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Im sick of the way people treat Grey!!!


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Here's the thing if the other dogs are doing it the safety of your dog is out of your control anyway, if a out of control doberman attacks a sibe you can kick it in all you like it aint getting off (i had a doberman) and unless your a big person it will overpower you with ease , as for having your dog under control well if it isn't on a lead it isn't under control bottom line, the only thing that will cure sibe77s frustration is if he stops going !!!! and i agree why should he and Grey suffer if all the dogs do the same thing. I agree the benefit's of having a well trained well mannered dog are great but it doesn't mean a thing if all the other dogs are running about going crazy. Also what bad habits ??? lots of dogs at a dog park off lead, there going to smell each other aren't they ???

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Scenario: You and me are are the same said dog park you with Gray me with Saskia and Wolf I will not let my 2 run up to anyone never mind any other dog, so Gray comes running over to play, hump or what ever that would be fine if he runs over to Wolf as he would just play back but if he ran over to Saskia Wolf would go mad and as done loads of times.

Now the question is do you go mad at me for shooing Gray away or do I go mad at you for letting Gray come running up to my dogs ?

Do we end up fighting because you cant control Gray ?

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Here's the thing if the other dogs are doing it the safety of your dog is out of your control anyway, if a out of control doberman attacks a sibe you can kick it in all you like it aint getting off (i had a doberman) and unless your a big person it will overpower you with ease , as for having your dog under control well if it isn't on a lead it isn't under control bottom line, the only thing that will cure sibe77s frustration is if he stops going !!!! and i agree why should he and Grey suffer if all the dogs do the same thing. I agree the benefit's of having a well trained well mannered dog are great but it doesn't mean a thing if all the other dogs are running about going crazy. Also what bad habits ??? lots of dogs at a dog park off lead, there going to smell each other aren't they ???

I train my youngest dog off leash all the time and you can damn well bet she is under effective control the entire time, otherwise I wouldn't do it.

In fact just tonight I had her at the local sports oval that was packed with kids and adults playing hockey, there were smells, people, noises and other dogs everywhere. I had a group of kids run up to us to watch us train and Daisy was off leash the entire time, in fact they came up to pat and cuddle her she didn't break away from heel position for a second nor did she lose focus from me even when they were patting her. The entire time we were only meters away from kids playing hockey games, she was completely under my control the whole time we were there, in fact she was giving me great work tonight - excellent heel work, finishes, fronts, recalls etc under heavy distraction all off leash ;)

Do you honestly think it's pointless to train your dog because some people do not have effective control over theirs?? You really can't see the benefit in being able to recall your dog away from others and have him focus on you when you command him to? Since when is it ok to let our dogs do as they please just because other people do the wrong thing :angry: It's because of that attitude my husky was attacked at the dog park and is now dog aggressive, people don't give a rats about doing the right thing.

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I totally understand about having control off lead.

Tikaani is pretty well trained but we all know what huskies are like, they have selective hearing and no matter what tasty treats you have in your hand it doesn't mean they are going to take any notice of you.

What then?huh.gif

A good recall is one that is trained as conditioned response... that is, the dog responds to the recall without even thinking about it, they just do it. There is no stopping to think about what you have and if it's better than what they are currently doing, you condition it in a way that the dog just responds instantly.

Bec maybe you could create a thread on here about tips for training off lead? Esp for Huskies!!

That's a lovely suggestion although I am far from an expert :P But I can highly recommend Leslie Nelson's DVD Really Reliable Recall (which will take you through the process you need to go through to train a recall with classical conditioning).

I've also gotten in trouble on forums before for talking about training Sibes off leash so I try not to do it too much ;)

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Off lead bottom line your not in 100% control it doesn't matter how much you trust your dog or how well trained they are you are not in total control unless the dog is on a lead, i'm really not having a dig but i am very much a all dogs should be on lead all the time sort of person unless you are at a dog park where all the dogs are off lead and i personally wouldn't use those. I'm happy with my 100ft lead on our local park at silly o-clock in the morning with nobody about. What ever happens i know i can get my dog back to me.

I'm sure daisy is perfectly trained but i've read 100 times on this forum it only takes 1 time for you dog to run or get distracted.

Re read my last post i never said it's pointless to train your dog. Your dog was attacked at the dog park even though he was well trained, thats my point if all dogs had to be on lead all the time would that still have happened ??? My dog was attacked by an off lead dog while he was on lead not so long ago. All i was saying is if my dog was off lead at the dog park where all the other dogs where off lead and there all running about sniffing each other etc and some guy came up and singled my dog out i wouldn't be happy about it and i'd still go there anyway.

