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Im sick of the way people treat Grey!!!


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I'm sorry for getting snippy Bec but i just felt like i got the blame for all all dogs that are poorly behaved or cause trouble, i totally agree that your dog should be trained etc but at the dog park you sort of let loose like a doggy playground.

Don't apologise, I don't think you're getting snippy, it's just a discussion.

Sure many people take their dogs to the park to play with others, but dog parks should never be a doggy free for all. It is unrealistic to expect all the dogs to get along, to be immediately comfortable around one another, and to appreciate all the different play styles that each dog has. It is our responsibility as owners to ensure that our dog has good doggy manners and despite what other people at the park condone, it is very rude in doggy language to rush up to another dog and get in it's face. I've seen fights and dog attacks occur for this very reason and ultimately, why would we want to encourage such bad manners in our dogs? It's especially difficult with Sibes because often other breeds have a hard time reading their body language - they have an erect tail, pointed ears, a naturally fixed stare, a thick coat which means its hard to tell if they are displaying piloerection. Imagine it from the dog's perspective, seeing a dog like that rush up to you can be very intimidating. It is dangerous for your dog to allow them to do it because if they do it to the wrong dog they could end up in a serious fight.


Dog will get on with the next, but if you are a owner that knows your Dog will not take knind to another coming up to have a sniff and play (No matter what Breed) then Imo that owner shouldnt come to a Dog park where there will be lots of other Dogs running about off lead.

There's a HUGE difference between a dog who politely approaches another for a sniff and a play, and a dog who rushes up to another dog and immediately gets in its face to the point where the other dog has to tell it to back down. It's owners of dogs like that, who don't give a toss what their dog does when it's in an off leash area, who are the reason I won't use them.

My dogs would not react kindly to a strange dog rushing up to them and getting in their face, it's rude and intimidating - owners of dogs who dislike that kind of behaviour have as much right to be at the park as the owner of the dog who has no manners. Dog parks are not free for alls purely there for owners to let their dogs play with one another, they are there to allow owners a place where they can let their dogs run around off leash IF they are under effective control. If another owner or their dog does not appreciate your dog getting in its face or the dog has no interest in playing with your dog, it is your responsibility to call your dog back. They have as much right to be there as you do.

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Can I just add something not once did I say its just grey that runs up! Far from it its 50/50 lots off times grey is happy sniffin around and has no interest, also grey has very good off lead behaviour on recall not the greatest but good enough and does come back when called. It would not have bothered me as much if it was the dogs owner who said something, but someone who dont even own the dog is something else.

By the way call me Tony not sibe77 we are all friends here lol

Just to clarify Tony, I am talking generally and not about any specific dog, as without seeing Grey, I have no idea what occurred and what his and the other dog's body language was etc.

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Good side is there is a dog park wherever you live sibe77 :))

unlike here at the Philippines, a dog park would be like a stray dog's park.

My dog Twinkie would end up being chased a few times because of the aggressive dogs at my area.

I'm glad you stood up for Grey. hahaha

anyone interested in building a dog park here in my country? XD

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I get crap like that all the time, people wanting me to leash Embry because he's a husky, he isn't vicious at all. Im not going to leash him for no reason. Also those damn little dogs, there was a pug there today, chased Embry down 3 acres, barking and biting his tail, it was plain ridiculous..It's owner just walked by ignoring it:blink: Also this women come with there just barely walking babies, and Embry will go over and lick the kids face, and the baby starts screaming, and honestly, that's what you get when you have a toddler walking around an off leash dog park.

people these days:rolleyes:

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Don't apologise, I don't think you're getting snippy, it's just a discussion.

Sure many people take their dogs to the park to play with others, but dog parks should never be a doggy free for all. It is unrealistic to expect all the dogs to get along, to be immediately comfortable around one another, and to appreciate all the different play styles that each dog has. It is our responsibility as owners to ensure that our dog has good doggy manners and despite what other people at the park condone, it is very rude in doggy language to rush up to another dog and get in it's face. I've seen fights and dog attacks occur for this very reason and ultimately, why would we want to encourage such bad manners in our dogs? It's especially difficult with Sibes because often other breeds have a hard time reading their body language - they have an erect tail, pointed ears, a naturally fixed stare, a thick coat which means its hard to tell if they are displaying piloerection. Imagine it from the dog's perspective, seeing a dog like that rush up to you can be very intimidating. It is dangerous for your dog to allow them to do it because if they do it to the wrong dog they could end up in a serious fight.


