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How did you find introducing a new husky to pack


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hi we are looking at getting another husky and was wondering how everyone got on introducing the new arrival,we have keira our husky and leo our staffie they get on really well but think it would be good for keira to have a playmate from her breed and also think it will help calm her down is this usually the case?

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We got Aiyana when she was 12 weeks old and brought her home to Tikaani who is 18 months. He growled a little a first when they were in the house but we took them straight out into the garden together and have got on like a house on fire ever since!biggrin.gif

Make sure the first introduction is either in the garden or out on a walk together, give them time to play and get to know each other.

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hi i had Odin from a pup when he got to 18month old we got Loki rehome best thing i ever did for him, we took Odin to meet Loki they got on great, then when we broght Loki home we started by taking the 2 for a walk then they we're great once we got home, Loki is a girl. Then we got Thor (rehome) the same again we took ours to meet Thor afew times then for a long walk befor we brought him him, being a boy we did have a few minor fights but they are best mates now xxxx always walk them or if u have a safe secure area let them play off lead before beinging them into the house ,,

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hi i had Odin from a pup when he got to 18month old we got Loki rehome best thing i ever did for him, we took Odin to meet Loki they got on great, then when we broght Loki home we started by taking the 2 for a walk then they we're great once we got home, Loki is a girl. Then we got Thor (rehome) the same again we took ours to meet Thor afew times then for a long walk befor we brought him him, being a boy we did have a few minor fights but they are best mates now xxxx always walk them or if u have a safe secure area let them play off lead before beinging them into the house ,,

Well were going to look at an 8 month old girl tonight do u think 2 girls is ok or should we be looking for a boy?

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we introduces a female pup in2 our pack 2 months ago - we walked them 2geva 1st we didnt just bring Skyla straight in as we knew Blaze wouldnt like it - i thought it would b Blaze who wouldnt b good with skyla but he was fine - she was tryin 2 nip him!! lol - we gave them a walk then brought them in2 the house 2geva and we havent had any problems since :)

like you i also have a staffy (staffy x but u no lol) and they all get on fine :)

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I have two boys and a girl, all get on amazingly well!!

I also have fostered a fair few girls and they always came in and got on really well with my girl too - so I don't think you will get any issues there!

We also visit a friend of mine who has 4 girl huskies all living well together.

Introduce them on neutral grounds and make sure they have space away from each other too. And don't worry if you do have the odd fight to start off with you have to give them time to settle in.

Sarah x

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We took Noushka to the breeders to meet Falkor, we spent some time with Falkor before bringing Noushka in. They pretty much ignored each other but were fine in the car on the 5 hour journey home.

When we got home we let Noushka in first then let Falkor follow a minute later and so far there has been no fighting.

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I don't know about calm her down, you'll more likely end up with double-trouble :D

One Sibe is a sibe, two plus is a mob and they get upto mob 'stuff' ;)

How you do it depends on whether you add a pup, or an older dog. Pups need careful supervision with big dogs and never leave the two together unsupervised till the pup is a good 6 months old. Some pups think they are invincable and bigger than they are, and if things get rough, you need to be able to step in to calm it down, or injuries can occur. Our youngest boy lauched himself off the swinging bench in our garden at 12 weeks, because the big dogs do :rolleyes:......Damaged the ligaments in his back leg, little bugger! (He recovered ok, but needed a few trips to the vets)

Introducing an adult depends on your pack dynamic. Initial introductions are best done on neutral ground (some place away from both adults home 'territory'). We've had a few fosters through, and also have 3 dogs of our own introduced as adults. Careful supervision is needed till the new dog settles in and learns your routine and sae rule would apply: Never leave the two together till your SURE the newbie is fully integrated as part of your 'pack' and their not going to engage in a dominance scrap when you turn your back. Some take longer than others to settle in. Depends on the new dogs teperament and past and how much 'baggage' they come with. Our two adult boys slotted in very quickly. Both came from good first homes where they had been well-treated and were calm, well-balanced lads (both from working homes, giving up and rehoing their workers to new working homes). Our girl was just a year old when she joined us and had a rather unsettled past: Relationship split-up etc. She was very loving from the word go, but a little nervous and head-shy initially. We were just very calm and consistant with her, and she settled in a matter of weeks. Theres a saying that it takes 3 months to properly settle an adult into a new pack and would say that's probably not far from the truth. You will notice when they start to 'get their feet under the table' and thats the point where you realise they know this is 'home' B)

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I get my new girl friday coming up YAAAAAAAY though i have been thinking a lot on this. as obviously when she comes home it will be sakari's home an getting used to sharing i think will be a bit of an ass.

But also having said that i have taken her to meet her new lil sister an they got on perfectly dont know if this is down to her being such a relaxed husky or not but they all had a play and was fine. So i would suggest taking you're dogs some where mutual to see reactions.

I'm also taking sakari for an ultra long walk on friday befor i pick her up so she has less energy (at least thats the plan) lol

And going to take her for a swim on the thursday in hope that draining of energy will help keep her calm..

I have also bought a crate though i dont like them to be honest an never used one befor i think that for one of them to have a refuge an place to go from the other so they have their own space when needed it will help keep all if any tension low as nukka will only be 8 weeks.

Also do not treat the dogs differently i have seen thm become challenging over this befor the rules that go for you're current dog apply to the knew dog simple as that. Though my Nukka will be learning tollerence will be allowed as dogs like people are not born with knowledge only whats installed upon them


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