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hey guys!! So the time is coming quickly for me to be able to bring Kaya up to Toronto with me (for those who remember my moving post last month, she is living with my mom right now back in Windsor).

I have her currently on a raw chicken diet, but since I am now living in an apartment and don't have a backyard to feed her the messy chicken, I was looking at possibly changing her over to the Orijen dog food. Now here's my concern. The whole reason I had put her on the chicken diet when she was 5 months old is because she was having very soft stool while she was on the kibble. It wasn't the Orijen food but I believe it was the Pedigree (maybe?). Since she's over a year now, would I be risking the same soft stool problem? And how is the Orijen compared to the chicken diet or the other kibble foods?

Secondly, she will be the only pet in the place, but my roommate would like to get a cat in the near future as well. What is the best way to train Kaya not to eat the cat? lol.....I want them to be able to live together and not be constantly battling. Kaya has never lived with a cat before, only bigger dogs.

Suggestions please?!



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Can't really help with the Orijen. . we don't have that over here. . If you wan't to try reintroducing Kibble . Start by giving as a treat for good behaviour. One or two nuggets at a time.

If that has no adverse effects, move up to a very small handful say at lunch time, in between feeding the chicken.

But DON'T feed at the same time as the chicken because they process through the digestive system at different speeds. . .do one food type in the morning and the other in the evening.

As has been said before though some Husky's just don't tolerate kibble. . . they love to eat it, but it just goes straight through.

Cats . . .

If you introduce the adult dog to a Kitten, the dog will be inquisitive and playful, and should gradually come to accept the cat as a new playmate.

However if you introduce an adult cat to an adult dog. . . past experience of people on the forums suggest fighting followed by eating.

Hope this helps.

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Hey :)

sorry not much help with the food question as we still have trouble with shiloh from time to time :( he is now jst on raw and been solid since the swap and we wouldnt put him back onto dry so wouldnt know what to suggest for you, sorry :(

as with the cat thing...we have an 8yr old male cat then got shiloh as a pup- so far they have been okay together, shiloh was really scared of him for a good few weeks but now he seems to be better...billy (the cat) is very tolerant for a cat and puts up with quite alot of chasing from shiloh- prob is billy stands his ground and doesnt move an inch lol

all i can say is if you do decide to get a cat never leave them alone together, not even for a second as you jst never know :( i jst pray shiloh and billy will learn to live together with no problems- shiloh is 18wks old so fink we have a long way before that happens lol

sorry not much more help :)

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Orijen is a great kibble, but if i were you i'd try to keep her on raw but teach her to eat on a mat or towel. My dogs eat inside the house no problem. I actually let them eat it on the tile and then just a quick clean up with vinegar.

She might be too old to get used to a cat. Mishka was 5 months old when i got her and tried to introduce her. It was very difficult. Any older and i don't think it would have been possible.

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when blaze has a messy bone or meat ect - if hes not allowed out the back (say if weve gone out) he eats it on a door mat that we put down for him - if the mat isnt down he looks at us and wont put his bone down till the mat is down - maybe this is an option for u?

as for the cat i have NO idea sorry

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Thanks guys! Those were all great suggestions........ill have to pick up a mat and dish and start with that. Ideally I'd like to stay with the chicken since she's doing so good on it.

As for the cat, Im thinking getting it as a kitten and let them get used to it while were around the house. And yes I do have a crate and I do have her crate trained, and when shes out of the crate one of us are home, so we should be ok. If anything Kaya will most likely get scratched once and learn from there lol.

I love you guys!!! :D Always something to brighten my day.

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As for the cat, Im thinking getting it as a kitten and let them get used to it while were around the house.

I love you guys!!! :D Always something to brighten my day.

We introduced a kitten. . .

see what happened

read all the way. . . .

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I think kibble mayb 2 late as urs is so used to chick will prob go straight thro.

As 4 the cat DONT DO IT Huskys n cats just dont mix im afraid unless they have both grown up 2gether (pup n kitten) but 2 introduce a cat in2 the house where urs already lives is a big NO NO !

Please take this advice as sometimes bad things can and WILL happen.


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I hope all goes well with the move for the doggie, lol.

I suggest that if you dont want to change her diet you could kennel her while she eats or

you could gate her in a small area. I put my boys chicken in their bowls and I was actually

shoocked that they didnt make a big mess eventhough they had a whole room, lol.

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i did find somewhere that Orijen supply to in the UK. But anyways its like a 5 star food on the dog food analysis site, and i would have thought it ws one of the very top foods with a high meat content with no cereals whatsoever, i would suggest trying her on it.

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