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Im sick of the way people treat Grey!!!


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Its getting to a point where i will end up smacking someone and im not joking!!!angry.gif

i take Grey to a big park where he can be let off lead and he runs off and does his own thing, unlike at Camping Grey off lead is not an asbo dog and just wants to play and at the moment hump every dog he comes across. biggrin.gif

There is this group of people that are always down there with there dogs and grey goes straight there to play, i wont stop him he has as much right to be there as them they are all off lead, Grey will go up to all of them and play but there is one dog A doberman that turns on grey and trys to attack him (not that he will catch him grey is to fast) but this bloke who ownes another dog not the Dob goes up to Grey and starts pushing him away shouting back off! its the 2nd time he done it yesterday, i said to him why do you tell my dog to back off? its the Dob thats being aggressive and im not putting my dog on a lead just because that dog has a problem! so dont tell my dog to back off! and not being funny Mate it not even your flamming dog!, i got blanked by them all after that not one of the owners said anything and left soon after, 5 of them and they all looked at me like there shit dont stink!!angry.gif

He does it again today im going to drown the t**t! would not mind but 2 mins later the dob is sniffing Grey wanting to play, Grey looked at him as if to say stuff you! you had your chance!!

Not everyone down there is like that, Grey has 3 good friend there, a Boxer called Chico a Rottie called Casey and his girlfriend Xzena the Malamute who all have really nice good owners and all love Grey and have no problem with the way he is..... smile.gif

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Its getting to a point where i will end up smacking someone and im not joking!!!angry.gif

i take Grey to a big park where he can be let off lead and he runs off and does his own thing, unlike at Camping Grey off lead is not an asbo dog and just wants to play and at the moment hump every dog he comes across. biggrin.gif

There is this group of people that are always down there with there dogs and grey goes straight there to play, i wont stop him he has as much right to be there as them they are all off lead, Grey will go up to all of them and play but there is one dog A doberman that turns on grey and trys to attack him (not that he will catch him grey is to fast) but this bloke who ownes another dog not the Dob goes up to Grey and starts pushing him away shouting back off! its the 2nd time he done it yesterday, i said to him why do you tell my dog to back off? its the Dob thats being aggressive and im not putting my dog on a lead just because that dog has a problem! so dont tell my dog to back off! and not being funny Mate it not even your flamming dog!, i got blanked by them all after that not one of the owners said anything and left soon after, 5 of them and they all looked at me like there shit dont stink!!angry.gif

He does it again today im going to drown the t**t! would not mind but 2 mins later the dob is sniffing Grey wanting to play, Grey looked at him as if to say stuff you! you had your chance!!

Not everyone down there is like that, Grey has 3 good friend there, a Boxer called Chico a Rottie called Casey and his girlfriend Xzena the Malamute who all have really nice good owners and all love Grey and have no problem with the way he is..... smile.gif

I know how you feel i get that reaction with people not as much with keira but with our little staffie leo they look at you like shit and you know there thinking whys he letting that dog off the lead its viscious when hes not

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keath has a phrase that sums them up perfectly. . .


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I've seen a few people at the dog park that look very wary of Nooks when he goes up to the gate to say hello to the other dogs as they are coming in, as he always does, lol. He's not being agressive at all and anyone with a single ounce of intellgence can tell that he's not, Rob will go over to the gate to say Nooks is friendly and he's just saying hello, but they still look at him funny. The majority of the owners are cool with it as they like Nooks but we still get a few that are ignorant.

Tony, I say stuff 'em! If they wanna be ignorant and complete f***tards (great word Andy! lol) then it's their problem not yours mate :)

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I don't let my dogs rush up to others even if we are at an off leash area, it's bad manners and I prefer to ask the other people first if they would mind letting our dogs greet each other. If they say ok, I introduce the dogs in a polite and controlled manner... remember when you are at an off leash park, you have no idea of the temperament of the other dog and you don't know for sure he and your dog will get along.

It sounds pedantic but to a dog, another one rushing up to it and getting in its face is quite rude in doggy language and can make the dog immediately feel on edge. Especially if Grey wants to hump every dog he comes across - my dogs cannot tolerate humping dogs and honestly nothing annoys me more than owners who let their dog hump everything, they will end up with my dogs snapping at them to back off.

