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Who are you gna vote for?


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I;ll be very honest i think its all a complet and utter lot of ball they should do away with politics all a bunch of money mongering window lickers who do nothing but say we will abollish this an sound great an come up with something in its place an charge extra on top i say to hell with it all and let the royal family do what hey are there to do run the country and be done with the incompitet degenerates that is parliment sort out england the help the rest of the world make GB what it was as at the mo we are mugs to the world .

Just my opinion mind lol

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i hate politics, in the past i have not bothered voting, but this year i might. just have to pick 1 now lol, but defo not going to be labour, they are rubbish at the moment. 

ohh yeah and i agree with keath 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It doesn't matter what their policies are or what they promise, doesn't matter who wins. . .they all need "X" hundreds of billions of OUR pounds to pay for everything.

They all have to increase taxes because everything costs more each year. So NONE of the parties can reduce taxes.

Vote or don't vote. . .it doesn't matter.

If you are a working adult, they will take a large chunk of your wages in income tax and then lots of what is left in community charge etc. and that's BEFORE you get around to your rent or mortgate and then your utilities bills and then food and transport costs

ALL before you get to luxuries like clothes and holidays etc.

That's why at the end of the month I'm skint.

That's why I don't care who wins.

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Good and bad points for them all. I'm voting Lib dem for the first time ever. They are going to hit me in the pocket with their public sector pay freeze (NHS staff are public sector) but I will get the first 10k of my salary tax-free. Of all the policies, theirs appeal most. Choose who gets in, they have a huge debt to sort out and THAT really annoys me! We belong to that rare group of 'If you want it, you save up for it' We don't have debt, we don't own a credit card and if we can't pay for it, we don't buy it, yet we STILL have to pay to bail the country out! I just hope whoever gets in does something to sort out all the countries lazy scroungers and makes it unappealing to live on benefits, then redirects that cash to where it's REALLY needed: providing proper care for the growing elderly population and the disabled who need care. They also need to get the NHS in order and stop the gross misuse! Whack a levy on every drunk that ends up in hospital for a start. What sort of system is it when I get injured ( by a drunk!) working FOR the NHS, but end up paying to go private because of the 3 month wait JUST to get an initial appointment. I work full time, pay my tax and my stamp for that, so yes, That pisses me off.

All I would say is no matter how much you hate politics, vote for somebody! If you don't vote, you can't moan about who gets in ;)

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Agree with lyn, this is too important not to vote on.

Im going lib dems. I like their policys and i think it will be good for this country to have a fresh party incharge rather than the two others that have been incharge screwing it up for so long.

Did anyone watch the debate on itv the other day? i thought it was brilliant and the lib dem leader came across very well to me. Very calm and clear headed rather than the other two who seemed like they were just trying too hard.

I asked my house mate who shes voting for...the answer conservative....the reason..."because i always vote for them"...no idea of their policys etc......

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I won't vote for any of the big three - Labour, cons, nor lib dems.

Labour - Ruined this country since they got in... done the same in the seventies as well

Cons - only care if your rich and will ruin the working class fixing labours mess (like in the 80's).

Lib dems - Soft fools who will allow the EU and world to tread all over us, immigration will shoot up, crooks

will be released real quick and they will simply ruin the country.

I'm 22 so first time voting and the lib dems sent me a 'you can vote (for us) now' letter - going on about how they don't like

telling people what to do or punishing others... wow i'd love to see murderers and rapists strolling down the streets... not!

I'm personally going to vote BNP or UKIP - i'm sick of this governments soft touch, asylum seekers skip across europe to come here

(this is in violation of UN treaties - asylum should be claimed inthe first safe country - only ireland & iceland should have a true claim, but

there not in danger). Not just that asylum seekers are given houses before natives and have there lifes paid for... while pensioners die in winter as they can't afford heating bills. Brussels makes a new law we follow it to the letter while France & Germany laugh and say feck off. One rule for those two and another for us! Time to wave goodbye to the EU - switzerland & Norway are doing fine without it so would we!S

We also have the benefit culture - breed kids for a living or say your 'depressed' and get a good life free of work!

