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Young Husky DISASTER when alone!


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I have a young male husky named Dante who is around 1 year and 5 months old. He is probably one of the BEST companions I have ever had BUT as soon as I leave him alone he becomes a disaster! I come home and the carpet is ripped up, he has gone all over the house, he rips down blinds, he has chewed up a cell phone and a remote control and dvds and you name it he has gotten a hold of. We tried crating but he eats all of the hair off of his tail, and he chewed a hole in the side of the plastic crate which was against the couch and he ate the arm of the couch. He bent the bars of the metal cage and cut himself. I have tried calming pills, calming collars, some kind of calming tonic that you put in their water, and I take him on walks and 2 mile jogs. I am getting hard pressed for ideas on how to get him to calm down when I am gone. While I am here he is completely fine, he will ask to go outside and is content laying around or playing with his toys. Would a larger crate work? I have heard of doggie prozac but do not know if I trust it. PLEASE help. I do not want my poor husky stressing out while I am gone and I don't want to have to keep paying to fix things! :(

On a side note he is also VERY skiddish around strangers. He will put his tail between his legs and run and hide. On walks when there are groups of people he will freak out and start clawing at the ground to get away. All in all he has some issues that I would really like to get worked out...

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Can you leave him outside while you're out? This is what we do with Dakota,she was wrecking the house inside when we first got her. She seens fine now, I think she whines at little when we leave but then gets over it. I would love to know what she gets up to outside all day!. I've also trusted her to stay inside if I have to pop out for an hour or so and she's really good. Do you have a fenced in garden to try this?

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Can you leave him outside while you're out? This is what we do with Dakota,she was wrecking the house inside when we first got her. She seens fine now, I think she whines at little when we leave but then gets over it. I would love to know what she gets up to outside all day!. I've also trusted her to stay inside if I have to pop out for an hour or so and she's really good. Do you have a fenced in garden to try this?

Unfortunately I do not have a fenced in yard. I wish I did though! I am sure Dante would love just laying out in the sun. At this point it seems like my options are buy a larger crate and have a bald tailed dog and risk him fighting to get out or keep trying different calming supplements and pray he stops destroying things :/

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I'm looking forward to hearing others replies!!

I'm not too sure what you could do other then have him outside while you're out but because you do not have a fenced yard it makes things very difficult.

Have you ever tried putting something on his tail to minimise him chewing it, put the TV on when you leave? so he thinks you're still there or even record you saying things and it might keep him calm! Poor Dante!

My mates dog was very stressed and the vet recommended putting Vegemite in her food (just a tea spoon) and the Vitamin B in it helps calm them down..If i remember which letter it is, pretty sure it's B!

Sorry i am not much help, i have never been in your situation before, my pups i can leave inside and outside with the doors open and they are good.

I'm sorry!

How do you pronounce Dante?.. Is it





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Oh wow, my 7 month old is like that but not nearly as bad, he'll climb up onto dressers and stuff, knock it all over, eat what looks edible. i mean he's made me go through 3 cell phone chargers and 3 laptop chargers and he's ripped up the carpet in front of the bedroom door, bathroom door, and closet door...and we rent :unsure:

good luck, hope you get some answers

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I'm looking forward to hearing others replies!!

I'm not too sure what you could do other then have him outside while you're out but because you do not have a fenced yard it makes things very difficult.

Have you ever tried putting something on his tail to minimise him chewing it, put the TV on when you leave? so he thinks you're still there or even record you saying things and it might keep him calm! Poor Dante!

My mates dog was very stressed and the vet recommended putting Vegemite in her food (just a tea spoon) and the Vitamin B in it helps calm them down..If i remember which letter it is, pretty sure it's B!

Sorry i am not much help, i have never been in your situation before, my pups i can leave inside and outside with the doors open and they are good.

I'm sorry!

How do you pronounce Dante?.. Is it





haha I will have to remember Darn-tay next time he makes me mad. I have tried the TV trick and all it managed to do was run up my electric bill and have a bald dog haha. I also tried putting one of those nylon muzzles on him to reduce chewing but he got it off and shredded it within a day of purchase. Maybe a cone around his head? I just think he would be able to get that off too. He is quite persistent.