I'd also wonder if the Dobe was disinterested in playing with Grey when Grey first ran over, if he was telling Grey to back off, but Grey was too excited/aroused to listen to his warning? Even though we are all allowed to share off leash areas it is a requirement when we use them that our dogs are under effective control.

Not saying that is definitely what Grey is doing as I can't see him, but just something to think about. Personally, I've lost count of the number of dogs who rush up to mine whose owners try to tell me "Oh they're just being friendly" or "oh he's just saying hello!" when the dog is in fact being incredibly rude and domineering.

It's definitely worthwhile having a read of this to understand how dogs see it when one rushes up to another;

He Just Wants to Say Hi!

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I just dont understand some people, maybe its cause of the wolf look but how can anyone look at him with those blue eyes and think he is vicious in anyway? Its not just that bloke its everyone who does it with grey! I am gettin to a point where my cool will boil over and god help the person when it does! F***tards I like that lol

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I understand where your comin from bec, I do stop grey from humpin when I see him do it, its not a small park where you can see him every second its massive so not all the time will I be there when he comes across another dog and im not goin to put him on a lead just to please others its his bit off freedom, im not goin to stop that to please others its not fair.

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I think this is a common issue for dogs and their owners when first meeting a husky, and alot of it can be explained buy the huskies appearence when excited.

When Logan gets excited his coat puffs up, his tail goes straight up, and he starts to smile, probably alot of you recognise the same in your furbabies!!

To us it's just a happy husky wanting to meet new friends, but to other dogs these are all the classic signs of aggression, hackles up , teeth bared and dominant stance and that is why alot of people mistake husky enthusiasm as aggression.

I'm not saying its right that people jump to this assumption but when you look at it from the other dogs point of view an excited Husky is easily mistaken for an agressive one .

Just my 2 peneth


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I understand where your comin from bec, I do stop grey from humpin when I see him do it, its not a small park where you can see him every second its massive so not all the time will I be there when he comes across another dog and im not goin to put him on a lead just to please others its his bit off freedom, im not goin to stop that to please others its not fair.

Sure, but dog parks are not a free for all. We still need to have effective control over our dogs and make sure our dogs have good doggy manners - letting him rush up to other dogs can be read as rude and threatening in doggy language. If I have my dogs off leash in a big area and I spot another dog coming towards I call them back to me. It's not fair to other dogs to have a strange dog rush up to them, it's rude doggy language and can create a negative reaction. Grey can have lots of freedom AND good manners :)

Not having a go, just explaining why you might get some of the reactions you do.

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I think this is a common issue for dogs and their owners when first meeting a husky, and alot of it can be explained buy the huskies appearence when excited.

When Logan gets excited his coat puffs up, his tail goes straight up, and he starts to smile, probably alot of you recognise the same in your furbabies!!

To us it's just a happy husky wanting to meet new friends, but to other dogs these are all the classic signs of aggression, hackles up , teeth bared and dominant stance and that is why alot of people mistake husky enthusiasm as aggression.

I'm not saying its right that people jump to this assumption but when you look at it from the other dogs point of view an excited Husky is easily mistaken for an agressive one .

Adjam I totally agree with you - some dogs cannot read spitz breeds like Sibes very easily, another reason why we should be careful when letting our dogs greet others. Sure it might not always seem "fair" but it's better to be safe and sorry, I'd rather be careful and supervise my dog when he greets a new one rather than have a preventable fight break out.

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Grey wont fight he is to much off a poof smile.gif he runs away and no other dog can catch him! makes me laugh when another dog gets the hump with him smile.gif f**k it stuff em all im not changin, its so great seein grey run free without bein on lead all the time smile.gif

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I don't let my dogs rush up to others even if we are at an off leash area, it's bad manners and I prefer to ask the other people first if they would mind letting our dogs greet each other. If they say ok, I introduce the dogs in a polite and controlled manner... remember when you are at an off leash park, you have no idea of the temperament of the other dog and you don't know for sure he and your dog will get along.

It sounds pedantic but to a dog, another one rushing up to it and getting in its face is quite rude in doggy language and can make the dog immediately feel on edge. Especially if Grey wants to hump every dog he comes across - my dogs cannot tolerate humping dogs and honestly nothing annoys me more than owners who let their dog hump everything, they will end up with my dogs snapping at them to back off.

