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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

We picked up Max today and our katie wasnt too bothered by him, she is not a fan of his cries or the licks of "feed me". We tried the crate and he screamed the house down and also had a poo in there so ATM we are doing slots of crate time otherwise no one in this house will sleep 2nite.

If anyone has advice on how to stop the screaming when he is crated id be happy, also maybe how to give him water as he sent his food and water flying wen he went loopy and also got his head stuck in the dish holder and this cant happen while either of us are out.

I am bulk uploading 2vids and a few pics that we took today.

Peter x

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Whahaaaaaayyy. . . laugh.gif

Ya finally got your puppy, Whoooo hoooo biggrin.gif

Can't wait for the pix n vids.

You've got to remember he's just been taken from his litter mates / family. from all his familiar surroundings, smells sounds.

Everything is strange. . .strange people with strange smells.

Strange house

Strange dog

Where's my litter mates?

Strange people keep picking me up

EVERYTHING IS WRONG!!!!!!!blink.gifsad.gif

Don't worry this is how he's feeling. . .

He'll settle soon, he just has to get used to the smells and the people and the house.

Once it all starts becoming familiar he'll settle.

Don't rush him

be gentle, no sudden moves, approach him so he can see you.

let him explore, if he pees on things he's just trying to make some familiar smells.

It's new for you and it's even more new for him.

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good reply andy +1 - hes gonna take a while 2 get used 2 everythin he pooped in his crate because he doesnt know any better - keep taking him 2 the spot u want him 2 pee/poop in every 2 hours (even thru the night) or ur gonna wake up to a good few morning suprises - dont let him see u clean it up tho - as he will think he has please u because ur 'playing' with it - good luck :)

cnt w8 2 c the pics n vids :)

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= Try putting a t.shirt in with him, one of yours with your smell.

= Put in in during the day with the door open, let him get the feel of it and know your there.

= Feed him treats in the crate,

= Make sure the crate is not to big, he may feel over whelmed by it. If it is to big put a partition in = make it smaller like a little den.

The trick is to get him used to it as a safe place his own space, by putting him in during the day with the door open at first so he can come and go, then start to close the door for a few min's at a time, so he knows your coming back.

good luck xxxxxx

PS, some like mine just never take to a crate, i gave up xxxx

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Mum has put one of tops in the cage and I will do one later, thanks for the advice im taking note of it and we are praising him wen he goes into the crate. We are also close the cage for short mins wen he is in there shreading the newspapar.

The door is open and he has food in there ATM as he is annoying Kate for food but as of yet not eaten, if im on the lappy too long he licks then nips my toes <of course we tell him NO> in a stern but non shouty voice>.

Peter x

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awww Yay - finally!!! where's our PICS :D :D :D lol

Kimba was a NIGHTMARE when he first came home, he had tantrums for a few weeks - it DOES get better though I promise!

I found a hot water bottle, blanket with mum and pups scent on and a top with my scent on helped. I didn't leave him alone with food or water in the crate though I just left bits of treats in there.

Maybe try a kong? Radio on when you're not there?

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Tell Marc that the blinking bulk upload takes too long IF its doing any think. Ill give him the king kong tonight but its mess he seems to leave, pee dont both me its the loose BM.

Peter x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

if i do it as one by one then its ok but iv tried a bulk upload. Im gonna give up and once iv cleaned the cage do them one by one

Peter x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

so its easier to clean but also for him to have fun with shredding it, its means he goes into the cage and he is getting used to walking in and out just wish it WASNT to pee!!!!

Peter x

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Dont leave food and water in the crate this will only encorage him to go in there as he will eat and drink and then immediatly need to go... however when you do feed him get him to sit in the crate and then give him his food this gets him associating the crate with a pleasurable experience! House training... keep a really close eye on him, you will quickly pick up on his body language when hes about to go, they often sniff the ground alot and start to circle in the spot before they squat to go so if you see that you know to whip him outside quick! Other than that he needs to go out every time hes eaten and drank after he wakes up and possibley when hes running around playing alot (exercise loosens the bowls) so make sure you take him out regularly.. try taking him on a lead so he gets used to it and doesnt get distracted and wander off from what hes ment to be doing. biggrin.gif

Hope all that helps!

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When he goes to pee pick him up and take him to where you WANT him to go. He should stop then go when you put him down, although this doesn't work with Holly, only Chloe :blink:

When we first got Chloe and crated her she would do everything in there. Now when we put them both in they just go to sleep, and if they need the toilet they whine to come out to go, they won't go in there any more. He will learn, but it will take time.

He's only a baby, and a gorgeous one at that! Next time we're in Essex we'll have to meet up so the puppies can play :)

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lol i fink we have all been through this- i know we did when we first brought shiloh home- at the time it felt like it was never ending but like sarah said it does get better :)

we really struggled with shiloh for a good few weeks or so.....crate training him was prob one of the hardest things but we stuck at it and eventually saw some changes.......

we found that putting a t shirt in with him at night with our scent on really helped..we also had the crate under the clock in the front room- apparently that helps??

like andy said its all new for him at the mo so is probably feeling abut scared and overwhelmed by it all....nothing alot of love and attention wont fix :)

hope he settles in for you soon and cant wait to see pics!!

x x x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Iv uploaded the pics and they are on my gallery now, tonight will be the real test. The crate is in the living room and there is a clock in here but its not ticky tocky clock if that affects it. I will move the crate away and shut the curtains and make the front room dark and we wont get up and deal with the howls EVEN if the neighbours are smaking down the door.

Here is a vid of Max playing with me:

Peter x

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oh my god he is such a beaut wub.gif

hope tonite goes okay for you....its so hard to ignore them when they cry like that but sometimes its all you can do....shiloh used to howl like carzy and all he wanted was to be with us....we soon figured out which was his cry for the toliet and which wasnt lol

he was a right pain in the butt when he first come home but it did get easier- eventually x x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

ATM iv got my headfones in playing my mp3 player so I cant hear him, I wont give in to him coz wen im working and mums out we cant have everything puppy proof. even my collection of DVDs dont seem to be safe and I know he slept mosty under my feet but you still need that eye on him.

Lets see what my mood is 2moz!!!!

Peter x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Max slept well last night after we gave him one of Kates sleeper rugs, so I am in a happy mood. Tomorrow I plan to make a photobucket account for max and upload the tons of images iv taken, I so far have 2 youtube vids uploaded but take more pics.

Will keep you guys informed.

Peter x

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he's so cute xxx i think maybe at the moment the crate looks a lil large, may be a good idea to partition it off. With it being large he will sleep in one side and toilet in the other.

Make it smaller and he may settle, he prob wont tiolet where he sleeps xxxxxxx

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

He doesnt toilet where he sleeps and is good at both, just bloody 4:30 the birds seemed to stir him so I got up and fed him <he was then slighty sick> and cleaned his cage. I know im told he shouldnt see me clean his cage but there is nothing I can do about that.

Peter x

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