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Oh wow, my 7 month old is like that but not nearly as bad, he'll climb up onto dressers and stuff, knock it all over, eat what looks edible. i mean he's made me go through 3 cell phone chargers and 3 laptop chargers and he's ripped up the carpet in front of the bedroom door, bathroom door, and closet door...and we rent :unsure:

good luck, hope you get some answers

That is EXACTLY my problem. He only rips up the carpet on the door to my bedroom. I keep it closed to reduce destruction in there too, and he has been known to poo and then walk in it and get it on the bed :/ Might I add... I also rent so I will have quite a project when I move out of here ha

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That is EXACTLY my problem. He only rips up the carpet on the door to my bedroom. I keep it closed to reduce destruction in there too, and he has been known to poo and then walk in it and get it on the bed :/ Might I add... I also rent so I will have quite a project when I move out of here ha

Yeah, I keep Embry in my room while I work and if my roommates decide to be idiots they'll tease him under the door, and he'll start ripping it up, and he does a bit right after i leave. it drives me craaazy. LOL Embry does that too, if he decides to run around the room, I'll come home to poo covered everythingg, so obnoxious! I don't even want to think about all the carpet repairs when I move out this August :mellow:

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We found a way which Grey likes, our bathroom is nice and cool and has a hard floor not carpet, he goes in there with his water and just sleeps as its nice and dark and like i said cool for him plus its bigger than his crate so he can stretch out more, just be sure toilet seat is down and things like shower gel and toothpaste/brushes are out of reach.....lol we often find him in there during the day snoozing....biggrin.gif

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what about a dog hous and run for your garden? We got one off ebay, they delivered and put it up for us. Think it cost us £450 but will be well worth it when we get our pup in a few weeks!

Just an idea, try ebay. Ill try and get the website who did ours if you want? Good luck xx

Hayley xx

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Im sure you are now well aware who ever you got you're husky off they are the most destructive dog in the world i have been where you are,

get a metal crate not a plastic one with metal tray in bottom

Befor he is in crate take him for long walk tier him out find his fave toy though sakari was never arsed by toys she lived pine cones an stick place it in crate

leave a tv on or stero.

A kong with treats inside cant really suggest things not been suggest already jus lots exercise is main thing befoir ya go out an metal crate

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Wow sounds like you've got your hands full there

Welcome to the Pack by the way.

ok you've got classic seperation anxiety.

sibes HATE being alone. . They are habitual pack animals they love to be surrounded by people and other dogs.

although sounds like yours hasn't been socialised with humans too well from the reaction. She has to other people.

ok what I'm about to suggest may sound crazy but have you considered getting another husky not a puppy coz the older dog may be too rough and take his anxiety out on the pup, but rehome an older (year old at least). With a companion for company while you are out to play with will ease the anxiety. if not a husky then could you rehome an older calmer dog like a mature labrador.

We have a german shepherd and a husky pup ( 20 weeks)

and we have just taken on Darwin who is in exactly the same condition as yours torn out tail fur and ragged flanks

doing his bizness in the house. Destroying furniture etc.

Since he joined our pack he has been so busy playing with the other two that he has not pulled his fur out at all. Also apart from toys there has been no destruction. he did some bizness in the house for the first couple of days. .but I think he wasn't used to holding it in. And in his old home he was doing it to punish his humans for leaving him alone. Here he now waits all night to go outside and does it there. And. . . . . .

We've only had him a week !!!!!

Just something to think about. By getting a second dog you won't be doubling your problems you might get rid of them forever. . . . Because the only other alternative is to give him up. i know that sounds harsh but in the current environment he is damaging himself.

Best of luck

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I never give rep but big up the andy-meister lol 1 on me glad to hear new FurBall doing so well biggrin.gif

Thanx Keath. . .yeah apart from getting his sleeping routine sorted he is an absolute Joy to have . so loving he loves comingmover for cuddles. . .props his head on your knee and just stares at you. him and Koda are inseperable now. . .non stop playfighting. Loving him to bits

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Great advice Andy biggthumpup.gif

I wouldn't know what else to do apart from practice leaving him for very short periods of time like 5 mins & give him something to play with like a treat ball. Make it a pleasant experience for those few minutes and make a fuss when you come back in. If he is whining/howling walk back in as soon as he stops and again praise him. Practice this & gradually extend the time you leave him. He needs to associate being left with something positive.