I'd also wonder if the Dobe was disinterested in playing with Grey when Grey first ran over, if he was telling Grey to back off, but Grey was too excited/aroused to listen to his warning? Even though we are all allowed to share off leash areas it is a requirement when we use them that our dogs are under effective control.

Not saying that is definitely what Grey is doing as I can't see him, but just something to think about. Personally, I've lost count of the number of dogs who rush up to mine whose owners try to tell me "Oh they're just being friendly" or "oh he's just saying hello!" when the dog is in fact being incredibly rude and domineering.

It's definitely worthwhile having a read of this to understand how dogs see it when one rushes up to another;

He Just Wants to Say Hi!

Very interesting reading Bec and I'd really like to get your opinion on a situation that happened the other day...

I was out walkin Nukka and she was on a flexi and at the very end of the lead sniffing a bush when a spaniel came tearing out of no where and started barking its head off and running around Nukka I could tell it was one of those "all mouth and no trousers" as my nan would say so Nukka wasnt in imediate danger of being attacked, especially as shes quiet a good girl and not in the slightest bit aggressive herself.

I tried to get in between them (get her behind me and him infront) but he was moving so fast and she had the full lead so it was really difficult.... anyway after a minute of him chasing her and her not looking happy about it his owner came after him bellowing at him to leave her alone and he ran off and she appologised.... now Nukka being not phsyically injured I said it was OK when what I actually wanted to do was grab the lead out of her hand and go and wring it yappy little kneck with it but obviously politeness in me and my girl prevailed and we just went on our way.... She continued being her happy self and didnt seem any worse for wear but it was still annoying!

What else could I have done in that situation to stop the Yapper and protect my girls good nature? Any ideas?

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think we're always gona end up with sibes77 situation huskies just love the playful runaround, people will always have the wrong perception of them if they would jsut take the time to find out more about the breed by asking the owners is it really tht hard all they had to do was ask wats grey like, wat kind of dog is he etc, you meet some narrow minded people in this world sent here just to test our patience i would just ignore them and there dogs, the park is there for all to use and as long as grey and u are happy then i wouldnt let it get to u :):)

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Sure, but dog parks are not a free for all. We still need to have effective control over our dogs and make sure our dogs have good doggy manners - letting him rush up to other dogs can be read as rude and threatening in doggy language. If I have my dogs off leash in a big area and I spot another dog coming towards I call them back to me. It's not fair to other dogs to have a strange dog rush up to them, it's rude doggy language and can create a negative reaction. Grey can have lots of freedom AND good manners smile.gif

Not having a go, just explaining why you might get some of the reactions you do.

I know you not having a go Bec, im thinking more now after what you said..

This will sound tit for tat and i should be the better person, but why should i call Grey back and put him on lead when nobody else does? there is upto 15-20 dogs up there off lead in the space of half hour, but i find myself being the only one who calls grey back or tells him to stop! i do put him on lead to let others walk off but what pisses me of is why should i they make no effort with there dog! all i get is a dirty look at myself and grey, not once have i ever heard anyone up there call there dog back or put it on a lead..

Its just getting me on a bit of a downer tbh, all i want is for grey to have a bit of freedom, peoples attitude is annoying me and i find myself slowly snapping....

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The thing is you never know whats going to happen when a dog comes running towards you or out of nowhere, you can't really know every characteristic of every breed but on the other hand if it's the same people that have seen you and Grey before whats the problem ??? After a while you see the same people/dogs and you tend to know who's nice and who's an arse.

My dobe was protective when other dogs ran towards us especially if they were off lead and he was on his. I could tell people he was friendly until i was blue in the face but as soon as they see him teeth out growling at another dog thats it.

Just read your last post, i see your point if nobody else bothers why should you, gotta say i think i'd be the same as you.

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Grey wont fight he is to much off a poof smile.gif he runs away and no other dog can catch him! makes me laugh when another dog gets the hump with him smile.gif f**k it stuff em all im not changin, its so great seein grey run free without bein on lead all the time smile.gif

But then you will have to continue to put up with dogs (and owners) reacting to him.

What else could I have done in that situation to stop the Yapper and protect my girls good nature? Any ideas?

Nukka sounds very tolerant!