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I know your right bec and I totally agree with your ways, I just cant bring myself to do it your way smile.gif I love seein grey run free and I dont think anything will stop me. Like you said I will just have to live with other attitude :-(

When i lived in towns and cities and walked the dogs in parks, I found that most people tend to walk at around the same time every day. I know that it might be a pain for you, but if his paticular group walk at the same time each day, could you walk at a different time? You might meet a whole new set of dog friends (or of course, a whole new set of dog idiotslaugh.gif )

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I know how you feel i get that reaction with people not as much with keira but with our little staffie leo they look at you like shit and you know there thinking whys he letting that dog off the lead its viscious when hes not

oh i no that feeling - ive got a staffy x n the amount ov looks u get sumtimes is unbelivable!!!

I've also gotten in trouble on forums before for talking about training Sibes off leash so I try not to do it too much ;)

u wont get in2 trouble here bec im sure - ALOT of people on here would LOVE 2 let their huskies offlead and if u can help them do it then fair play :)

i would love 2 let mine off but their prey drives are too high 2 risk it! lol

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I don't let my dogs rush up to others even if we are at an off leash area, it's bad manners and I prefer to ask the other people first if they would mind letting our dogs greet each other. If they say ok, I introduce the dogs in a polite and controlled manner... remember when you are at an off leash park, you have no idea of the temperament of the other dog and you don't know for sure he and your dog will get along.

It sounds pedantic but to a dog, another one rushing up to it and getting in its face is quite rude in doggy language and can make the dog immediately feel on edge. Especially if Grey wants to hump every dog he comes across - my dogs cannot tolerate humping dogs and honestly nothing annoys me more than owners who let their dog hump everything, they will end up with my dogs snapping at them to back off.

I'd also wonder if the Dobe was disinterested in playing with Grey when Grey first ran over, if he was telling Grey to back off, but Grey was too excited/aroused to listen to his warning? Even though we are all allowed to share off leash areas it is a requirement when we use them that our dogs are under effective control.

Not saying that is definitely what Grey is doing as I can't see him, but just something to think about. Personally, I've lost count of the number of dogs who rush up to mine whose owners try to tell me "Oh they're just being friendly" or "oh he's just saying hello!" when the dog is in fact being incredibly rude and domineering.

It's definitely worthwhile having a read of this to understand how dogs see it when one rushes up to another;

He Just Wants to Say Hi!

Actually at the dog park we go to we rarely have problems with other dogs.

However, we had another dog (off leash) come up to Nooks (who was on the lead as we were about to leave the dog park) and attack him!!! He had been growling at Nooks the whole time he was at the dog park, and Nooks wasn't doing anything wrong, just minding his own business playing with other dogs as he always does.

And actually when Nooks does greet other dogs he isn't being rude in the slightest, (and when he doesn't greet them at the gate, he lays down like a collie in the middle of the park, than starts to go and meet the other dog once it's in), he's just saying hello and wanting to play. If he does get too in their faces however they tell him off and he backs off. At the end of the day we can't expect dogs to behave exactly like humans, lol, they are dogs after all and if they were too human like then the world would be a boring place! The other owners dont see Nooks rushing up to their dogs as bad manners, as they are regulars and know him, and new people at the dog park who come with their dogs actually say they don't mind it as they like their dogs to socialise with others. He doesnt greet dogs at the gate as much as he used to, he does the collie thing more often now :)

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Off lead bottom line your not in 100% control it doesn't matter how much you trust your dog or how well trained they are you are not in total control unless the dog is on a lead, i'm really not having a dig but i am very much a all dogs should be on lead all the time sort of person unless you are at a dog park where all the dogs are off lead and i personally wouldn't use those. I'm happy with my 100ft lead on our local park at silly o-clock in the morning with nobody about. What ever happens i know i can get my dog back to me.

I'm sure daisy is perfectly trained but i've read 100 times on this forum it only takes 1 time for you dog to run or get distracted.

We do competition obedience so it's a requirement that she must be able to work off leash.

