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Ok so what to not let you're dosg eat


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I have just become aware that grapes are toxic to dogs thanks to our dear sid big thumbs up to you i would be oblivious other wise.

So up on learning this i decided to see what else is truely not good for our dogs to eat hat could be ignored on a day to day bassis we all know some things no 1 knows everything and im sure i will have missed some things out that others here can add to the list.

Its in general health but should maybe under food an diets I'm not sure but here goes


Raw Pork may contain a swine disease known as Aujeszky’s Disease or pseudorabies.

It is incurable and fatal to Dogs. However the bacteria are highly susceptible to freezing. Any Raw Pork or Pork bones that have been frozen for three weeks at a suitably low temperature will be safe for your Dogs to eat.

Almonds, Macadamias And Other Nuts

Firstly, all Nuts are difficult for Dogs to digest so do not feed them to your Dog. Also, unfortunately, as with Grapes and Raisins, the exact reasons why many Nuts are dangerous, or toxic, for Dogs is not fully understood.It seems that Macadamia Nuts are the most toxic for Dogs and should be completely avoided. After eating Macadamias a Dog may begin vomiting and show severe signs of weakness.

bitter Almond that can be the most problematic for Dogs. Containing Cyanide it should be avoided

Avocados (dont think any1 would feed their dogs this but ya never know)

Avocados can be poisonous to Dogs. The fruit contains Persin which can damage the heart and lungs and can lead to very serious problems. If your Dog does become poisoned it may experience real difficulty breathing, or have large build ups of fluid in its chest or abdomen

Tomato Plants

It is not very likely that your Dog would choose to eat the foliage of tomato plants but they contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. Just make sure they are kept away from your Dog. Dogs may easily begin eating the leaves and stems if they are near to fallen Tomatoes (as all our sibes like to much plants)

Grapes And Raisins (this is wghat i just become aware of)

the effects are very serious. In some Dogs even small quantities can cause severe problems. There is serious risk of Kidney failure and death. If your Dog has eaten any significant quantity of Grapes or Raisins you must get to the Vets immediately. The quicker your Dog is treated the better its chances of recovery. Do not feed Dogs large amounts of these (cheers for the heads up SID smile.gif )

Chocolate (I see this daily with people and always stop them but they look at me like im thick)

Absolutely not! Chocolate is very dangerous for Dogs and should never be given to them.

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both stimulants, that can affect your Dog very seriously. It can cause problems with the nervous system and the heart. White chocolate contains the least toxic elements and Cocoa beans the most toxic.

The Theobromine can build up until it reaches toxic levels in your Dog and can result in death. Bear in mind that the smaller the Dog, the less it will need to eat before symptoms occur. Chocolate can be very toxic to Dogs so avoid it as much as possible

Caffeine (another thing i see quiet reg when walking past cafes with people out side etc)

Caffeine should be avoided. It can cause problems to a Dogs heart and nervous system.


Like Garlic, Onions should never be fed to Dogs. Even small amounts can be a problem. The reason is because the effects can build up over time so there is an accumulative effect.

(thoug as general consensus people feed their dogs garlic i small doses which seems to be fine)

Onions can cause anemia by destroying red blood cells

Cooked Bones ( I know we all know this but regardless its about as much info as poss so here it is anyway)

Unlike raw bones, cooked bones become very brittle. They can easily shatter and can cause untold damage to your Dogs insides. Pieces can get lodged in the intestines creating blockages that will need to be operated on to be removed. The dangers of cooked bones for Dogs cannot be overemphasised. Never feed them any cooked bones. Raw bones are a much better option and will help to clean your Dogs teeth


Alcohol is very dangerous for Dogs. Never let your Dog get access to anything alcoholic, or anything containing alcohol. There are many cases of alcohol poisoning Dogs and owners of small Dogs need to be especially wary. Don’t let your Dog lap at your Beer or glass of Wine. You may find it cute or funny but you are doing a disservice to your Dog.

Lapping at alcohol can obviously cause intoxication but also liver failure, coma, seizures and death. As we have already discovered, Grapes are toxic to Dogs so Wine is especially dangerous. Hops are toxic to Dogs also so Beer should be kept well away from Dogs.


There is nothing wrong with feeding organs to Dogs on an infrequent basis. In fact they will do them nothing but good. Liver however should not be fed in large amounts. Liver can be dangerous for Dogs if fed in large quantities.

Feeding large amounts of Liver to your Dog can result in Vitamin A toxicity which can affect muscles and bones. Too much Liver can be dangerous for Dogs, it can result in deformed bones, unusual bone growth and weight loss. Always feed Liver in moderation and your Dog will benefit, just do not feed more than a few times a week

Please add to the list im sure there are more im unaware of hope at least 1 person finds this of use smile.gif

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Always nice to be reminded. . .good post keath. biggrin.gif +1

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Oh quick question......

Can you feed dogs garlic bread? As you have said not to feed garlic huh.gif

Nope. . . No. . . UH Uh. . negatory. .erm, don't think so.

Hope this helps. . . lol laugh.gif

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Oh quick question......

Can you feed dogs garlic bread? As you have said not to feed garlic huh.gif

Toxic Dog Food

Onions and Garlic

Onions contain thiosulphate, which is toxic to dogs. This chemical is also present in other members of the onion family (notably Garlic). An overdose results in the dog's red blood cells bursting (haemolytic anaemia).

