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reported our run in to the police


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I decided to post this as a new topic because it's sort of a rant too. I decided to call in at the police station this morning because it's kinda on my way and i thought it would be easier to talk to somebody in person and explain. I get in there see the guy at the desk tell him i had a problem with an off lead staffy attacking my dog and me to a degree and it's owner giving me abuse, who can i talk to about it. So i give my details and where it happened and tell him what happened, and give a bit of a description of the guy ,he's typing on the computer as i'm talking. Then says

so this off lead dog didn't actually harm your dog ?

well he didn't have to go to the vet if thats what your saying.

and it didn't bite you ?

well no but it came close,

and the altercation with the owner was verbal ?

yeah thats right.

Do you know the other man or know his name ?

HUH !!! eerrr no.

Well sir we have your details we'll look into it and if it happens again call us straight away.

if it happens agin i'll brake his legs this time.

Now sir don't be silly

Ok so this staffy is attacking my dog the owner is giving me grief and you want me to phone you ??

As soon as you have control of the situation yes.

Thats kinda my point the reason i can get control of the situation is that i'm a 6'5 15.5 stone male !!!! theres a chap that lives across the road who is 78 and walks his dog in the same place what if it happened to him ?? also there a family about 5 doors down from me who have a 10/11 year old daughter that walks there yorkshire terrier and shitzu in the same place what if it happened to her ? i'm not trying to come across all macho and manly here but you know...

What would you like us do bearing in mind we don't know who this man is ?

I'm sorry i'm in the wrong place i though i was at the police station ..... big mac and small fries please .....

thats not very helpful sir.

Ok well how about getting one of your offices to walk up and down the road at about 5-6 pm and have a word with anybody who's dog is off lead or just put a car there for 30 mins or so for the next few days and talk to the little chav gangsters with so called dangerous dogs ??

Thanks you sir we'll look into it.

I left the end ....... i kinda got the impression because there was no actual damage done nothing is going to happen either that or they get this all the time and just can't/don't do anything about it.

Might try the rspca when i get home

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don't contac the RSPCA

contact the council/dog warden....they can take action against the person, there should be street wardens in your area that walk the area on a regular basis reporting things to the council and if this has been seen more than once and they can find who it is they can fine them, take them to court etc.....the RSPCA will do NOTHING, you'll get passed around from pillar to post and just get more frustrated.

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How pathetic is the police they say to report things and not to take the law in to our own hands yet they refuse to do anything untill its way to late they say prevention is better than a cure in any situation i will use it in this situation. The fact it attacked and was off lead it should be enough an you're very valid point of what if it was some one who could not defend them selves like you given you're stature is stupid.

I would keep an eye out for the little retarded chav with cam phone an if the lil sh*t is off the lead again anf if you have time recored the little git running over going on one at you're dog then stlop the recording a deal with the reclouse.

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ha ha @keath!

i'd take a sneaky video if you see this guy again, even if you don't have your dog, just so you have some evidence of who it is.

i've emailed the dog wardens (i actually work for manchester dog warden service which is why i got so het up!) and asked about the situation-but if people maybe all emailed about the same person then maybe something more would be done???? HINT HINT!!!biggrin.gif

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what an ass!!!!

it will be too late if you wait until the dogs bites/attacks and harms your dog- damage will have already have been done...you need to stop it before it happens.....they are right mefs the police sometimes!!!!!

hope you get it sorted mate xxxx

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i'm sorry but if you don't know who this person is, what can the police do? I know it was stressful and upsetting for you and i am in no way condoning the guy with the off lead dog...but the police simply haven't got the money or the resources to put more officers on the streets...the government need to sort that, it's not the police officers fault.

Hope the dog warden can help you though, sounds like a right tw@t the guy does.

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Ok email sent to the dog warden

Sorry but i have to disagree, the police officer i spoke to clearly didn't give a monkeys and wasn't interested and i just felt like i wasted my time, theres no excuse for that. I do realise there's not much they can do but I see police walking on the beat pretty regular but always in the middle of the afternoon when the suns shining. Never seen one when it's raining !!! so i thought maybe they could get one of those guys to do the exact same beat only at a different time like between 5-6pm !!! What about those community support offices maybe they could have a walk around maybe have a word with anyone who's dog is off lead !!! Even if the guy would have said to me this is more of an issue for the local dog warden i'd have felt like he was trying !!! The government has nothing to do with the attitude of individual police men and after that i can see why most people don't bother reporting things. Ozzy's mam has been 100 times more helpful than the police man i spoke to. Sorry rant over I'm not having a go Sarah just feel a bit annoyed with the individual police man i spoke to.

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I agree with Sarah what can the police do ?

Unless sign posted its not agaisted the law to have any dog off the lead ( although I think it should be ) look at it from there point of view you dont know who the guy is and even if you did he's not going to admit his dog doing anything wrong, its your word against his angry.gif

Dont get me wrong I hate this type of thing and go mad about it every time I see or hear about it but unless the law is changed where a dog has to be on a lead theres f@@k all going to be done and the dicks that do it know this :(

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They can be more helpful though !!! they can advise that i contact the dog warden or do whatever . Which i wouldn't have done if it wasn't for Aimee replying to this thread.

There's hardly a week goes by that you don't read about dog attacks child in a newspaper, i just expected they take it a bit more seriously or offer better advice than if it happens again call us. Basically all i can take from that is if it happens again i need to sort it !!!!!!

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i found this for you-i cheked your profile and it said nottingham you see.....

just looking to see if there is anything else i can do to help!!