There's a HUGE difference between a dog who politely approaches another for a sniff and a play, and a dog who rushes up to another dog and immediately gets in its face to the point where the other dog has to tell it to back down. It's owners of dogs like that, who don't give a toss what their dog does when it's in an off leash area, who are the reason I won't use them.

My dogs would not react kindly to a strange dog rushing up to them and getting in their face, it's rude and intimidating - owners of dogs who dislike that kind of behaviour have as much right to be at the park as the owner of the dog who has no manners. Dog parks are not free for alls purely there for owners to let their dogs play with one another, they are there to allow owners a place where they can let their dogs run around off leash IF they are under effective control. If another owner or their dog does not appreciate your dog getting in its face or the dog has no interest in playing with your dog, it is your responsibility to call your dog back. They have as much right to be there as you do.

Im not saying for one moment that some Dogs & owners have more of a right to be at a Dog park then another but simply just saying that if you know your Dog will not take kindly to another Dog coming up to them (even in a nice calm way) then wouldnt it make more sense to maybe avoid Dog parks.

If there was 15 Dogs at the dog park and one of the Dogs dont like other Dogs coming up to them then IMO that owner cant expect the other 14 Dogs to be put on lead.

I completley understand your point Bec of the hole in your face thing smile.gif and yes Grey has done that many a time when he has got so over excited and play on the brain but that day when he ran up to that Dog he was only doing what about 6 or 7 Dogs had already done. There are also many a time when Grey aint getting in any Dogs faces and is very happy minding his own business sniffing around and doing what he does best digging when you get a funny duddy owner shooing him away when he aint even near them or done anything wrong.


Yes Grey is very nutty, loopy and bouncy when he plays but I think its the joy of the Breed and love seeing him have fun playing, splashing in the water with other Dogs and has lots of poochie mates and girlfriends smile.gif x x x x x x x

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Sorry Swiss Tony it is from here on no longer sibe77 biggrin.gif

Bec i understand what your saying but if the other dogs are behaving badly or just running around and coming upto your dog (who is behaving perfectly), your pretty much fighting a losing battle. Yes in a perfect world everybody would train there dogs and have well mannered dogs but if the other dogs there aren't what do you do ? Your choices are pretty much go in constantly telling your dog to stay heel and trying to get the other dogs to back off while shouting at their owners or let your dog run sniff play and hope for the best or take one look and go home, throw into the mix what Jennet was saying about having toddlers walking around in the park and as soon as you step inside you pretty much know what to expect . If i was in Swiss Tony's situation where my dog did it and other dogs were doing the same thing ( remembering that Grey didn't start any fights or attack any dogs) then some bloke who didn't even have a dog walked up telling my dog off and trying to clear him off i would react pretty badly to that.

If i went to a dog park if it be right or wrong i would expect a degree of chaos, i would expect lots of dogs running around lots of owners running after there dogs shouting Rex Rex Rex no no no no stop come back and the dog doing whatever it likes, i'd expect other dogs to come to me and my dog, i wouldn't go in a suit because i'd expect to get jumped up or something and get dirty (i wouldn't expect toddlers walking around as in Jennet's case but that would just add to the chaos) and i would realise there's a real possibility of a dog fight even if it's not mine. I'm not saying it's right but this is pretty much the reality ? The only reel way you can stop or control that is if all dogs had to be on leash all the time but then the whole dog park thing becomes slightly pointless. If i want to avoid this i wouldn't go. If you go to a rock gig you don't really expect a sedate well manned meet up of music lovers, you expect to be deaf covered in beer ,thrown in the mosh pit and come out with only one shoe !!!! (my younger days before you ask lmao)

Hugs .... i think some owners do have more of a right, if their dog is straight up nasty and aggressive they shouldn't be there.

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If there was 15 Dogs at the dog park and one of the Dogs dont like other Dogs coming up to them then IMO that owner cant expect the other 14 Dogs to be put on lead.