Have you tried giving him a toy or left him something of yours like a jumper to lay on?

Let us know how you get on, hope you find a way to solve it smile.gif

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Yep, typical separation anxiety. I would try putting him in the bathroom with the light off, and as suggested, make sure he can't get to the shampoo, soap, etc.

For the tail gnawing, I'd try spraying some bitters on his tail. I bought some apple cider bitters at PetCo to keep Nanuck from ripping up the carpet, and it works great.

Getting a companion is the ideal thing to do, but if you can't do that, possibly look into hiring a dog walker, or if you can afford it, a dog sitter.

The hardest thing to do, imo, is to train a Sibe not to be destructive. The problem is, the damage has already be done by the time you get home, and he/she won't understand if you try to scold them then.

And I feel your pain about the carpet, as I'm a renter also. I've already conceded to the fact that I'm going to have to replace all of it once I move out.

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some really good advice here ... I think the main point is DARN-TAY :P is bored & a bored husky is a destructive husky! How long have you had him?

I agree with the above, get a metal crate, introduce him to it slowly, put treats in & encourage him to go in of his own free will & praise like mad when he does. Get a kong toy & fill with treats, he has to work at getting them out, then. Perhaps try making ice cubes with treats in the middle that he has to lick or chew at to get to the best bit! Or, the bigger step, is to get a second dog, a playmate that will keep him entertained.

I really hope you find a suitable solution for you all, try reading more in our training section for more hints & tips, and Good Luck :D

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All of these a very good suggestions and unfortunately I have tried the majority of them haha. I tried putting him in the bathroom today while I was at work and he chewed the door (which I now need to sand and paint) and crapped all over the bathroom and continued to smear it everywhere. I went to my local pet store today (petco) and the trainer there said at this point the best option would be to take him to the vet to get him prescription meds which I am very weary about. Anything un-natural going into a human or animal concerns me. I do have two cats and the male cat plays with my sibe all the time. Though I am sure it is not the same as another canine companion. I was looking into trying a metal cage again (since he chewed a hole in the plastic one) but I am apprehensive because I know he will try his hardest to find his way out and I do not want him hurting himself. And to answer some questions that I saw I do take him on a 2 mile run with me every day and also a walk after dinner. So he does get exercise. I feel quite certain that it is separation anxiety that causes the destruction and I guess he is just a nervous dog. I only have about one more year of renting until I plan to buy a house with my future wife and we will be able to put him outside but I would very much like to get this resolved as soon as possible to make life more enjoyable for him and for me... Thank you all for your input though!

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Ok well 1stly if ya cat plays with him when ur there thats cool soon as ur out seperate them with huskies playtime is good but when boredom kicks in prey drive replaces play time many owners thinks its ok an come home to some unsightly sites of devoured an shreeded cats but having been around husky when growing up im sure ur aware of this.

do you buy him beef bones or anythig alike that will last him ages if so get him one of them make sure he knows where it is but do not let him have it while youare in and only when youare going out will make it a treat to be excited with and not a i can have it when i want so why bother with it now thing keep a treat a treat remove when ur home.

Do you not have a garden at all so can just leave him in an out side pen to ass about in an howl at the birds in the trees lol

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I live in a refinished garage turned 2 bedroom house. There are a bunch of houses who all share a yard in a back alley in a college town. So I do not have a yard I can call my own and I would be afraid of stupid college kids messing with him or even worse someone stealing him. So for at least the next year he will have to stay in doors.

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After talking with a lot of different dog trainers and husky owners I have started looking around to add another to my family. I am only looking at dog shelters though as all dogs need a chance at love :) I have found another Husky in an area dog shelter who is around the same age as Dante so I am going to talk to my fiance and see about scheduling a meet between the two to see if they will get along.

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