thing with the leads isnt true - all i asked is have u tried it with a harness it might not be THAT bad with a harness on - hell with a hundred foot lead u cud let her drag it behind her then if she runs uve got sum ov the lead near u can grab if its dragging behind her it cant get tangled round her legs

u do have freedom ov choice - but y wud u choose to potentially risk your dogs life? whoever feeds their dogs chocolate aswell is just bad - ill admit bings has ate sum he stole - but i wud never give him any as this could risk his life too

i think im gonna stay in my 'bubble' now and continue 2 walk my dogs in a 'bubble' aswell atleast i will b able 2 sleep at night knowing they are safe and ALIVE

the worst might not always happen BUT IT CAN HAPPEN AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!!!

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We did try her with a harness just like we always do and it doesnt work. It may happen yes but it may happen while walking your dog when that car on the road crashes towards you and your animal, can easily happen and has happened. Now she isnt interested in birds and squirils dont bother her either, strange dog I know. End of on my part, keep slandering my views but I know my dog just like you all do and I will say again this is only a rare occasion and not a day by day thing. Btw a road may be a road and support cars but it doesnt mean it will be used all the time when houses near us are empty, bit like the railway track that is a railway track though no trains use it because its closed even if trains can use it.

I may not be experienced but no one is as this is a learning process and no one and dont say you do knows everything about huskies or what they can and cant do.

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This thread is causing quiet a stir know some people dont like me having sakari off lead but befor we went out and about any where we were living in the countryside i didn't test her on a street i would have been devastated if anything happens.

I think the point people are making here is a cul de sack is prob not safest place to see/test if she does recall or not start off in enclosed fields an se what happes lower all risks this is what i did. I'm not sure what people class as tenage years but sakari is 3 now i classher as young adult or maybe adult im not to sure,

I think ill stay out of this thread from now on but i can see why you want to trust in ur dog nothing nicer than seeing them run they love it maybe choice of ocation i.e not cul de sac or near roads is the better option..

Keath Sakari,,

When i get new pupp and have him or her out and about there is n way i would let him/her off lead near road enclosed areas only for years as was case with sakari. fields only.

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Your going off your own experience and saying shura is the same, not true, each dog is different and that is a fact.

Its also a fact that Shura was born about a hour after Suki how diffrent are they ?

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