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Full recall!!!!

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Tank did Full recall!! He got out because a plank fell out of the fence out back and he apparently didnt go too far but... I was out front so I ran out to get chewy before he got out too then I ran out front to the middle of my front yard and called "Tank Come" and he came! no treats, no clicker, no nothing...he just came on command. How awesome is that? hahahahaha. :)

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Be gratefull there were no cats or other small dogs out there, that then would had been a test on the Recall...lol

Well done tho, Grey looks at me for about 5 to 10 secs befor he decides to come back and have his lead put back on, think he thinks is it worth me running or facing that big ogre when he finally gets me back....biggrin.gif TBH i have been really impressed with Greys Recall and that is with no training he just comes back, he has a run off lead while i sit down and he will play in the water annoy other dogs and chase the swans/Ducks and go out of site for about 5- 10 mins in the woods area, but you will often see his head pop out of bushes to make sure you still there and disappear again, and then when its time to go and you call him he will just stare at you then decide to come and have his lead put on.....

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Wel done Tank :)

Just so no-one on here gets mixedup Tank german shepherd and they are known to be very good at total recall :)

Glad you didnt have to go running about all over the place Erika laugh.gif

So true Dunc!

We have no worries with Beauty (our GSD), she recalls 100% of the time even if there are loads of distractions around. Isis on the other hand - well if theres something more interesting than me around - I stand no chance even with treats!

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Exactly dunc Shepherds are known for good recalls but the thing that impresses me is that hes doing it so soon

with his history of bad owners who didnt work with him at all. I agree he must really have taken to me because

he seems willing to do just about everything I ask, except stop barking (and heeling), about 50% of the time. I

wasnt expecting him to recall from the back of the house back to the front so quickly, and without being able to

see me. Most sheps who have only little training...take alot more work to get that kind of recall.

Chewy doesnt exactly recall but he will run a bit (following Tank now mostly) and when he hears me calling him

and Tank he will dash back and forth past me a little then come really close and stand still so I can come grab his

collar. If he had gotten out it would have taken me a half hour to get them both back in. Its just lucky that chewy

likes the "Nutro" food I just started giving them, so he was too thick to get through with just one board down. In

this case his barking madness was a really big help too because I would not have known that Tank was out if not

for Chewy being upset he couldnt follow him, hahahahaha.

Ive never owned a teenage Shepherd before either so I dont fully know everything I should expect, lol. So far it

looks like a good healthy diet, treats and training, and couch time is all that Tank wants, hahahaha.

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echo has good recall for a dog that wasnt let out of a house for 15 months of her life!!!!

she will come sprinting back if you call her or drop to your knees!!!, thats just training that my dad and i have done with her.

she has come on leaps and bounds since we got her a year ago, and we wouldnt change her faults for the world.......

well done for taking on tank and for giving him a loving home

xxx hugs xxx

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Yeah I guess it is really odd to me that after 3 to 4 months of Tank having little or no socialization, training, exercise, or even just

relaxing cuddle time, he has warmed up so quickly and has learned that so long as he doesnt jump, nip, or pull my arms off that I

will be easy going and adverse or upset with him. I made contact with his very first owner this week and she and I have found out

some very disturbing things about the Last few months of tanks life. He was apparently beaten as well as locked up and almost

starved to death. For all the hardship he is so sweet. I was expecting alot more problems with Tank but hes so happy go lucky.

I hope that in about 6 months it will be like he doesnt remember how bad he had it for awhile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

how do you prepare yourself for letting your husky off lead? i have been tempted when up the forestry road or in the country park but always think what happens if he doesnt come back?. dont get me wrong Oscar has great recall on a 10m training lead and in the garden and house he's a great listener but i sometimes wonder if he would be the same if he was off his lead?

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oscar is 21 months now! up until he was 6 or 7 months he was great off lead but then for some reason he started to totally blank me when he was off the lead even when showing him a treat? He would go where he wanted and when given the recall command he wouldn't recall so i have not let him off since? i have still practiced recall on long leads since, and he listens but i have never left him off the lead?

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No of course not! id never leave him off unless up the forestry road or in the country park realy, where we are miles away from a road. but i always think its a shame to keep him on the lead when there is no one about and no dogs about and when there is no chance of him getting knocked over or being in danger? Im taking him to a place on saturday that does obedience training/ socialising and rehoming, for a consultation as i want to get him socialised with more dogs and walk better with us as a family, so i might see what they think?

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My boys did the same lol they got to around 7 months then developed selective deafness blink.gif now i just stick to the dog park lol

It's always a good thing to practise recall though - you never know when you may need it

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well i took oscar up the mountain on saturday, no one around, no dogs around, so thought right i'll try him off lead, and he bolted about 30mtrs ahead of me, when he saw i wasnt with him he stopped and waited, when i started getting closer then he run again, and surprise surprise when i called him he came back! woo hoo! think it was because there were no other distractions and i stayed calm and didnt panic when he didnt come back 1st time!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

well done with tank!!! :D

My husky Dante has recall for emergencies. he snapped his collar after another got in our yard and attacked him (he is 100% fine thank God.) he went after the dog. i whistled he came straight back no treat reward or anything. Training a husky to come when call i was told was the no 1 thing to train them as they can run and run and run.....

But we never let him out with out his lead or chain. its not worth the risk.

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