Sure, but if a dog has a go at Grey (for example) because Grey has rushed up to him and gotten in his face, that dog is not aggressive, and it would be Grey at fault for instigating it and having bad manners.

Naturally you will run into some odd people at dog parks, there are some nutters out there :)

Instant-classic you are quite right about expecting chaos when you go to a dog park and that is exactly why I no longer use them. If on the off chance I took my dogs to one I would never let them run off and do as they please the entire time, I would still expect them to be well mannered and respond to my commands as I would in any other environment... although if I did go to a dog park I am sure I would use it as a training opportunity as I do any time I take the dogs somewhere with a high level of distraction ;)

ETA: The number one reason I would call my dogs away from a strange dog we were approaching is that *I* don't trust other people or their dogs and it would be for the safety of my dogs. Once I got closer to the dog I would be able to get a better idea of how friendly it may or may not be.

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Ok random thought here - i've found a lot of people are very wary of Kaiser - because he's got blue eyes, do you think because Grey has blue eye's people automatically assume he's going to be vicious? I know it's very stereo typical but a thought?

ps - nice discussion and no slagging - like it :up:

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If you go to a rock gig you don't really expect a sedate well manned meet up of music lovers, you expect to be deaf covered in beer ,thrown in the mosh pit and come out with only one shoe !!!! (my younger days before you ask lmao)

PMSL... laugh.giflaugh.gif he he ha ha x x x x x

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Ok random thought here - i've found a lot of people are very wary of Kaiser - because he's got blue eyes, do you think because Grey has blue eye's people automatically assume he's going to be vicious? I know it's very stereo typical but a thought?

ps - nice discussion and no slagging - like it :up:

TBH, I find this with my two, a lot of people have always given Myshka a wide berth since we've owned her, until they've got to know her & us & realise she is like any other loopy dog, yet people make a beeline for Diesel & the second thing they notice about him (after his size :unsure: ) are his eyes & it draws people in. Very rarely do I get asked if Diesel is OK to approach to pet, but we do get asked if it's OK to go to Myshka, and I think the eye colour thing has a lot to do with it.

We have no quarms about taking ours to our dog park, it tends to be the same few there no matter when we go anyway which is good as the dogs get on great - but we did have 1 dog, a black lab about 12 months old that would NOT leave Myshka alone, he followed her & tried to hump her all the time the dogs were in there together. The ironic thing was his owner (who I'm surprised could look after herself, let alone another living thing) claimed to be a dog trainer! :blink: This lab, Pango, would not listen to a single word from her, and of course, chasing Pango to leave Myshka turned into a great game for him so that resolved nothing. Myshka was very tolerant & put up with it for ages but then began to snap it him, did the owner do anything? Did she stuff! :angry: She wouldn't put it on a lead or even TRY to control it, so we used to leave early, but why should my dogs suffer cos some ignoramous who claims to know better than us won't do as everyone was asking her.

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Ok random thought here - i've found a lot of people are very wary of Kaiser - because he's got blue eyes, do you think because Grey has blue eye's people automatically assume he's going to be vicious? I know it's very stereo typical but a thought?

ps - nice discussion and no slagging - like it up.gif

Na no slagging hunny we all friends here but its good to hear everyones views and sometimes when you start out with an opinion and you hear other peoples opinions, views & thoughts it can make you see the bigger pic and that im not always right in what Im saying with my first first thought and can meet people half way (well except Tony rolleyes.gif he he ha ha) But good thought tho Sarah I think you have a point smile.gif I suppose alot of people do think like that Cause I always have people come up and ask about Grey's eyes. I have even had a few peeps ask me was he blind blink.gif I think I remember Linda or Amy saying on the last camping trip that the blue eye Huskies can be more dominant then the brown eyed Huskies.

Do you notice dominace between Kimba & Kaiser cause of the different eye colour hun? smile.gif x x x x x

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Here in Ipswich its actually illegal to take an agressive dog into a dog park, going by what the sign in the park we go to states, so they actually have no rights to be there. Not sure if its a local bylaw or its UK wide.