Re read my last post i never said it's pointless to train your dog. Your dog was attacked at the dog park even though he was well trained, thats my point if all dogs had to be on lead all the time would that still have happened ??? My dog was attacked by an off lead dog while he was on lead not so long ago. All i was saying is if my dog was off lead at the dog park where all the other dogs where off lead and there all running about sniffing each other etc and some guy came up and singled my dog out i wouldn't be happy about it and i'd still go there anyway.

He got attacked before he was particularly well trained, he was just a puppy at the time :( The point is that if everyone had your attitude of don't bother, we will just have more and more dogs who are poorly behaved and cause trouble.

And sure, there are instances that can and do occur that are beyond your control, Daisy was attacked at obedience club recently and there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. But there are plenty of times when having a well trained dog WILL work to your advantage and will save your dogs life i.e. being able to recall them away from a dangerous situation, preventing an attack when you encounter a dog that you know is not friendly, etc.

If I was at a dog park (unlikely, but let's imagine it for a second) and a strange dog rushed up to mine, ignored it's warning to back off, and kept bothering him, I would crack the shits too especially if the owner didn't bother to recall it. I'm not saying that is what Grey did because I wasn't there to see it, but I cannot stand people who let their dogs rush at others at off leash areas like they are a free for all, often under the illusion their dog is being completely normal and friendly when it's in fact being rude.

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And actually when Nooks does greet other dogs he isn't being rude in the slightest, (and when he doesn't greet them at the gate, he lays down like a collie in the middle of the park, than starts to go and meet the other dog once it's in), he's just saying hello and wanting to play. If he does get too in their faces however they tell him off and he backs off. At the end of the day we can't expect dogs to behave exactly like humans, lol, they are dogs after all and if they were too human like then the world would be a boring place! The other owners dont see Nooks rushing up to their dogs as bad manners, as they are regulars and know him, and new people at the dog park who come with their dogs actually say they don't mind it as they like their dogs to socialise with others. He doesnt greet dogs at the gate as much as he used to, he does the collie thing more often now :)

I've never seen your dog before so I would have no idea what he does or doesn't do. But I can tell you that MANY dogs find strange dogs rushing up to them and getting in their faces intimidating. Some owners aren't bothered by it but many are, and more importantly, so are many dogs. Some owners are (unfortunately) a bit oblivious to dog body language. It's sadly surprising how many owners fail to notice when their dogs are stressed/in avoidance/about to aggress/etc.

If the other dogs have to tell your dog off, that's a perfect example that he does exhibit rude (in doggy language) behaviour. I would never expect my dog to act like a human, but that does not mean I should tolerate dogs who are rude or aggressive or dogs who have no manners. When I refer to dogs rushing at others as being rude, I am not talking about human manners, but how dogs interpret that behaviour.

I've also seen quite a few fights break out at the gates/entry to the dog park because groups of dogs will often rush to the gate when a new person brings their dog in. The dog feels intimidated and scared and barks at them to back off and then the group of dogs go for him... I've seen it happen on more than one occasion.

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I've read so many off leash Sibe horror stories i wouldn't even take the chance of letting mine off.

dogs off leash at a dog park they all run about and all sniff each other if you don't want that to happen don't go to the dog park. I have no idea what happened with Grey but you kinda expect other dogs to be there and kinda expect other dogs to come sniff run play with your dog as long as there not attacking theres no problem. It's not a don't bother attitude its a thats what it's there for attitude so why should he be the one to change. I kinds like Anna's dogs aren't human comment expect them to behave like dogs.

I haven't once said you shouldn't train your dog have i ????? i'm saying if your at a dog park and your dog is god knows how far away and getting mauled by a doberman no amount of recall or training will help. I do agree that there are plenty of times when having a well trained dog will work to your advantage but theres just as many when having your dog on a lead will work to your advantage aren't there ????

As far as my don't bother attitude and having more and more dogs poorly behaved and causing trouble thats a little insulting in all honesty especially as you don't know me or my dog, its kinda of like me saying if more people had your off leash training attitude we would have more dead Sibes that have been run over etc ???? That does kinda feel like a personal attack and slightly below the belt. I'm saying if i was in sibe77s situation i would't bother too much not as a general life rule or dog rule DON'T BOTHER

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As far as my don't bother attitude and having more and more dogs poorly behaved and causing trouble thats a little insulting in all honesty especially as you don't know me or my dog, its kinda of like me saying if more people had your off leash training attitude we would have more dead Sibes that have been run over etc ????