The symptoms may include the following:

  • May vomit
  • May have diarrhoea
  • May have reduced interest or no interest in food
  • May be dull and weak
  • Urine may be pinkish (the colour is from the burst blood cells)
  • May be short of breath (due to loss of red blood cells)

The symptoms may not appear until some days after the onion has been eaten.

Onions (and Garlic) are poisonous in all forms: raw, cooked, dehydrated. If you feed your dog 'table scraps', be aware that onion is often added to restaurant and fast foods (e.g. pizza) even if not requested. It is also added to various products (e.g. baby food) in powdered form, so may not be visible.

That being said, onions and garlic appear to be a serious health risk only in large amounts. Some research suggests that the deadly level for a dog is about 50g of onion per kg of dog, which equates to half a kilogram for a 10 kilogram dog, consumed either at one time or over a few days. Research indicates that garlic is less toxic than onion.

This is just what i found out and as onions an garlic are in the same family i would say not to feed them it.

But then again bread is also not good for dogs in large dosses that I know of anyways..So i have always avoided it. 9aside from that time sakari stole my marmite on toast grrr lol

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Nice one Keith

I never knew about the raw pork ... i feed mine raw pork sometimes luckily it's been frozen for a while so should be fine.

Back on the garlic thing i'm sure i read somewhere that giving your dog a garlic pill every 3 days or so in summer helps keep fleas and stuff away or is this just an old wives tale.

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Nice one Keith

I never knew about the raw pork ... i feed mine raw pork sometimes luckily it's been frozen for a while so should be fine.

Back on the garlic thing i'm sure i read somewhere that giving your dog a garlic pill every 3 days or so in summer helps keep fleas and stuff away or is this just an old wives tale.

I was thinking the same as i feed flaked garlic to my horses

  1. to keep digestive system healthy
  2. to help keep away flies
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Toxic Dog Food

Onions and Garlic

Onions contain thiosulphate, which is toxic to dogs. This chemical is also present in other members of the onion family (notably Garlic). An overdose results in the dog's red blood cells bursting (haemolytic anaemia).

The symptoms may include the following:

  • May vomit
  • May have diarrhoea
  • May have reduced interest or no interest in food
  • May be dull and weak
  • Urine may be pinkish (the colour is from the burst blood cells)
  • May be short of breath (due to loss of red blood cells)

The symptoms may not appear until some days after the onion has been eaten.

Onions (and Garlic) are poisonous in all forms: raw, cooked, dehydrated. If you feed your dog 'table scraps', be aware that onion is often added to restaurant and fast foods (e.g. pizza) even if not requested. It is also added to various products (e.g. baby food) in powdered form, so may not be visible.

That being said, onions and garlic appear to be a serious health risk only in large amounts. Some research suggests that the deadly level for a dog is about 50g of onion per kg of dog, which equates to half a kilogram for a 10 kilogram dog, consumed either at one time or over a few days. Research indicates that garlic is less toxic than onion.

This is just what i found out and as onions an garlic are in the same family i would say not to feed them it.

But then again bread is also not good for dogs in large dosses that I know of anyways..So i have always avoided it. 9aside from that time sakari stole my marmite on toast grrr lol

Lol!! I came back to my salmon on toast once when it was on the kitchen side and Tikaani had cleverly reached up and pinched the salmon off the top!!tongue.gif

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You can feed a small amount of garlic, is actually very good for them (used a lot in raw feeding)

As long as your pork is human grade meat it will be FINE. Kira often has raw pork :)

Other than that, agree 100%

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I can't speak for horses every species has different tollerances.

But i was just looking up about garlic an keeping fleas away seems to be mixture one based on opinions an scientific facts seem to differ.

The most commen thing i found from looking it up though is fleas tend to be more partial to unhealthy dogs although any dogs can get them so dont take that as a judgement thing but nothing specific on garlic. but by all means show me the proof an i will believe lol.

I only go on what i can say i have found out from a host of different sites anthat all seem to agree not gone by 1 site on my info.

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Nah its cool i have read it as well I'm very undecided on it seem's to be a very mixed feeling i am curious my self to this so still looking in to it Sid is the person in the know about this kind of stuff i only went na partial rampage because of my enlightenment to grapes smile.gif

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Feed your dog a garlic clove, a lil bit of powder or a tablet... not gunna cause any harm....

A large mount of garlic, yea your gunna get problems

I dont make a habit of feeding garlic, but i have done without problems, as have many others

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i guess we need to be careful with the socks then... thats all she plays with but more as tug a war instead of eating them lol i also heard toys that are made of "stringy" rope which can be then eaten and cause problems. One girl at the dog park told me about her husky eat an eye of a toy and had to have emergency surgery...blink.gif

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Ok i can't help but feel that was a slight dig at me there. Despite you say other wise. I spent ages looking in to all this an did not go just off one site. Everything i posted can be looked up and checked by any one and make you're own judgement.

The whole point of it is for the things you do not think twice about I.E every day things like letting you're dogs drink coffee from cups etc..

And also not in arguing mode i feel that statement is a little wrong its like saying to all the students out there dont use the internet to look up infomation to do assignments on. I feel personaly the whole point of the net is to seek infomation. And also the whole point of this site to share swap learn an talk about things such as this smile.gif

But you are entitle to you're opinion as i am to defend mine smile.gif

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On the garlic thing.. When we took Nooks to the vets when he had a bug that was going round the dog population in this area. We'd mentioned the half a clove of garlic we give him each week and they told us it wouldn't have been that, and that it was ok if given in small doses.

Coffee we have no worries about lol Nooks runs and hides everytime he realises I'm making a coffee. He hates the smell of it.

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