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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

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He doesnt toilet where he sleeps and is good at both, just bloody 4:30 the birds seemed to stir him so I got up and fed him <he was then slighty sick> and cleaned his cage. I know im told he shouldnt see me clean his cage but there is nothing I can do about that.

Peter x

can u not put him in the garden or in2 another room whilst u clean it up?

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

We let him in the garden but the lil (*&^%$£" finds everything to wither gnor or shred so its eyes on him full time, even mum is the same. Its only the times he pee/poos indoors I shut him in the crate <dont tell me off about it> as thats the only way to clean it up and not get him to walk it all over the place.

He gets a stern NO wen he does and I put him in is crate and say "busy,busy" as we are trying to link wee and busy,busy together.

He knew he done wrong as wen I put him in crate he did not peep a word and went to sleep FANK GOD!!

Peter x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

HELP: How long till the bloody thing stops with the large lose stools as im now getting past the point of fluffed off, he is a small thing and already has had 3 large dumps and they are just liquid and its getting beyond a joke. We are getting thru K.roll faster than tesco can stock them and iv tried vinagar and disinfectant (non cloudy) and he still seems to hide the smell but he still seems to like his NEW spot and I cant take it anymore.

If all else fails ill give him immodium lol

Peter x

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Hello peter max is beautiful :) sorry to hear your having a rough time with the little one, we have all been there at some point, i currently have a 8 week old pup. I agree with sarah how much are you feeding him also what is your toilet routine with him if you dont mind me asking, i mean mine is literally as soon as she wakes i take her out i say go wee wee if i actually see her weeing etc i say good girl and reapeat the word wee and then praise her loads and lots of hugs etc or sometimes i give her a little i mean little treat straight after some boiled chicken pieces are really good to use as a treat plus the chicken is great for helping with the losseness, so basically i take her out after waking, playing for short or long periods after feeding sometimes you are in and out so many times but its all worth it in time, i dont wait for her to do a wee etc before i take her out, if she does do a wee or anything inside and i dont see her doing it i ignore i dont tell her off just take her outside straight away if i catch her about to do it take her straight outside and say go wee wee, everyone has there own words and routine but thats what i have always done, patience and perserverance are the key words with any puppy and it does get better honestly if it didnt i would not have 6 dogs lol I would definalty look into how much you are feeding as sarah said over feeding can cause runny poo also i would not leave a puppy to graze on food throughout the day as you have a constant flow of food going in throughout the day then as and when he likes so you would not be able to judge when he needs to toileting, mine all have feeding times so to say i do vary the time though dont keep it exact but bowl goes down they eat i remove the bowl, i dont leave it there longer than needed, if they dont eat any which never happens i remove until next feeding time, as with pups they get distracted easy and sometimes just wanna play while taking a bite here and there lol

Everyone works different with there dogs and we all find a way that works for them and us so just keep with it and you will get there in the end and it will be so worth it when you look back :) I would also definatley try some boiled chicken some say use rice with it as well i just started off with plain boiled chicken breast not boiled bones NEVER cook bones.

I wish you well and let us know how it all goes good luck and keep with it peter.. :D

oh and if you are looking into feeding raw or want more information sid wolf on here will help you out with amounts and diet etc good luck

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

As of this very second I have removed his food dish, in the morning I put 200g of food in but the beta puppy is hard to work as its based on the expect weight <attached>

Expected weight: Age: grams per day:

15kgs to 45 kgs 6weeks to 3months 215-600 grams

45kgs to 70 kgs 6weeks to 3months 285-715 grams

So I feed him 200grams over the course of the day as I have NO clue as to what I should be feeding him as I dont know his expected adult weight ATM <just used the wii to measure> he is still 1st (6kgs), As said I have now stopped him grazing during the day.

I take him out about every 30-60mins and give him 5-10mins out there, but like just now he had 2 pees <busy, busy> and got praised BUT after him being out for 15mins he still came in and peed on the front door matt, I told him NO and put him into the living room while i used a rag to get up the small amount. We use bakers happy walkies treats but he isnt that interested in them, they are meant to be a good boy for using his wee pad in the correct plac, going in the garden and peeing but Katie has had more than he has.

I admit yesterday I was very short as I was badly sleep deprived, sunday goth mum and I got up about 8am but as I was working monday night I stayed up till middnight to try and sleep in. After he slept all saturday night I was thinking it would work, the ankle biter woke me up at 4:30 monday morning and id only had 4hrs amd 30mins sleep. He laid beside the sofa and I got 3hours sleep and coulnt sleep anymore coz it seems its up to me to clear up after him and mum takes him to the garden. The 3hrs sleep 6am till 9am helped a tad but only a tad, I was picked up monday at 6:30pm and worked from 7pm till 2am and by the time we cleaned the carpet equipment <work with a carpet cleaner> we went up to the mez to sleep, we both got 3 n half hours sleep before the cleaners came in as we get locked in untill they turn up. I came home and as as norm my guts wrenched from the beer being released from the carpets and im right down there as I am the gum removal person <only 2 of us, one does the carpet and I get the gum up ready> but stinkie was doing his best to not let me sleep so I came down here to sleep but with the amount of garden, telling off and the clearing of floors coz of pee or poo I didnt get any and towards the end I was beyond hacked off I was steaming angry. I had a cup of tea laced with whiskey and slept for 12hours and that brings us to 8am today.

I admit yesterday I didnt garden him as much as I should and I know some is my fault but I put katies food outside and shut max in as he tries to steal hers, I was maybe 20seconds and the lil git had done a dump right outside the door and its that thing AND the fact I garden him and he still pees and poos inside that sent my blood boiling and still doing it.

