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how do people assess a husky before putting it up for rehoming?

keiko mummy

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well really i cant say wat my ideas would be on what else yous can do because noone has really answered my question on how the dogs are actually assessed so i dont know what it is that yous do? i suppose from post that i have read noone has the funding to give these dogs a chance. noone seems to rehabiltate them which is a shame if that is the case:(

Sorry don't know how to quote!

Basically when I go and do a dog assessment I try to find out as much info about the dog before hand as possible to determine which of my own dogs to take with me.

Once there I meet the dog and introduce them, either on a walk or in the garden at the house.

I then spend some time there getting to know the dog a bit and see how it reacts to been touched, with its water, toys etc.

If all is well, which majority of the times it is then the dog is passed and brought into foster care.

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is there an organistation that are behaviourist and purley work with dogs that have "failed"? i think that it would be good to have something like that but again it would come down to the funding! i think all dog should be microchipped by law that way noone could abondone there dog with being prosocuted for it and then we wouldnt have so meny dogs needing rehomed

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assess then away from the environment they live in where they can relax without fear and be wrongly assessed as my Loki was.

I'm really upset by this as people who have met Loki know better but the people that have not met her will now be weary of coming near her on meets, i'm gutted and nix you might see her on monday but the way i feel right now you might not sorry

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Not that im aware of, although would be great if there was, they would have alot of work to do!

It is a shame when dogs do fail assessments, if we had unlimited money it would be great to have kennels and employ a dog trainer. However these dogs are coming into peoples homes with other dogs, and small children we have to be careful on the decisions we make.

As Mick mentioned before people admit after the assessment that something has happened previously and just 'hoped' we didn't notice blink.gif

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Linda, if you know Loki is fine, and other people who have met her agree then don't worry???

Think of it as a credit to your work and home environment that she is a totally different dog to the one assessed a few years ago! biggrin.gif

I don't agree that Loki was wrongly assessed as at the time that is what her behavior showed - all be it she may be totally different now.

RE taking them away from the environment, this would involve getting the current owners to meet somewhere - which most of them would not be willing to do. It would work with some owners but not others.

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linda dont be so daft EVERYONE knows loki is a great dog noone will be thinking or bein weary of her god shes a softy shes exactly like my keiko and shes goin so if u dont go then i shudnt either lol they are livley full of life but def no way hooosayyyyy aggresive so YOU ARE COMMING OK!!!! LOL :D

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well really i cant say wat my ideas would be on what else yous can do because noone has really answered my question on how the dogs are actually assessed so i dont know what it is that yous do? i suppose from post that i have read noone has the funding to give these dogs a chance. noone seems to rehabiltate them which is a shame if that is the case:(

Leeann, from what Iv learned at uni and working voluntary for the RSPCA for a while, the behaviour assesments that are done are almost exactly how you would think, they have the dog in controled circumstances (or as controled as they can make them) and litterally introduce it to different things, everything from children, other dogs, cats and normal household noises like washers and vaccum cleaners and the assessor will watch the behaviour to see how they react to each stimulous.. obviously if the dog shows signs of stress to anything they leave the next test for a while to not over stress the dog. Then at the end the assessor will write a report on how much work needs doing with the dog to be able to home it and if it will need a home that will continue that work and they go from there.

Hope that all makes sence and is helpful, from what I've learned that is how larger organisations work. smile.gif

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is there an organistation that are behaviourist and purley work with dogs that have "failed"? i think that it would be good to have something like that but again it would come down to the funding! i think all dog should be microchipped by law that way noone could abondone there dog with being prosocuted for it and then we wouldnt have so meny dogs needing rehomed

oooh that would be my absolute dream job! I would love to work with dogs that very few others could help and be the person who was able to help that dog through its problems and through to the other side! Help them to trust people, show them we can be nice and loving! Oooh all those dogs I could help those ones that the governement terms "dangerous dogs", whenever they seized one they could bring it to me!!! biggrin.gif

I just need to win the lottery and then I promise you all faithfully that is what you will find me doing!

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Leeann, from what Iv learned at uni and working voluntary for the RSPCA for a while, the behaviour assesments that are done are almost exactly how you would think, they have the dog in controled circumstances (or as controled as they can make them) and litterally introduce it to different things, everything from children, other dogs, cats and normal household noises like washers and vaccum cleaners and the assessor will watch the behaviour to see how they react to each stimulous.. obviously if the dog shows signs of stress to anything they leave the next test for a while to not over stress the dog. Then at the end the assessor will write a report on how much work needs doing with the dog to be able to home it and if it will need a home that will continue that work and they go from there.

Hope that all makes sence and is helpful, from what I've learned that is how larger organisations work. smile.gif

It's a bit different with us (SHWA). As I said above somewhere, we carry out a two-stage assessment. The first stage is the stage that Loki "failed" - where a SHWA assessor meets the dog in its home and sees how it interacts within the home, how it interacts with strangers and how it interacts with other dogs.

The second stage is when the dog comes into its foster home. Living within the foster home for a period of time (sometimes as long as six months - but usually 2-4 weeks) the fosterer gets to know the dog as it gains confidence in its new surroundings and the true temperament of the dog comes out. As a result of this second period of assessment, the fosterer and the area co-ordinator, are able to assess what sort of home would be most suitable for the dog.


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What training do your assessers get as the first time i meet Loki she gave me a huge kiss and i was a stranger ???????

It's all going wrong some where, just how many dogs like Loki have lost their lives due to this. my girl could have lost her's and she's very soft an lovin a lil gobby but thats it.