But that's beyond the point because Sibe77 is talking about when his dog is off leash, at the off leash park. We are talking about whether or not dogs at the off leash park should be trained so they can be under effective control. I am not encouraging people to let their dogs off leash, I am saying that IF you let your dog off leash IMO you should be able to maintain control and that goes for any and every breed or cross there is. You're saying why bother if other people don't do the right thing why should you - I am simply saying I will never understand the attitude of 'it's ok to do the wrong thing because everyone else is'.


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I've read so many off leash Sibe horror stories i wouldn't even take the chance of letting mine off.

dogs off leash at a dog park they all run about and all sniff each other if you don't want that to happen don't go to the dog park.

Totally agree with you there Martin! :)

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Ok all i'm saying is if i went to a dog park i would expect to let my dog off leash and i would want him/her to go play make friends sniff other dogs and in return i'd expect other dogs to come upto me and my dog without asking owners permission. If i recall my dog i'd expect him to come back and if the owner of the other dog recalled i'd expect that dog to go back, but if my dog is friendly i wouldn't really bother recalling or making him walk beside me because thats why i'm at the dog park and the whole point of me going there is for my dog to run play with other dogs. If all the dogs are doing that and some guy has a go at my dog i would react the exact same way as sibe77.

Thats kinda my view of a dog park, but saying that i don't go to them so if i'm wrong fair enough. But if it's just a general outdoor area i feel the same as you.

I'm sorry for getting snippy Bec but i just felt like i got the blame for all all dogs that are poorly behaved or cause trouble, i totally agree that your dog should be trained etc but at the dog park you sort of let loose like a doggy playground.

I apologise to Sibe77 too for sort of steeling your thread.

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What else could I have done in that situation to stop the Yapper and protect my girls good nature? Any ideas?

there was a little dog down our local park i have no idea what it was apart from some kind of terrier, and it has very bad manners, it keeps jumping up into everyones face, and keeps jumping and hanging off of michas face, i picked the dog up and took it back to the owner and said please can you stop it from hanging off of my dogs face. they seemed quite offended.

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biggrin.gifeven tho i know my dog will run off if he likes the look of a certain dog but would come back when hes called after hes said hello i still let duke off.mayb that is wrong for me to do but like other people have said its a dog park and thats why everyone else is there! cool.gifbiggrin.gif
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Can I just add something not once did I say its just grey that runs up! Far from it its 50/50 lots off times grey is happy sniffin around and has no interest, also grey has very good off lead behaviour on recall not the greatest but good enough and does come back when called. It would not have bothered me as much if it was the dogs owner who said something, but someone who dont even own the dog is something else.

By the way call me Tony not sibe77 we are all friends here lol

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Scenario: You and me are are the same said dog park you with Gray me with Saskia and Wolf I will not let my 2 run up to anyone never mind any other dog, so Gray comes running over to play, hump or what ever that would be fine if he runs over to Wolf as he would just play back but if he ran over to Saskia Wolf would go mad and as done loads of times.

Now the question is do you go mad at me for shooing Gray away or do I go mad at you for letting Gray come running up to my dogs ?

Do we end up fighting because you cant control Gray ?

Probably end up fightin cause your a northener nothing but bloody trouble :) :)

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there was a little dog down our local park i have no idea what it was apart from some kind of terrier, and it has very bad manners, it keeps jumping up into everyones face, and keeps jumping and hanging off of michas face, i picked the dog up and took it back to the owner and said please can you stop it from hanging off of my dogs face. they seemed quite offended.

lmao i can just picture that! haha :lol:

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Imo a Dog park is a place for owners to go and let there poochies off lead to run free, stretch there legs, Play and have a sniff and socialize with other Dogs. Yes not every Dog will get on with the next, but if you are a owner that knows your Dog will not take knind to another coming up to have a sniff and play (No matter what Breed) then Imo that owner shouldnt come to a Dog park where there will be lots of other Dogs running about off lead.

Yes I agree that the right amount of training should be in place at all times (Good recall and on lead when not safe not to be) incase of the worse but at the end of the day a Dog will be a Dog and will will do whats in its nature and investigate, sniff and play when out and about.

smile.gif x x x x x x

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Don't worry about it mary, tony just ignore the muppets lol i'll bring my 3 then they can talk xxxx

Lol...laugh.gif yeah we can start up a Husky gang he he ha ha OMG i think some people would drop down stone dead if they saw 4 Huskies running about in the Dog park woodlands seeing as most of the time people think Grey is a warewolf blink.giflaugh.gif x x x x x

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