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Stopping aggresive behaviour


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So as you guys know I want a Husky of my own but right now with roommates who already have one. They also have two cats. 

The husky(she) will get aggressive and attack the cats. When the cats are not there, sometimes me and some of us in the home. Usually its easy..she'll try to bite, you just move your hands etc and she seems to stop...but still seems edgy/aggresive.

I knew she would not listen when I asked her to "sit" and she wouldn't. She has listened before..but I've noticed she only listens when she has no food. She is aggresive then but she listens so she can get it. Otherwise, forget it.

Any tips on any of this.

Also, is it common for a dog to not listen to just anyone? I am fairly new to the home. But she did listen to me when I said sit in the past.

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did they rehome her? if shes edgy when u move ur hand it wud seem 2 me she is hand shy - has she ever bin smacked when naughty??

huskies will attack cats - they have a VERY HIGH prey drive and near enuf all smaller animals are fair game 2 huskies

has anything changed in her routine 2 make her not want 2 listen most ov the time mine wont listen unless i have food - its quite a common husky trait 2 b aloof and independant and they also have their husky-deafness ;) lol how old is she?? - she might have hit a stage in her life where shes challenging u 2 try an b alpha??

sorry this isnt much help - but the more info we get the more we will all b able 2 help :)

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did they rehome her? if shes edgy when u move ur hand it wud seem 2 me she is hand shy - has she ever bin smacked when naughty??

huskies will attack cats - they have a VERY HIGH prey drive and near enuf all smaller animals are fair game 2 huskies

has anything changed in her routine 2 make her not want 2 listen most ov the time mine wont listen unless i have food - its quite a common husky trait 2 b aloof and independant and they also have their husky-deafness ;) lol how old is she?? - she might have hit a stage in her life where shes challenging u 2 try an b alpha??

sorry this isnt much help - but the more info we get the more we will all b able 2 help :)

Well they never walk her. She is the home all day. At the end of the day, they may throw the ball around the house so she gets a bit of exercise. But I guess that could be because its summer and they can't handle too much heat, right? so no choice there.

I did see the owner slap her on the head on the first day i was here..when she was being energetic in the room. Otherwise, i dont know.

not sure of her age...but she is an adult for sure.

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wow no no no never hit no, bless her they need to be walked forget the hear thats no reason not to walk, she can be walked early in the morning or late at nite.

bless her no wonder she's playing up, do they realy want a husky sounds like they'd be better off with a different breed.

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sounds like she is bored & needs to be entertained to get rid of some of that energy, they are like sheepdogs, they need to be motivated, but she definitely needs more outside exercise than she's getting. She is pushing the boundaries because she has too much energy. She also needs to be kept separate from the cats, some huskies will tolerate them if they have been introduced when still a puppy, but never should be left alone with one another.

She is wanting to be "top dog" in the house, give a husky an inch, they will take more than a mile! They are very clever. But your housemates need to devote a LOT more time to her.

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deffinately bored then - my 3 dogs get walked 4 times a day during really hot weather they are walked 2 in the morning - before it gets too hot - then again twice at late afternoon/evening/night time when its cooler too - they get exercised in the house during the times they dont get walked by playing - with me my bros or each other and by training them tricks ect

NEVER hit a dog - its not in a sibes nature 2 b aggressive - so this is obviously having a major effect on her - and being hit for having energy!? :blink: what do they expect if shes not gettin walked!?

did ur friends do ANY research on the breed? it doesnt seem like it

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never hit a dog angry.gif

2ndly husky's need mental and physical stimulation all the time not when people can be arsed

3rdly home work on the breed was not done they do not get on with cats in general they may tollerate but when bored prey drive kicks in an cats will become their amusement as will chewing..

If a dog is aggressive its becasue he/she dont trust you an he/she knows only way she will eat is via you so when she senses it of course she will be good as she wont get fed otherwise they are like kids they learn an react accordingly.. I'm thinking this breed is not for you maybe a more low mantinance one is tahst happy to laze about..

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Well without seeing the dog and how shes acting its difficult to tell however what Nix says about being hand shy certainly makes sense if shes been smacked, or theres the possiblity that when she bites at you its just trying to get your attention to play coz shes bored and has energy to burn especially if shes not walked! Shes certainly wont being aggressive towards the cats as theres not need to aggress shes be just trying to play with them chasing etc but obviously you should let her do that as she would probabley kill them just because she'd be too rough...

As val said she neeeeds to be walked to burn off the energy... heat shouldnt be a problem so long as you (or they) take plenty of water with you along the way.

When you say she listens when she has no food? Do you mean they leave food down all day? If thats the case I would encorage them not too do this and to have certain meal times for her and have her sit before you put the bowl down as this will affirm your leader role as food giver and improve your relationship with her. Huskies deffinatly do challenge you and often wont listen unless theres food invovled thats just the breed but establishing yourself as the leader should mean she'd be more likely to listen and do as you say... but I dont know if your room mates would mind you sort of taking over as from what small amount you have posted it sounds like she doesnt have any clear leadership or good exercise and those are two very important elements in a huskies life for them to be good pets. Good luck!