It's hard to do much when you are handling your dog and the other dog is not under effective control (i.e. not leashed and the owner cannot grab it or recall it).

When I have situations like that I try to body block the strange dog from my dog, I might also growl at it to back off (depending on the dog). I also sternly tell the owner to come and get their dog RIGHT now if they cannot recall it.

And I can tell you right now an aggressive dog that rushed at one of mine would have a boot to the head. No hesitation on my behalf whatsoever.

I know you not having a go Bec, im thinking more now after what you said..

This will sound tit for tat and i should be the better person, but why should i call Grey back and put him on lead when nobody else does? there is upto 15-20 dogs up there off lead in the space of half hour, but i find myself being the only one who calls grey back or tells him to stop! i do put him on lead to let others walk off but what pisses me of is why should i they make no effort with there dog! all i get is a dirty look at myself and grey, not once have i ever heard anyone up there call there dog back or put it on a lead..

Its just getting me on a bit of a downer tbh, all i want is for grey to have a bit of freedom, peoples attitude is annoying me and i find myself slowly snapping....

I totally get where you are coming from but you have to weigh it up. Is it worth other owners constantly having a go at you over it? Is it fair to other dogs if your dog rushes up to them if they are not comfortable with it? I often go the extra mile to make sure my dogs are doing the right thing purely because other owners may not.

I was training Daisy off leash at my local sports oval the other day and a girl was walking quite a distance away with her untrained mini foxie. It spotted us a mile off and ran up to Daisy at full speed, barking and carrying on and then jumped on her even though Daisy was ignoring her. I called my dog to heel position and she snapped to attention looking at me for direction, while I waited for the owner to come and get her dog (who was completely ignoring her recall commands). Now just because this woman did the wrong thing, does that mean I should let my dog do it too? Does that mean it is ok if I let Daisy do it to other dogs, because no one else who walks through there has a dog as well trained as she is?

As nice as it is to let our dogs run free we also need to have effective control. Off leash areas are not free for alls where we can let our dogs run off and do whatever they please. It is up to us to make sure our dog is well mannered and well trained, even if others don't. And why should we if others don't? Well, one big reason I do it is because I want to protect my dogs and I can't do this if I don't have the ability to call them back to me when I need to. I do it because even though others may do the wrong thing, does not mean I should, I enjoy owning well mannered dogs who are less likely to create negative reactions in others.

I actually rarely use dog parks because I don't trust other people to do the right thing. I have been burnt before, Micha was attacked so many times he is now dog aggressive and even though I could take him to an off leash area and have him under effective control, I won't, because I can't trust other owners to do the right thing. That may seem unfair but I put my dog's safety and well being first. He misses out sure but it's not worth the risk if someone else does the wrong thing.

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Just read your last post, i see your point if nobody else bothers why should you, gotta say i think i'd be the same as you.

I honestly don't understand this train of thought, there are so many reasons why we should do the right thing even if others don't...

1) The safety of our own dogs

2) The benefit of having a dog who is well trained and well mannered

3) We are less likely to have problems if we do the right thing and have our dogs under control

4) Sibe77 is frustrated he keeps having run ins with other owners, at the end of the day, the only way to stop this is to take it upon yourself to do the right thing with your dog. You can't rely on others to do the right thing, so if you want to fix the situation the ONLY guarantee is if you take control and preempt it.

ETA: Also, why should we instill bad manners and bad habits in our dogs just because other people do it with theirs?

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But then you will have to continue to put up with dogs (and owners) reacting to him.

Nukka sounds very tolerant!

It's hard to do much when you are handling your dog and the other dog is not under effective control (i.e. not leashed and the owner cannot grab it or recall it).

When I have situations like that I try to body block the strange dog from my dog, I might also growl at it to back off (depending on the dog). I also sternly tell the owner to come and get their dog RIGHT now if they cannot recall it.

And I can tell you right now an aggressive dog that rushed at one of mine would have a boot to the head. No hesitation on my behalf whatsoever.

I totally get where you are coming from but you have to weigh it up. Is it worth other owners constantly having a go at you over it? Is it fair to other dogs if your dog rushes up to them if they are not comfortable with it? I often go the extra mile to make sure my dogs are doing the right thing purely because other owners may not.