I am trying my best with him but he wants to attack everything from feet to arms of someone trying to get sleep, and anything else his lil teeth can get into. Over the weekend im gonna go hell bent on moving every potted plant and everything his lil teeth get into but I cannot move 4-5tonns of gravel and he seems to like to try the gravel but gets a stern no and a yank of the lunge lead.

The only trouble is I dont want to him to think the garden/lead is bad thing but it seems to be a loose loose situation for me. I know I wanted him and I said id look after him and knew it would be hard but didnt dream of it being this bad at all. I am strugling to coupe with it, I feel it would be better when I can walk him as I feel all I do in the garden is say NO NO NO NO NO!! busy busy NO MAX LEAVE in goodboy

I did some clearing of the garden but he seems to be a homing missile on everything I didnt move and im on a learning curve, partly coz he is a pup but also coz he is a husky. From the age of 10 we have had greyhounds and we have had to potty train them and coz of the amount of accident we no longer have carpets down stairs but they have never looked at attacking everything in the garden inc the gravel.

This has taken me over an hour to type as iv taken max into the garden twice and Iv tried to cover everything from both of you, Sarah and Moonbeam so im off to garden him again and get a brew before I go mental at the lack of caffine and tea lol

Peter x

P.s love the weebs moonbeam

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Husky Puppies are VERY hard work Peter. Our two were both the same, going out into the garden, and then coming back into the house to go to the toilet. They do still do it, but it is slowly getting better.

Max will not have full bladder control until he is around 4/5 months old.

As for the amount he is pooing, we found that on dry our two did nothing but, and it was often very sloppy. We've changed their diet to include raw, so they now have puppy meat and biscuits for breakfast, raw minced meat for lunch and chicken wings for dinner. This has helped loads with our two, so may be worth considering.

I know its hard work, but it is all worth it in the end!

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

We are looking at cutting down his dry and mixing non dry stuff to help him and seems to be working.

Peter x

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Embry's seven months and i'm STILL having problems with him not having accidents in the house. it seems that some hours, he will go pee 7-8 times! it's crazy. when we first got him, he wouldn't go to the bathroom at all outside, he'd hold it until he got back in and would run upstairs to go on his puppy pads, it was so frustrating. it was only the last few months he started going outside (thank god)

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

I hear ya on that, I want to know how the hell this dog pees more than me and its me doing all the tea drinking lol. Least he sometimes uses the pee pads but if he dont ignore him and give extra praise for wee pad/garden toilet breaks

Peter x

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Arr it will get easier trust me lol At the moment he cant hold his wee and control it very good but in time he will get better and be able to hold it longer ..

One of my girls was a little nightmare to toilet train she used to i swear deliberately wee in her bed straight after she had been out so i would have to get her out lol she was a terror :unsure: but got there in the end i hope lol

Yesterday my day was filled with sick, poo and i dont know what lol we wormed all dogs and de fleaded them and i have 2 that are sometimes sicky after worming this time they wasnt it was our pup and boy there was a lot of sick right as we was about to sit down to eat ourselves lovely ... She is fine today back to normal self and trying to kill older dogs but boy what a day yesterday it was lol

Anyway keep going and your little max will get there in the end, keep smiling :Dx

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Sorry had to karf there, max done that started to puke right as we was about to eat and it puts ya right off esp wen iv gotta clean it up. DW I am smiling and its no longer a real issue to me anymore as iv got so used to it now, did give a big woop this morning as I had to get the nappy sacks out to clean his poo up lol sad aint I.

I think now iv let down the STUPID and IGNORTANT and ******************************* walls its more logic to me that its not him being a lil sod <I hope> its natural, no worse than a baby cept you cant nappy them up <I may try lol> so now its a case of not shourting at him and gettin mad at him for what he is doing as to him its natural.

Gotta tell you about our Bob and his pees, he would NEVER pee indoors but wen you took him for a walk he realeased it all in one go. It took ages for him to learn from Rusty that you pee along a walk not flood. The funniest day was we had just walked out the front gate and he cocked his leg and started to pee, it was running down the pavement and into the drain <with a trickle sound> he then got bored and put his left leg down and lifted his right leg and still peed before he gave up and squatted to carry on flooding the road and pavement lol.

Peter x Ps max is on fb under howling max

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Saves a new topic:

Max has finally settled down but cant say what the factor is, we are using a D.A.P diffuser we open the top windows at night and turn the fan on for a timed 2hrs and he is being walked. What I do is give him a walk up to pee and poo then a run down, give him is food and then take him for another walk but not a run as he would of just eaten.

He settles down in his crate with very minimal screaming and sleeps till about 4am but hoping to bed him later and hope he sleeps in till later. Need to get more pics uploading on FB photobucket and here.

Peter x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed


People have often given me brown stuff as I sleep with Max, we have neighbours to think of and we will NOT let him howl/whine past 11pm.

He has got used to me sleeping down here and despit all the stuff iv had <not from here> its worked to my advantage, lastnight I put Max to sleep and stayed in the room untill he was asleep.

I was on the sofa and wen he was sleeping I got up but the sofa woke him up, then standing around ignoring him untill he went to sleep and once he was asleep I left and pulled the door 2 SQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEk

GRRRR that woke him up so had to hang around again waiting till he was sleeping and pulled the door fast to limit the squeaks and that worked.

I went up stairs and went to sleep and he didnt stir for another hour but had to do the same again this time he was wise but he did settle down and slept untill somepoint in the morning, I turned the TV off that was left on for Max and went right back to sleep and didnt wake up till like 7am.

Hopefully he will learn that we are not leaving him and hope he learns the crate his is friend.

On another great note Max did NOT use the crate during the night for the loo YAY

Peter x

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Once max is potty trained he will sleep in mums room but only wen clean for a month or more as mum only has floor boards

Peter x

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