I pitty the dog's that lost their life that could have been great dogs like mine. an i don't care what any one says if she was aggressive with your assesser coz he/she was a stranger why not with me an hubby ????

I'm outta here gutted

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oooh that would be my absolute dream job! I would love to work with dogs that very few others could help and be the person who was able to help that dog through its problems and through to the other side! Help them to trust people, show them we can be nice and loving! Oooh all those dogs I could help those ones that the governement terms "dangerous dogs", whenever they seized one they could bring it to me!!! :D

I just need to win the lottery and then I promise you all faithfully that is what you will find me doing!

GOOD when u win lotto can i come work with u as i suggested it :D

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I think that you are taking things out of context, we have never said that we would put the dog you have to sleep and I feel that you are forcing this at us for no reason,

I remember meeting the dog at Martin Mere last year, you had to stand away from all the other dogs as yours were aggressive to say the least, I came over to speak to you and told you then that this dog had failed our assessment at the time and that it had snapped at the familys young child,

I wish you luck and hoped that she would work out with you . so why are you making out that every dog that fails our assessment is put to sleep, that is totally untrue, we are getting upto 5 dogs a week relinquished to us, so we cant be all that bad,

I am glad that she has settled and changed with you, again I wish you the best with her, she was one that we were not able to help.



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did i point that at you no i ment all centres pluss your so wrong terry i dont want to argue here but at the meet it was Odin that was stressed not Loki.

He was stressed coz of traveling so long and he was fine later, as for Loki she was accualy right next to your dogs and others without a problem.

Also you never said any thing about Loki being assessed as you told me in PM on here that you never realized who she was at the time and it was in that PM that you told me.

So i am sorry you have taken this the wrong way and i do apologize if you have i'm a very protective person with my dogs as you your self pobably are xxxxxx

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I'm really tired, so maybe am misreading this thread, but I don't understand why its gone the way it has. I really don't understand where the animosity is coming from towards rescue organisations, especially small ones like the SHWA. Let me tell you about my day.

I got up this morning at 7am, and I fed all 25 dogs here - 11 are mine, the rest are dogs that have been dumped by their beloved owners. I took my older son to school, then I drove 3.5 hours to Dublin, from one side of the country to the other literally (I can see the Atlantic ocean from my house, and I saw the Irish Sea when we got to Dublin) to take my dog Sky to an eye expert. Then I went to a foster carer's home to pick up a dog that he can no longer look after, as they rescued a cute GSD puppy, so the husky no longer fits in. Then I drove to a Dublin dog pound to collect 2 GSDs that needed to be transported to another rescue, that was kind of, but not quite, on my way home. I also collected a male malamute from the pound, to being him back to my place, he's in a bad way, but I'm sure that with lots of TLC and good food, he will be fine. Then I sent off for home, making a detour about 30 miles out of Dublin to go and see two 4 month old hukamute pups that need to be rehomed. I couldn't take them there and then, as my van was full and I'd only got the call about them while I was in Dublin, so I hadn't brought another crate. I dropped the GSDs off, adding about another hour onto my journey, and finally got home at 10.40pm. I then went and put all the dogs away, and brought the new mal and the 'old' sibe out of the van, fed them and settled them for the night, and brought Sky in.

Now, I won't be paid a penny for any of that, I won't even get my petrol reimbursed. I will feed all of these dogs again tomorrow, and walk them and clean up after them. I will assess them to the best of my ability and try to find them new homes - not easy for sibes and mals - no sorry, it is easy to find them homes, dead easy. What is not easy, is finding them good homes, homes where they won't be bounced back to me, or be shot in a field full of sheep.

I don't understand why people seem to feel that rescue organisations such as mine and SHWA etc are the enemy. We spend our lives helping these dogs that we didn't breed, that nobody else wants, and doing our best, thats all, just our best. If its not good enough, then sorry, but thats all there is. I am absolutely exhausted tonight, as I am most nights. I'm not having a go at anybody here, but if you think the system is wrong - then set up your own system, volunteer to foster dogs, or to be an assessor, a homechecker, whatever is needed. Don't think that just because some people spend their lives helping dogs that other people no longer want, that they are to blame.

This probably doesn't make sense, but as I say, I'm exhausted.

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Makes sense to me LOL ... thats a bloody long post for someone who's tired LOL

I think to be honest its the same with all these kinds of posts. There are misunderstanding all over the place and at the end of the day thats all they are. Its not a "x person is the enemy" thing, its simply that the welfare organsations are so hooked on the welfare of the animals that things can sometimes be misunderstood by people, and likewise people are so hooked on their own sibes that sometimes what they say can be misunderstood by the organisations.

Nobody is wrong, purely differing opinions at times. The guys on here in both directions are doing nothing but trying to help, its just not so easy some times to put this across in text how you actually mean.

Anyways, thats what we're all here for ... Exactly the same thing .. We love Siberian Huskies. Yeah maybe some people do it differently than others, but hey thats life. If we all did it the same how would any of us ever learn anything. :)

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You know this is so stupid I stand by all rescue centres and I’ve never mentioned any names in any way. The question was how are they assessed end off.

It was all over and ended in good spirit then started back up in a no so good way.

I think you all do great work so if any thing I said was put in the wrong context then I’m the first to apologise so I’m sorry I’m just a protective owner and may have gone ott but for being over protective I wont apologise for.

I will how ever apologise for not being very good at putting things in writing and if I have upset any one sorry

Now I am going to ask for this thread to be closed as I think both sides have got their point across xxxxx

All the very best to you all you do, do a great job xxxx

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And on that note ...... topic closed :)

Some good stuff in here and all in all I think everyone has had their opinions and to leave it open now would only serve to go over the same things.

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