I was training Daisy off leash at my local sports oval the other day and a girl was walking quite a distance away with her untrained mini foxie. It spotted us a mile off and ran up to Daisy at full speed, barking and carrying on and then jumped on her even though Daisy was ignoring her. I called my dog to heel position and she snapped to attention looking at me for direction, while I waited for the owner to come and get her dog (who was completely ignoring her recall commands). Now just because this woman did the wrong thing, does that mean I should let my dog do it too? Does that mean it is ok if I let Daisy do it to other dogs, because no one else who walks through there has a dog as well trained as she is?

As nice as it is to let our dogs run free we also need to have effective control. Off leash areas are not free for alls where we can let our dogs run off and do whatever they please. It is up to us to make sure our dog is well mannered and well trained, even if others don't. And why should we if others don't? Well, one big reason I do it is because I want to protect my dogs and I can't do this if I don't have the ability to call them back to me when I need to. I do it because even though others may do the wrong thing, does not mean I should, I enjoy owning well mannered dogs who are less likely to create negative reactions in others.

I actually rarely use dog parks because I don't trust other people to do the right thing. I have been burnt before, Micha was attacked so many times he is now dog aggressive and even though I could take him to an off leash area and have him under effective control, I won't, because I can't trust other owners to do the right thing. That may seem unfair but I put my dog's safety and well being first. He misses out sure but it's not worth the risk if someone else does the wrong thing.

She is very tollerant shes a really good girl and Im proud to walk her because shes so good partly its down to her having such a nice nature and partly its down to my hard work to socialise her properly with lots of other dogs and situations so that she has good manners (although she has been guilty of running in to say hello occasionally, but they cant be perfect all the time can they!? LOL)

I was trying to body block but like I said they were running so fast... however like you said if it had gone for her it would have had my boot in its face quicker than it could get away but since it was one of those all talk no action types I thought that might have been abit of overkill in this situation! mmmm seems like there was nothing else I could do really just one of those irritating things... think if I see it again and get a repeat I will have trouble keeping my cool with its owner tho.. I really dont know why she would let it off lead if she knows thats how its going to react to other dogs especially as it was a time when a lot of people were walking their dogs before work etc!

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I know your right bec and I totally agree with your ways, I just cant bring myself to do it your way :) I love seein grey run free and I dont think anything will stop me. Like you said I will just have to live with other attitude :-(

He can still run free and you can teach him better manners and have him under control... it doesn't take much to call him close to you so you can ask the other owner if he is right to greet the other dog :) To be honest I would have a similar attitude to the other owners if a dog kept rushing at mine, I can't stand it, and my dogs can't either. But then again that is just another reason I won't use off leash areas :P

She is very tollerant shes a really good girl and Im proud to walk her because shes so good partly its down to her having such a nice nature and partly its down to my hard work to socialise her properly with lots of other dogs and situations so that she has good manners (although she has been guilty of running in to say hello occasionally, but they cant be perfect all the time can they!? LOL)

I was trying to body block but like I said they were running so fast... however like you said if it had gone for her it would have had my boot in its face quicker than it could get away but since it was one of those all talk no action types I thought that might have been abit of overkill in this situation! mmmm seems like there was nothing else I could do really just one of those irritating things... think if I see it again and get a repeat I will have trouble keeping my cool with its owner tho.. I really dont know why she would let it off lead if she knows thats how its going to react to other dogs especially as it was a time when a lot of people were walking their dogs before work etc!

Yeah it's very frustrating, and it's not fair to those of us who do the right thing.

Even well socialised dogs often dislike dogs rushing up to them and getting in their faces, it's plain rude in doggy language and intimidating too. My happy go lucky beagle will even tell other dogs off if they won't let up.

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it really gets my back up when i read stuff like this angry.gif

i dont mean to sound rude but why cant ppl in this world mind their own f*cking business!!!

that bloke has no right to come and say that to you or even touch grey!! wtf....i would have been exactly the same as you tony...he wasnt even the dobermans owner???

you and grey have as much right to be there as anyone else....you obviously can trust grey 100% to let him off lead otherwise you wouldnt do it.....every1 else's dog was off lead so why should grey be any different?

i jst prey that i never have a situation like this as i know i will jst flip- got no patience with ppl like that at all lol

x x x

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