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never hit a dog angry.gif

2ndly husky's need mental and physical stimulation all the time not when people can be arsed

3rdly home work on the breed was not done they do not get on with cats in general they may tollerate but when bored prey drive kicks in an cats will become their amusement as will chewing..

If a dog is aggressive its becasue he/she dont trust you an he/she knows only way she will eat is via you so when she senses it of course she will be good as she wont get fed otherwise they are like kids they learn an react accordingly.. I'm thinking this breed is not for you maybe a more low mantinance one is tahst happy to laze about..

Keith if you read the original post fully you would have read that it isnt Siberian25's dog it their room mates that didnt do their homework! And its the room mates that dont take care of their dog properly and hit it, and just because thats how they treat their husky doesnt mean to say thats how the o/p will treat theirs! It can be very tricky living with people when you dont agree with things they do or say and can make living in that house very difficult by the sounds of it the o/p needs to sit down and just have a calm discussion with their room mates to see if they wouldnt mind them taking responsibility for the dog sort of signing it over as it were....

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i didnt direct at any point i genralised all round. and given enviroment an the cats home work wasn't done you may disagree but its well known about cats an husky's so my saying the husky is prob wrong breed for that life style is correct. I can see he is looking out for the dog at hand or would not have posted on here.

My opinoin as a whole stands as I didn't direct it at the poster on here or I would have said their name an made sure it was directed. Which it wasn't/

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i didnt direct at any point i genralised all round. and given enviroment an the cats home work wasn't done you may disagree but its well known about cats an husky's so my saying the husky is prob wrong breed for that life style is correct. I can see he is looking out for the dog at hand or would not have posted on here.

My opinoin as a whole stands as I didn't direct it at the poster on here or I would have said their name an made sure it was directed. Which it wasn't/

Im not disagreeing that by the sounds of it homework wasnt done on the breed before this dog was aquired, however I thought your post came across as a little acusertory (is that a word?) if you wernt directing it at the o/p then all well and good Im just trying to look at it from their point of veiw that clearly they are worried about this dog but their hands may be tied by the fact that if they start telling their room mates what to do they may get kicked out of the house! Your statements most do stand correct however I was just trying to say that although thats their room mates life style it might not be theirs... Ok I'll shut up on the subject now as I dont want to start arguments! smile.gif

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I'd definitely NOT get a husky whilst your living where you are now........you want your sibe to be around people that you can trust to treat your dog with the love and respect it deserves :)

Sounds like your room mates need to do a lot of work with her, train her after she's been exercised and this will make it easier - do they walk her in the colder months or is it just because it's warm that they've not done much with her lately?

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Keith if you read the original post fully you would have read that it isnt Siberian25's dog it their room mates that didnt do their homework! And its the room mates that dont take care of their dog properly and hit it, and just because thats how they treat their husky doesnt mean to say thats how the o/p will treat theirs! It can be very tricky living with people when you dont agree with things they do or say and can make living in that house very difficult by the sounds of it the o/p needs to sit down and just have a calm discussion with their room mates to see if they wouldnt mind them taking responsibility for the dog sort of signing it over as it were....

Thanks for clearing that up, Sarah. I am not doing anything to the dog.

You see I have only been here about a week and they are totally random. I needed roomates for about 4months till my brother was ready to live together. So they are totally random people and I don't feel comfortable telling them. Though it does sadden me. The dog often comes up to their room and whines but they ignore her. The cats are almost always downstairs. The downstairs living area is basically the dogs area. We are upstairs in the bedrooms most of the time.

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I'd definitely NOT get a husky whilst your living where you are now........you want your sibe to be around people that you can trust to treat your dog with the love and respect it deserves :)

Sounds like your room mates need to do a lot of work with her, train her after she's been exercised and this will make it easier - do they walk her in the colder months or is it just because it's warm that they've not done much with her lately?

oh yeah, would not do that here. would do that once i was living with my brother.

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Here is your perfect chance to prepare yourself for your own husky. As the owner of the husky if you can take the dog for a walk, or to the dog park. Give the dog plenty of exercise (as was mentioned, this is the initial problem). After a while, the husky will calm down a lot, and more than likely want to be around you more so than it's owner.

Hopefully the owner will see this, and take the initiative to do what you're doing with the husky. And at the same time, you'll be getting use to how to train and live with one. It's a win/win situation all the way around.

And as was said, the heat outside isn't an issue to take the dog for a walk or to the dog park. Just make sure to bring a decent sized bottle of water with you, and let him drink some every 10 minutes or so (in the shade preferably). As long as they have water, they can handle the heat just as well as handling the cold.

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