Most of the people that I now meet on my walks with Nooks in the mornings are getting educated as to why Huskies are kept on leads in non secure parks so the dodgy looks are getting less and less, as for the dog park any newcomers or regulars that haven't met Nooks yet are very rarely worried about him as word of mouth from the locals has spread that he's a happy and friendly dog.

Tony it might actually be worth getting in with one of the other more sociable owners and spend the time walking and talking with them maybe one with a Labrador. Word should then start to spread that he's a friendly dog.

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Do you notice dominace between Kimba & Kaiser cause of the different eye colour hun? smile.gif x x x x x

To some degree yes, Kaiser does start more arguments lol however if another dog is involved, Kimba is the one to take charge

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If Grey became a big pest and nuisence to other Dogs then I would put him on lead and would walk over to a different part of the Dog park. I refuse to put him on lead when he is doing no more then what any other Dog is doing but it is getting more of an issue made out of it cause of the way he looks. At the end of the day I have no prob in ever admitting when my Dog is in the wrong but i will not back down to those fuddy duddy owners that have a grumpy Dog thats hates other Dogs but will moan there heads off in Dog park while every other Dog is running around happy but not theres.

Grey has been guilty on getting over excited in play and a few times he has tried to hump another Dog or try and steal its ball but other then that he just a nutty, loopy Husky who loves nothing more then Digging, chasing flys and eating flowers blink.gifsmile.gif x x x x x oh and forgot to add weeing on every second lampost.

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I have found that people can be a bit wary of Sampson. Between my two dogs you would think that Nikita would scare people more but when we are stopped and people fuss over them it is normally Nikita that they fuss over.

Sampson has very light blue eyes and the way he looks at people at times can come across as quite scary for those that don't know him. Probably doesn't help that he is rather indifferent to people, he just wants to keep moving and they are on obstacle in his waysmile.gif.

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ok just from the original post Tony was mainly upset with the guy that confronted Grey (which i would be too) so lets say you Bec were in the dog park training your dog doing maybe fetch with a ball and some guy (without a dog0 comes upto you and says no ball games in the dog park you look to your left and see maybe 5 or 6 other owners with different breeds playing ball games with there dogs but the guy says nothing to them, would you not tell the guy to bugger off ??? or would you say ok fair enough and stop.

Ohhhhh Sarahs here now the discussion is bound to go downhill with sleeping bag stories/challenges wink.gif and filthy language .....

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ok just from the original post Tony was mainly upset with the guy that confronted Grey (which i would be too) so lets say you Bec were in the dog park training your dog doing maybe fetch with a ball and some guy (without a dog0 comes upto you and says no ball games in the dog park you look to your left and see maybe 5 or 6 other owners with different breeds playing ball games with there dogs but the guy says nothing to them, would you not tell the guy to bugger off ??? or would you say ok fair enough and stop.

Ohhhhh Sarahs here now the discussion is bound to go downhill with sleeping bag stories/challenges wink.gif and filthy language .....

Im lost? Is this asked to me or bec or everyone? smile.gif x x x x x

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Sorry Hugs it was to Bec but feel free to answer !!! i'm pretty sure everybody will have the same answer though. I was just trying to get across that it seemed Grey was singled out even though every other dog was doing the same thing. Irrelevant of what it was and if it was wrong or right.

Sarah did you find that 3rd person for the sleeping bag challenge ??? tongue.gif

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ok just from the original post Tony was mainly upset with the guy that confronted Grey (which i would be too) so lets say you Bec were in the dog park training your dog doing maybe fetch with a ball and some guy (without a dog0 comes upto you and says no ball games in the dog park you look to your left and see maybe 5 or 6 other owners with different breeds playing ball games with there dogs but the guy says nothing to them, would you not tell the guy to bugger off ??? or would you say ok fair enough and stop.

I haven't commented directly on Tony's incident at the dog park because as I've said earlier, I wasn't there to see what happened, so I can't say who was in the wrong and who was in the right. I've just given suggestions as to what behaviour I would deem appropriate at an off leash area.

ETA: How many other dogs ran up to the Dobe in the same fashion Grey did? If other dogs did approach him in the same manner, did they get told off too? Or have I missed that?

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