This country really needs a bloody good shake up!

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Really difficult one for me - I voted Labour in every election up until 1997. There was no way I could vote for the piece of slime otherwise known as Tony Bliar. 13 years of anti-working class authoritarian control-freakery, illegal wars and ludicrous political correctness have proved me right. I could never vote Tory, but as someone pointed out above, the Lib Dems would tie us even closer to the corrupt and expensive (for us) EU. They have also been completely taken in by the AGW scam and will no doubt use "carbon footprints" to levy further taxes on us all. So, none of the three major parties have any interest for me. My choice is either to vote tactically to try to make this despicable government history, or to throw away my vote by voting for one of the smaller parties - probably UKIP for their anti-EU stance.

The only thing you can guarantee is that whoever you vote for, the government will get in!!!

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I hate poitics for me they all same jus make them selves richer id sooner see a new kind of leadership formed some 1 who is not going to say ill do this cuss i give in to peer presure give me some 1 who will say it as it is this country ha shad it make tough decisions be the unpopular one work it the hard way an make it what it was

or let royalty do what they used to do run the country not jus wave as they go past at people but represent us a country.

the world loves the fact we still have a royal family i love the fact they are just faces who do nothing i maybe blind to what they do but im more of a if i cant see it ur not doing it person unlke previous royalty who did what they were there to do.

sorry i just hate politics an now they trying to charge people who dont vote. freedom to exercise ones freedom like speech an choice is being taken away. if we dont want to then why the hell should we.. angry.gif

wonder how many i will annoy at my thoughts lol

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conservative for me in the 80's and 90's I had money left outta me wage I now got sod all left by the time I get near getting paid again, who fault is that labour arse's bring back a Maggie figure head and give a working man his wage back like it used to be not tax it to fook so 3 million can sit on there arses and earn more than I do :(

politics is one of my fav subjects and I think it should be compulsory to vote.

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Wouldn't vote UKIP for the fact that the last time there MPS where within the EU on a discussion about a new TAX the EU is brining out they all walked out of the vote and the law went a head, is all it needed was 5 or so more votes to make a difference. The UKIP are nothing but a side party of the labour and conservatives group, they wont get us out of the EU. The conservatives also wont get us out of the EU as not long ago David Scamoron gave an iron promise to give us a referendum on the EU and then a few weeks later said we cant ever stop the EU imposed laws and no referendum will change that without actually getting out of the EU. David Scamoron will never get us out of the EU as he has ties with it and voters within the EU.

This country is no longer England anymore and I am sick of people coming in and taking over, taking our pride away, our money, jobs, houses, putting strain on public services, our culture etc.

I aint also going to listen to anyone trying to say that migrants only take the jobs we wont do as that isnt true, they take the jobs we WOULD do but for LESS MONEY! We have no manufacturing base anymore and a country without a manufacturing base is a country on demise just as some economists have said to the gov but wont get listened to.

We now have the same debt as third world countries and our GDP is less than China and India currently which means we are turning into a poor country. The actual figure looking for jobs is supposed to be near 10 million.

I aint racist and a lot of people of the BNP arnt either and I simply want my country back. We cant go into certain areas anymore as they are none-whites only and the people coming into our country do not want to accept our culture nor do they want to integrate and instead isolate themselves and break social cohesion.

The only party I have seen to fight our backs in the EU and opress the EU are the BNP and I have seen the videos of this, the EU wouldn't give money to cumbria when it flooded because they didn't class it as a bad enougth disaster yet every working member of the UK pays around 2000 a year to keep in the EU out of taxation. Only the BNP thought this cause, our government simply went down and tried to give business help and courses to the many businesses and farmers who lost everything, what on earth will business advice give you?

All governments sucks yes but we currently have to cope with what we have and I aint wanting any of the 4 stuges or the tweedlede tweedledumb or tweedledumber in and the side line UKIP. Just my cents.

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