Great help Diz +1

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Ok email sent to the dog warden

Sorry but i have to disagree, the police officer i spoke to clearly didn't give a monkeys and wasn't interested and i just felt like i wasted my time, theres no excuse for that. I do realise there's not much they can do but I see police walking on the beat pretty regular but always in the middle of the afternoon when the suns shining. Never seen one when it's raining !!! so i thought maybe they could get one of those guys to do the exact same beat only at a different time like between 5-6pm !!! What about those community support offices maybe they could have a walk around maybe have a word with anyone who's dog is off lead !!! Even if the guy would have said to me this is more of an issue for the local dog warden i'd have felt like he was trying !!! The government has nothing to do with the attitude of individual police men and after that i can see why most people don't bother reporting things. Ozzy's mam has been 100 times more helpful than the police man i spoke to. Sorry rant over I'm not having a go Sarah just feel a bit annoyed with the individual police man i spoke to.

Hope the dog warden can be more helpful than the police were, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)

I'm someone who has no faith in the police force whatsoever after they took 3 DAYS to answer a 999 call my mum made as our neighbours brother was threatening us and climbing over the fence in the back garden and trying to kick the back door in (which i'd locked). This was something that they could actually hear over the phone....a neighbours brother threatening us all because i'd gone out into the back garden to ask them politely (i actually got on okay with the neighbour it was just her brother that was the bother) to turn their music down a little as it was so loud the whole street could hear it lol, the neighbour was okay about it and apologised and went in to turn it down, next thing i know he comes running out into the garden, threatening me and my mum (he'd clearly been drinking or something) and trying to climb over the fence, thank god i got indoors and locked the back door in time!

the neighbour was trying to get him to stop but she couldn't bless her.

Anyway, 3 DAYS LATER a policewoman comes out to take a statement! (my mum was told on the phone that someone would be there shortly. b******s) What if one of us had been hurt?! And nothing else was done about it!

Sorry for the rant guys lol....

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i don't have much faith in the police myself but i do the dog wardens, we see them all over the place here.

Anna sadly it sounds more an more like don't phone us unless u see blood. glad you and your mum were not hurt xxxxx

Definately! That particular incident happened quite a few years ago now but it sounds like things are no different now either with the police force....I agree dog wardens do a great job though! :)

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u know how 2 get the police 2 ur house quickly - get a child 2 dial the phone and say they r home alone - they get their SOOO quickly its unbelivable (family expeirence lol) my lil cousin (she was about 4 at the time) was at her nans house and rang the police - theyhad a chat with her and asked her where her mummy was - obviously she sed her mummy was out - they didnt ask if sum1 else was looking after her - so they assumed she was home alone - they turned up in about 5 mins i think it was - yet when her nan had her car stolen it took them hours 2 get there

anyway back 2 topic - RSPCA are crap - glad uve got intouch with the dog warden - hopefully they will do summin about it - keep us posted :)

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Cant say iv had great experience with the rozzers, like others said they are here to do blah blah and we are meant to be there eyes but they dont get off their fat a*se to do anything we we do report stuff. If you was to strike the dog or the animal then it would be YOU in the wrong and thats total BS on a capital level, if the staffy attackes KILL it.

Dont bother having a go at me about that statement!!!!.

Im sorry but I accept all breed but staffies helll no, they are bred to be fighters and with more and more twats getting them and breeding them for that the worse it gets and I speak from experience and some ******** was using their staffy to taunt our greyhound that was tied up. Rosa wasnt a push over and they came running over F*** and blinding "your dog needs to be killed, lets kill it now" I just ignored them and unleashed Rosa and was cooing "good girl" to her and one of them walked past and Rosa went mental I could control her if I wanted but teach these lil sh*ts a lessons.

To this day we wont take our dogs over the shops unless one of us is staying outside <mostly me> and I will take the law into my own hands to protect me dog from being killed. I know a lot of you out there would prob do the same as im sure most of us see dogs part of the family and would protect it like a family member

Rant over

Peter x

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I know where you coming from Peter and think I might at least try do the same if any other dog attact mine for no reason but to single out staffs is wrong m8 I've know loads of them that are softer than my 2 and that takes some doing lol. Only yesterday I meet a guy that had 3 all on leads and very well behaved, I petted them and the was as playfull as any dog I know.

We all know there are pri@ks out there that do bring there dogs up to be aggressive but thats down to them not down to there dogs it would be them I'd put down angry.gif

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

I dont mean to single out staffs as some are good but wat I was trying to say is a lot of "gangster" type people get them to breed, fight of both. Next door have 2 and they are good and sweet and its coz the owners are resonsible but these days they are rare to find the good type.

Balance it out, jack russle: bloke had one and she was a nasty thing and the bloke always let her off lead and one day she started to run and then attacked my leg but fankgod only got my trousers but he did nothing UNTILL i threw my leg out sending the dog flying and it was a hail of abuse at me. Told him the following "I know where you live and I will report it and you can have your dog DESTROYED, now <ops I have a potty mouth> off"

I know some people say "all dogs are bred dangerouse" but they are not its the owners.

Peter x

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it is deffo the bloody owners, around me i have a mix of people and dogs, most are young hoodies types with staffs and pit mixes.

some of my neighbours have unruly but friendly dogs who echo hatesblink.gif

and we have some little shites with aggressive dogs of all shapes and sizes who congregate on grassed areas waiting for some unsuspecting dog walker to start on.

i have met the softest and sweetest rotties,pit bull x and staffs so its deffo not the breed but the knobhead holding the leash or owner as some dont have/need a leash (apparantly)

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